Danke für den tipp ! werd ich mal austesten... hatte heute morgen echt nen shock
Ich habe grad die Google I/O zusammenfassung von Paul Thurrot gelesen, die stimmung zwischen Google und Apple scheint ja nichtmehr besonders rosig zu sein ^^:
Ich habe grad die Google I/O zusammenfassung von Paul Thurrot gelesen, die stimmung zwischen Google und Apple scheint ja nichtmehr besonders rosig zu sein ^^:
According to Gundotra, if Google didn't "act," it faced a "Draconian future where one man, one company, one carrier, would be [their] only choice." His voice rose as he said these words and laughter in the audience quickly swelled to applause as the people watching this speech realized he was speaking of Steve Jobs, Apple, and AT&T." That's a future WE DON'T WANT," Gundotra exclaimed. "So if you believe in openness, if you believe in choice, if you believe in innovation from everyone, then welcome to Android."
Steve Jobs said that users don't use web search on mobile phones. "Well, we're a company driven by data, not by opinions," Gundotra said, taking another jab at Apple. "And you know what the data shows? The data shows that we've seen a 5x growth [in mobile search] in the past two years. And that's not just on Android. That's across all smartphone categories."
After using the phone and text messaging, web browsing is the third most frequent activity on smart phones. To that end, the 2.2 web browser gets some interesting updates, including a 2-to-3-times JavaScript performance improvement, thanks to the addition of the desktop Chrome JavaScript engine, V8. And to prove this claim, a demo ensued, using Android 2.1, 2.2, and yes, you guessed it, an Apple iPad. Guess which one won? "Froyo has the world's fastest mobile browser," Gundotra claimed, and if I'm not mistaken, somewhere in California, Steve Jobs shuddered involuntarily.
"We are not only committed to having the world's fastest browser, we are also committed to having the world's most comprehensive browser," he said. "It turns out that, on the Internet, people use Flash!" [Laughter] "And part of being opens means you're inclusive rather than exclusive, and you're open to innovation ... It's really nice to work with other people in the ecosystem to meet the needs of users. Much nicer than just saying no." (Cue Steve Jobs facial tic.)