PS4/XOne/PC Batman: Arkham Knight

Bitte nicht, Joker war jetzt dreimal der Mainvillain. Es reicht xD
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finde den trailer mau, da gabs doch gerade zuletzt wesentlich coolere batman trailer.
Wenn's nicht getriggert wird, frag ich mich, wie sie das mit den NPCs machen wollen. Drüberfahren geht ja wohl kaum? Weichen die dann permanent aus? Oder macht das Batmobil dann bei voller Geschwindigkeit ne automatische Vollbremsung? :ugly:
Na ja, allzu überfüllt werden die Straßen nicht sein(siehe Vorgänger und wenn, dann wird es wohl so wie in Driver: SF sein.

Die guten NPCs werden sich wohl wieder nur in ihren Häusern aufhalten (sprich wie immer :ugly:), aber die Schurken werden wohl sicher wieder auf den Straßen patroullieren, von daher würde es mich schon interessieren, wie sie das gelöst haben. Fand's in Driver jedenfalls nicht unbedingt sehr ästhetisch gelöst :ugly: ^^
ist batmobil selber fahren eig bestätigt?
oder gehen da alle nur von aus, weil mans im trailer gesehen hat, wie er mit dem teil fährt?
Das Batmobil ist jetzt sooft zu sehen gewesen (auf den Bildern, im Trailer). Selbst wenn es nicht explizit erwähnt worden sein sollte, wäre das ne reichlich dämliche Kampagne, wenn man selbst nicht hinters Steuer könnte xD
Gothom City is 5 times bigger than AC. Split into 3 areas. NO LOAD TIMES at all, entering buildings is seemless.
They spend a bunch of time talking about how detailed the models are, one character has more polygons than the environment of Asylum.
You can eject jump out of the batmobile right into a super fast glide straight through the glass of a building to knock out enemies. They said glass breaking will be a big new thing.

Few more things:
You can now use the linear launcher on anything to create ziplines. This is done in mid flight so you can quickly land where you want.
All enemies now have the ability to grapple Batman, not just big guys.
Roads wont have many vehicles, just some thug cars and cop cruisers
There can be enemy riots, up to 50 enemies on screen at once.
More Riddler type challenges than just racing.

Some more on the story and the demo GI played. Don't read if you dont want spoilers

Starts off with the evacuation of Gotham cause Scarecrow has put fear toxin bombs all over
Each villain is doing their own mission to cause chaos and spread Batman thin.
Two-Face and Pengiun are shooting cops in the streets.
Batman sees the batsignal and meets Gordon at the roof, fills him in on the scarecrow issue and Gordon gets a call from Barbara saying she is out of the city.
Batman goes off to find scarecrow thugs and contacts Barbara who is of course still in the city helping him out.
He helps some police when an armored vehicle comes through the streets blowing up police cars, batman hops into the batmobile and takes down the vehicle. Out of the wreckage a scarecrow thug tries to throw fear toxin at batman but he catches it and gets the info he wants.
He takes a detour to find a riddler thug, you know the drill, this leads him into an underground race track, lab thing where Riddler shows up and says he will be testing you all night long.
He beats the race track, Riddler says he will use the data he learned to make much harder tracks later.
He next visits the clock tower oracle is in, it has a statue head that you pull back like Adam West's switch, no red button, its a scanner instead. This reveals the hidden room. She is analyzing the toxin from the thug. It has a radiation she can track, Batman needs to reach an antennae in the Falcone shipping yard.
He beats up some goons and puts the tracker on the antennae. As he walks out he is being shot at buy a guy in a militaristic Batsuit flying through the air at him. The batsuit has a big A on it. He knocks down Batman, stomps on him and says "you aren't going anywhere". He points his gun at Batman's head and the screen fades to black and you hear a gunshot. End of demo.

:o :o :o Was, bis zu 50Gegner gleichzeitig auf dem Schirm!!!!
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Hier eine Zusammenfassung der Preview, von einem User auf NeoGAF:

  • Last Batman game for Rocksteady, will work on something totally new next.
  • There will be a brand new villain, something made by Rocksteady that they say will be the ultimate test for Batman
  • Batmobile can be called at any moment with a button.
  • The city streets are much wider to allow for the batmobile. You will rocket jump off ramps and do all sorts of cool maneuvers.
  • You can eject jump out of the batmobile right into a super fast glide straight through the glass of a building to knock out enemies. They said glass breaking will be a big new thing.
  • New moves include being able to use all your gadgets during flight. You now have a counter throw where you counter a guy and throw him into another guy. A new quick ground takedown. A quick backflip where you then throw a batarang in an enemies face.
  • For the predator sections you can now chain takedowns of up to four enemies. For instance pop out of a grate and take one guy, jump to the next and so on. You can now enter grates from a distance, he will automatically do a jump or roll to enter them.
  • Riddler challenges seem to be car based. The first one has you enter a sort of Riddler race track where you have to activate walls and ramps, when you activate one another closes so as you drive you have to be constantly turning on and off these ramps as you navigate the course.
  • Batmobile fires missles and stun guns. It destroys anything it touches so if you bump into cars the cars go flying. It's basically unstoppable.
  • Story is that after Joker's death all the criminals decided to work together and their plan comes together this night where they plan to kill batman. The article talks mostly about Scarecrow, he scattered bombs throughout Gotham
  • Oracle will play a larger role, you get to visit her base and talk to her, tons of batman easter eggs included.
  • Kevin Conroy is Batman, all the previous voice actors are back.
  • Gotham City is 5 times bigger than AC. Split into 3 areas. NO LOAD TIMES at all, entering buildings is seemless.
  • They spend a bunch of time talking about how detailed the models are, one character has more polygons than the environment of Asylum.
  • Batman will start off with the old batsuit and upgrade at some point in the game.
  • It says it is running on their modified Unreal engine.
EDIT: Fanti, mach doch bitte Spoiler-Tags beim 2. Teil der Quote. ;)
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Nur das sie bereits jetzt sagen das es der letzte Teil wird während Ubi AC weiterhin am melken ist.
ist der joker denn im 3. teil wirklich gestorben? hab den teil ausgelassen, weils mir viel zu schnell nach ac erschienen ist.
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