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An Impromptu Chat With Marvelous And The President Of Imageepoch
By Spencer . October 27, 2008 . 9:34pm
Back at Tokyo Game Show I caught with Ryoei Mikage, the President of Imageepoch, and Hideyuki Mizutani, Operating Officer at Marvelous Entertainment. We talked about a lot of things. You already know about one of them. We touched on Arc Rise Fantasias story, the Arc Rise Fantasia series, and Imageepochs future projects. Yes, the Arc Rise Fantasia series. Down the road Arc Rise Fantasia could be part of a series, but this kind of plan will only come into fruition if the first game sells.
I played Arc Rise Fantasia using the Classic Controller. Do you plan to implement motion control too?
Hideyuki Mizutani, Operating Officer at Marvelous Entertainment: For the game you can use the Classic Controller, Gamecube controller, and Nunchuck/Wii remote. But, we dont really utilize the capability of swinging it since we were thinking of a traditional RPG where you sit down and enjoy it for a long period of time.
Can you tell us about the story?
Ryoei Mikage, President of Imageepoch: There are creatures called Fallen Dragons (note: English names have not been decided yet) and they cause disasters within the world. There is also an energy called Ray, sort of like a magical energy and different countries, different places are fighting against each other over the Ray. The natural balance of the world is thrown off so all of these monsters are appearing. In the midst of that there is a boy and a girl. They both have an important part, sort of like the key of the world. Depending on the decisions they make they can change the balance of the world.
How long do you think it will take for someone to complete Arc Rise Fantasia?
HM: Only the story part alone, probably 40 hours. Include the sub-quests and extra additional parts, 10-20 hours more.
Out of all the main characters which one is your favorite?
RM: We havent announced those yet so its hard to say. Please wait. Well be announced a male character soon and I like that one.
The one wearing red?
RM: Not that one
Arc Rise Fantasia is not related to Luminous Arc at all right?
HM: No.
Lets switch to Luminous Arc for a second. I saw a mobile game at TGS, but are you planning on making another game for the DS or consoles?
HM: For the mobile game its based on the first Luminous Arc. As for the using the first Luminous Arc were not planning anything to make it into another console game for now.
Are you concerned about the sales of Arc Rise Fantasia on the Wii? Some core games on the Wii havent sold so well. Namco Bandais Tales of Symphonia, an established brand, might be one of the exceptions.
RM: In our minds if its goes close to Tales of Symphonia well be satisfied. Were thinking about expanding Arc Rise Fantasia into second and third sequels. As for the first one were not thinking its going to be that much of a big hit.
For a sequel are you thinking of using the same characters or using completely different characters and a new world like the Final Fantasy series?
HM: [Laughs] If we are going to make a sequel, if we can make a sequel its closer to Final Fantasy, but I dont want to say that because Final Fantasy completely changes the story and their characters. It will have common elements, a bit of different characters and a bit of a different story.
Are you already planning a sequel?
RM: No comment. Right now were working on a lot of different action games as well so were learning and applying action skills. The basic concept of Imageepoch is fantasy games. That doesnt really mean RPG or action. Our games are within the fantasy genre.
What kind of action game would you make? Would you make one with lots of shaking for the Wii or something very difficult like Ninja Gaiden?
RM: More like Super Mario Galaxy-ish.
So kind of cute?
RM: Were experimenting with a Resident Evil-type and were also experimenting stuff with a Super Mario Galaxy-type. At Imageepoch its not like this is only the type of brand that we do. Its like would it be interesting to do this? We dont really have a solid statement, but were play around a lot.
If you were working on an action game will use the characters from Arc Rise Fantasia or Luminous Arc?
RM: That would be great.
HM: That would be great, but we havent thought of that yet.
It seems like Imageepoch has grown so much. Are you hiring people every day to work on new projects?
RM: I have been working in the gaming industry since I was 16 years old, while I was still in high school. I worked at Koei, Square Enix, and Namco Bandai during my high school and college years. All of the people I worked with back then like the movie designer and scenario designer currently at Imageepoch were people that taught me what gaming was about. Since I have a long relationship with them I dont feel like its becoming a different company by hiring, its adding my old friends.
Is Marvelous is planning on publishing many more Imageepoch games?
HM: Definitely, that would be great.
RM: We want to take it a step at a time to make something great each and every time. If one title sells you can kind of think were making two. If two sells than were working on four titles.
For these projects is Marvelous planning them or is Imageepoch pitching games to Marvelous?
HM: Right now, its a little bit of both.
RM: Because we have a really good relationship. Honestly, we see each other two or three times a week. Its not really like getting together and pitching them ideas. We are constantly talking about what we can do so its like it would be great to this and vice versa. Sometimes Mizutani-san will come up with three keyword phrases and pitch that to me and I would say what about this kind of game design? Then Mizutani-san would say that exactly was what I was talking about! Its a really quick process so its easy to work with Marvelous.
Right now weve seen all of the Marvelous published Imageepoch games come out in America. Are you designing games for Japan first and then seeing if they work for North America or are you making games with a worldwide audience since Marvelous has a partnership with Xseed?
HM: Were thinking about the US from the beginning.
- Derzeit arbeitet ImageEpoch an einer Reihe von Action-Titeln. Man sieht sich selbst nicht als RPG-Studio. Solange die Spiele ein Fantasy-Szenario haben, passen sie zu ImageEpoch - unabhängig vom Genre.
Ein neues Desaster bräut sich da zusammen. :o
Ansonsten hören sich die restlichen Infos sehr gut an. Vor allem die Spielzeit und das mit der CC und GC Controller Unterstützung.![]()
Was ist daran denn so besonders toll? Ob man jetzt den A-Knopf auf der Wii-Mote oder auf dem Classic-Controller drückt, ist doch total egal :confused:
Außerdem ist es nur unnötig fummelig, vor dem Zocken erstmal einen GC- oder Classic-Controller anzuschließen. Deswegen erscheint mir diese Unterstützung irgendwie sinnlos zu sein.
Sorry, aber dann hast du mit Wii auf das falsche Pferd gesetzt.Abgesehen davon zocke ich solche Games lieber mit einem richtigen Pad inner Hand, du musst es ja nicht nutzen, ist eh nur optional.![]()
Sorry, aber dann hast du mit Wii auf das falsche Pferd gesetzt.
Genau darum geht es doch. Fuchteln ist ein Begriff von Bashern. Ermüden und chillige Zockersession. Das kann man ja alles auch mit Wii haben auch mit "Fuchteln". Wenn hier jemand schreibt, dass er möchte, dass man Bewegungen mit einbauen sollte, dann schreit er nicht nach wildem Schütteln. Wenn Schütteln, dann klug eingesetzt. Dieses "klug" ist aber meist schon nach zwei Minuten Brainstorming ertragsreich.Ich habe gesagt, dass ich SOLCHE Games lieber mit einem klassischen Pad zocke und ob ich jetzt per Analog Stick oder Pointer durch die Menüs navigiere tut auch nichts grosses zur Sache. Ich habe nicht gesagt, dass die Wiimote in keinem Game mehr eingesetzt werden soll. Es gibt Games wo sie funktioniert und Games, wo sie nicht funktioniert. Wenn sie ne Pointer Funktion einbauen wollen, bitte, hab nix dagegen, aber solange ich nicht irgendwelche eigenartigen und ermüdenden Bewegungen machen muss, um voranzuschreiten, ist es ja in Ordnung. Ich will, wenn ich Abends von der Arbeit nach Hause komme, das Pad in die Hand nehmen und gemütlich für nen paar Stunden in meinem Sofa versinken.![]()
Neue Bilder:
Die Umgebungsgrafik ist echt nicht schlecht für Wii Verhältnisse und die Effekte gefallen mir auch, aber ich finde trotzdem, dass gerade die Maincharaktere lässig mehr Details vertragen könnten. Und ja, das letzte Bild gefällt mir auch nicht!Alle Bilder bis aufs letzte (es ist einfach leer O_o) sehen wunderbar aus
Allerdings hab ich so das Gefühl das ich es nie spielen werden kann O_o
Naja die sind sehr detailarm gestaltet das hat weniger mit Geschmack zu tunMuss man sowieso in Bewegung sehen, mir gefällts bis jetzt richtig gut. Manche Charaktere sind nicht nach meinem Geschmack, aber man muss sie erst kennenlernenErbärmlich sehen sie keineswegs aus Sasuke.
@xche: Warum wirst du es nie spielen können? Weilste nicht willst? Das Game ist für den Westen angekündigt, falls du das meinst![]()