Nintendo Advanced Techniques Smash Bros 64/M/B Thread! FAQ im 1. Post!

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Wenn du gegen menschl Spieler antrittst, müssen anscheinend alle L/R gedrückt halten.
w00t! Update-Zeit.

Komplett neu:
-Kleine Übersicht am Anfang
-PAL Tier-List

1.0 Aktuelle Tier-List
- 1.1 Aktuelle PAL Tier-List

2.0 Advanced Guides zu allen Charakteren

Eine Auswahl an Combo-Videos zu allen Charakteren
(geplant: -3.1 Combo-Videos von bekannten Spielern mit Mixed Charas (M2K, Isai, PC-Chris usw.)

4.0 SSBM Lexikon mit allen möglichen Begriffserklärungen


1.1 - Die aktuelle PAL Tier-List!

Top Tier

High Tier
Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
Dr. Mario

Middle Tier
Donkey Kong

Low Tier
Young Link
Mr. Game & Watch

Neue Charas in Video Section:


Teh RudeChu


Yellow Rat Bastard



Natukasisu (Fumi)


The Head, the Egg, the Boot



Royal Blood


Princess of Light













Bowser Isn't As Bad As You Think



The Kirby Cheat





~Chu'ed up~


Neue Videos zu schon vorhandenen Charas:


Ae de é CJ (Captain Jack)



Crouching Peach - Hidden Stitchface



All Wessed Up (Wes)



Kokiri Warrior


Und das Lexikon in Spoiler-Tags gesetzt...

(geplant: -3.1 Combo-Videos von bekannten Spielern mit Mixed Charas (M2K, Isai, PC-Chris usw.)
Ist so weit eigentlich perfekt.
Das einzigste was mir noch einfällt wäre die Rubrik Combo Videos noch in ein riesigen Spoiler zu packen, wegen der übersicht.
Um den Thread mal wieder an das Tageslicht zu holen teile ich euch hier jetzt einfach mit, dass ich just for fun an einem Combo-Video arbeite 8)

Leider natürlich nur CPU Fights, aber ich will in dem Video auch nicht zeigen, wie haushoch man die blöden Bots abziehen kann, sondern einfach was ich gelernt habe und wie gut ich diese Dinge anwenden kann, mehr oder weniger. Passende Musik habe ich schon ausgesucht, ein paar Fights aufgenommen und das passende Programm ist auch am Start. Die Aufnahmen erfolgen leider abgefilmt mit einer Cam, sieht aber trotzdem ganz gut aus aufm LCD mit Component-Kabel.

Das größte Problem ist trotzdem die Kamera, da das Teil nur geliehen ist, ich nur eine 512MB Speicherkarte habe (es passen nur ca. 14min. Fight-Aufnahmen aufeinmal rauf) und das Teil vor allem ein verdammter Batterie-Schlucker ist. Zum Glück habe ich Akkus, aber die halten voll geladen gerade mal eine halbe Stunde am Stück und das liegt nicht an den Akkus, sondern tatsächlich an dieser blöden Kamera! :neutral: Naja, einem geschenkten..äh...geliehenen Gaul schaut man nicht uns Maul, wie man so schön sagt.

Kann also noch etwas dauern :D
Um den Thread mal wieder an das Tageslicht zu holen teile ich euch hier jetzt einfach mit, dass ich just for fun an einem Combo-Video arbeite 8)

Leider natürlich nur CPU Fights, aber ich will in dem Video auch nicht zeigen, wie haushoch man die blöden Bots abziehen kann, sondern einfach was ich gelernt habe und wie gut ich diese Dinge anwenden kann, mehr oder weniger. Passende Musik habe ich schon ausgesucht, ein paar Fights aufgenommen und das passende Programm ist auch am Start. Die Aufnahmen erfolgen leider abgefilmt mit einer Cam, sieht aber trotzdem ganz gut aus aufm LCD mit Component-Kabel.

Das größte Problem ist trotzdem die Kamera, da das Teil nur geliehen ist, ich nur eine 512MB Speicherkarte habe (es passen nur ca. 14min. Fight-Aufnahmen aufeinmal rauf) und das Teil vor allem ein verdammter Batterie-Schlucker ist. Zum Glück habe ich Akkus, aber die halten voll geladen gerade mal eine halbe Stunde am Stück und das liegt nicht an den Akkus, sondern tatsächlich an dieser blöden Kamera! :neutral: Naja, einem geschenkten..äh...geliehenen Gaul schaut man nicht uns Maul, wie man so schön sagt.

Kann also noch etwas dauern :D

Bin schon sehr gespannt. Ich hoffe in SSBB wird das Gameplay komplett umgekrempelt, sonst hab ich ja gar keine Chance gegen euch hier *nicht ganz ernst mein*
Bin schon sehr gespannt. Ich hoffe in SSBB wird das Gameplay komplett umgekrempelt, sonst hab ich ja gar keine Chance gegen euch hier *nicht ganz ernst mein*

Komplett wär zwar übertrieben, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass man so ziemlich von Neuem anfange muss... Wenn einige von den ganzen Techniken noch genauso funktionieren werden, was wohl viele nicht werden... Dann umso besser für uns. :-D

Werde den Thread dann auch mit den neuesten Erkenntnissen zum Advanced Gaming in Brawl up-to-date halten. Eventuell müsste ich mir dazu einen zweiten Post am Anfang einrichten, mal schauen.
Ich bin heilfroh dass solcherlei Exploits wie L-Cancelling und Wavedashing in Brawl nicht gehen, wie die E for All bestätigte. Leider ist das unsägliche SHFFLing aber noch drin. :/
Ich bin heilfroh dass solcherlei Exploits wie L-Cancelling und Wavedashing in Brawl nicht gehen, wie die E for All bestätigte. Leider ist das unsägliche SHFFLing aber noch drin. :/

Irgendwie bin ich es leid zu sagen, dass sich jeder aussuchen kann gegen wen er spielt und das die User dieser Techniken zu 90% gar nicht gegen Zocker spielen wollten, die "normal" spielen und sich gleichgesinnte suchen würden :/

Zudem könnte man auch einfach "Gamer-Zonen" ähnlich wie bei XBL einführen (Fun, Pro, Underground usw). Langsam nervt das gemotze gegen die Advanced Techniques mit ewig den gleichen, schlechten Argumenten wirklich :oops: Bei Melee bin ich nicht einem Menschen begegnet der advanced spielt, bei Brawl wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit genauso klein sein einem solchen User zu begegnen. "Wir" habens doch schon schwer genug, vor allem in Deutschland. Der Rest wird eh glücklich mit dem Game...

Irgendwie bin ich es leid zu sagen, dass sich jeder aussuchen kann gegen wen er spielt und das die User dieser Techniken zu 90% gar nicht gegen Zocker spielen wollten, die "normal" spielen und sich gleichgesinnte suchen würden :/

Zudem könnte man auch einfach "Gamer-Zonen" ähnlich wie bei XBL einführen (Fun, Pro, Underground usw). Langsam nervt das gemotze gegen die Advanced Techniques mit ewig den gleichen, schlechten Argumenten wirklich :oops: Bei Melee bin ich nicht einem Menschen begegnet der advanced spielt, bei Brawl wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit genauso klein sein einem solchen User zu begegnen. "Wir" habens doch schon schwer genug, vor allem in Deutschland. Der Rest wird eh glücklich mit dem Game...


Ich denke das größte Arguments gegen solche Sachen ist, wenn die Wortwahl denn korrekt ist, dass es Exploits sind. Das sollte für Entwickler schon grund genug sein, sie im nächsten Teil rauszunehmen, ganz einfach deshalb, weil sie sich Fehler und Lücken im Spiel zunutze machen, die so nicht gedacht waren.
Aber ich bin guter Dinge, dass es bei Brawl vielleicht wieder ein paar neue Sachen gibt, über die "ihr" euch freuen dürft.

Du könntest netterweise mal ne Liste mit den Sachen posten, die >höchstwahrscheinlich< bei Brawl noch funzen, damit man sich das mal anschauen kann :3 Die Liste ist mir sonst zu lang.
Ich denke das größte Arguments gegen solche Sachen ist, wenn die Wortwahl denn korrekt ist, dass es Exploits sind. Das sollte für Entwickler schon grund genug sein, sie im nächsten Teil rauszunehmen, ganz einfach deshalb, weil sie sich Fehler und Lücken im Spiel zunutze machen, die so nicht gedacht waren.
Aber ich bin guter Dinge, dass es bei Brawl vielleicht wieder ein paar neue Sachen gibt, über die "ihr" euch freuen dürft.

Du könntest netterweise mal ne Liste mit den Sachen posten, die >höchstwahrscheinlich< bei Brawl noch funzen, damit man sich das mal anschauen kann :3 Die Liste ist mir sonst zu lang.
- Bup-out of Shield
- Aup-out of Shield
- An die Kante hängen, damit der andere das nicht kann
- Teching (?)
- Directional Influence
- Extended Grapple
- Meteor Smash

Hmmm, habe jetzt nicht mehr im Sinn. ^^
Da Devil mich im offiziellen Smash Bros. Thread drauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, hier ein Auszug aus Gimpyfish's 'Brawl Impression Thread' von

Basic Techniques
This section is just a general overview of the basic techniques available in brawl, most of which were in melee, but there are a few new things at the end.

Air Dodge – The psychics of the air dodge have changed. You likely already know this. Air dodging is no longer directional, and you also can't do it in place to sort of “stall” in the air. air dodge simply gives invulnerability frames temporarily, and does nothing else. You can attack after air dodges. You can jump after air dodges. You can air dodge multiple times in a row if you have time to do so. There is a short amount of time where you can't air dodge so that you can't just stay invincible in the air forever though.

C-Stick – The c-stick does work differently in brawl then it did in melee. C-stick still does smash attacks if you aren't holding a direction, but if you are holding ANY DIRECTION and point your c-stick it will do a tilt in the direction that you tilt the c-stick. You can also charge smash attacks with the c-stick, which is a good change. C-stick still works for aerials, and you can actually catch items with the c-stick as well.

Crouch Canceling – Crouch Canceling works just like it did in melee. We honestly don't know if it’s as effective, but it still does basically the same thing at least. It is also harder to CC (crouch cancel) into down smash because of the new c-stick functionality in regards to the tilts.

Dash Dancing – Dash Dancing is in, and seems to be equally effective if not more effective in brawl. Sonic’s dash dance in particular is especially good because of its very high speed and the distance he can go while doing it.

Sidestepping – Sidestepping is in, and appears to be basically the same as it was in Melee.

Double Jump Canceling – This appears to be out, Yoshi can't double jump cancel any ways, but we have no way of being sure it is not in with some other characters.

Edge hogging – Edge hogging works the same way it did in melee, characters gain invincibility frames on the edge, and during a rolling animation or getup attack other characters cannot grab the edge.

Fast Falling – Fast falling is in. It works similarly to the melee fast fall, but seems to have an even greater effect on falling speed (compared to their jumping speeds at least)

Item grabbing/catching – It seems like you have to be closer to items to pick them up while they are on the ground, but catching them in the air is much easier. Oftentimes we found ourselves accidentally catching items because of a new item catching feature. You can catch items while you are in the middle of aerials. So if you are peach and you throw a turnip at somebody and it hits their shield (or hits them I suppose) and you follow up with a forward air you will catch the turnip as you hit with the fair.

Jump Cancel Up smash/Grab – Honestly I'm not sure if this is in, if it is it’s a lot more difficult, I just crouch really quickly before I up smash normally any ways, and that still works, but jump canceling seems to be harder if its in at all.

Edge hop – Edge hopping is in the game, but it seems like it might be less useful for some characters because of the overall “floatiness” factor. Also you can't actually drop from the ledge by pressing down anymore, just a little quirk about it. I found myself messing up my ledge hops at first because of this adjustment.

Ledge tech – Didn't see it, but using rational thought based on the seemingly improved DI and ability to still tech it seems like it would be in, although with the new sweet spot I can't imagine there would be much opportunity for this any ways.

Meteors – Still in, saw a couple meteor cancels (or at least I think I did) but this is one of those things that could change really easily from the demo to the real game

Rolling – Still in and very similar to the melee. Some characters (Metaknight and Pit for example) have really quick rolls that seem like they would be more useful than most rolls in

Shield Hit Stun – At first it appeared there was more shield hit stun in the game, but then I noticed that every character seems to have a really good sheildgrab off almost any air -> ground attack combination. Visually it looks like more shield hit stun, but I don't think it really is anything that will affect the game at all.

Shield Grab – If you read the shield hit stun description right above this one then you will already know about this. Shield grab is in and seems to be even more effective than it was in melee (at least in the point that getting the grab is going to be happening more often).

Shffls – Still in, done SLIGHTLY differently - aerial after the fast fall remember.

DI/Smash DI – DI is still in brawl, and seems to be a lot more effective. There is more hit stun with pretty much every move, so there are more frames to DI. It’s really a hard thing to check, all of the competitive players who played brawl have a really natural instinct to DI to survive, its hard to think not to DI on purpose for comparison purposes. It did seem like we lived for longer percentages though, especially on most of the item attacks. Honestly it seemed like it was easier to do survival DI, but harder to DI out of combos. My theory on that is that because the game and most moves are new, we simply don't know where to DI yet to get out of combos.

Teching – Teching is still in. You can tech off walls the ground and the ceiling. You can wall jump tech, tech in place, and roll tech. Teching acts more or less the same as it did in Melee.

Tumble Recovery – This is still in, you can wiggle the control stick to get out of your tumbling animation faster.

Wall jumping – Still in. I saw Mario and Samus both do it, and I can't remember if Diddy actually can or not, but I THINK he can. Don't take this one as fact though.

Footstool Jump – Footstool jump looks really silly actually. You just jump on characters heads. I believe any character can do this, but we didn't see them all do it (I never did it with Bowser, but I never really tried to do it either) It does no damage and seems to have very slow knock back, but we didn't see anyone meteor cancel one, and we tried to cancel it every time it was done to us. It just sent us down really slowly and you couldn't jump right away.

Tether Recovery – Tether recovery is different in brawl compared to how it was in melee. The hook shot/grapple/whatever goes right for the ledge where you sweet spot and automatically pulls you up right away. It is unknown at this point whether or not you can edge hog this or not (I would assume that you can). Another difference between this recovery type in brawl is that you can actually do it multiple times without touching the ground. You can drop off the edge and grapple immediately into a sweet spot, it’s a pretty cool little stall.

Gliding – Gliding is really unorthodox, I think we just didn't try it enough because it’s so different. It’s also awkward to activate a glide. You actually press DOWN to start gliding with pit/Metaknight. Seems like it would be a great way to recover, but it might be pretty easy to edge guard. But we really don't know, it wasn't researched very much.

Crawling – Crawling also looks funny, it doesn't look very fast, and it also doesn't look like every character can do it. It sounded more useful in early impressions than it was when we actually tried to use it in matches.

Taunts – Every character has three taunts now, and the additional taunts are really cool. Just a small feature, but I really like it myself.

Turn around neutral B – the only reason I write about this is because sadly it has been removed. You can't turn around with your neutral b moves in the air.

The Halo – The halo that drops you off after you die still exists, and works the same, you retain invincibility I think for the same amount of time in brawl that you did in melee after a death.

Swimming – Every character in the game can “Swim” if you land in water. However, you can only swim for a short period of time. This is primarily seen on Delfino Plaza (at least for now). You can be spiked through the water, and you can do moves (like Bowser’s down b for example) through the water and still die, so be careful!

Super/Heavy Armor – When the heavy or strong characters in this game perform certain moves they receive a number of frames where they do not flinch. This acts differently from what some initially thought. If you are hit during your super/heavy armor, you not only do not take stun, but you also DO NOT RECIEVE ANY DAMAGE. It was difficult to test what moves have this effect in such a short period of time, but after viewing videos of it you can see that no percentage is received upon impact of the moves.

Grounded characters (results of “pitfall” item and DK’s side b attack) – If you hit somebody with these things the characters go into the ground. In melee you could just pound on them to do damage until they broke free. Well in brawl you basically get a free big hit, so don't bother with your little combo move (unless you have them at low percent) you want to release the charged up giant punch you had right now. It'll send them flying. Not particularly important, but it’s a change.

“Advanced” Tactics

Alright, so here is where we get into the “advanced” tactics. Some things we discovered at the venue or we just figured out how to actually get them to work. Other things we found but we've been having trouble duplicating. Any ways, read on to see what kind of “advanced” techniques we found for Brawl so far. (also, since it’s a demo, every single one of these could easily be removed/changed, so keep that in mind)

"Hugging" - Special edge hog– "Hugging" seems like its going to be big in brawl. With the lack of a solid wave dash this seems like the best way to edge hog at this point. You simply walk/run/roll/whatever off the edge and press towards the stage after you fall, you grab the edge automatically facing either direction. Its fast and its useful. Pretty cool new technique

Moon walking – Somebody told me this was in, and acted mostly the same way, I can't moonwalk in melee so I didn't check myself so who knows for sure.

Tripping – Alright so to make your character trip and/or cancel out the trip you… well… to be honest we have no idea! We experimented and we couldn't really find a way to reliably make this happen. After day one we were sure that you could dash pivot by canceling the tripping animation, but we don't know for sure. This one eluded us for now, oh well. It'll probably be in the instruction manual or something.

Pivot – Still in, and apparently you can do it while dashing somehow. It seems like it would be very effective with sonic. Inks was the first one that did that with Mario doing a reverse grab out of a dash, and I did it later by dashing across the screen into a reverse short hop back air. We aren't sure how it’s done, just that it can be done.

L Canceling – Alright, the very last day we had the demo we finally figured this one out. You CAN l cancel, and l canceling removes all the lag from your aerials. Remember that l cancel stands for LAG cancel, NOT the button that you press. You l cancel in brawl by fast falling and then doing your aerials, it takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s obviously useful to have no lag after moves. You don't actually have to press a button, as long as you are fast falling before you do your aerial you should l cancel.

Wavelanding – Yes, wave landing appears to be back (at least in the demo). Bob$ was the first person to be able to apply it consistently and helped us to actually figure out how to do it. It is NOT done with the air dodge in any way whatsoever. This could EASILY be removed before the actual release of the game, but it’s still in for now. To do this wave land you have to be in the air (obviously) and do a move that pulls your character in one direction. The best example was Mario’s back air, but it can also be done with his up air (and just to give more examples, Bowser’s back air, several of peach’s aerials, etc etc). If you do moves like these while you are close to the ground it pulls your character over very quickly and does basically the exact same thing a wave land does in melee. We know that it slides you along the ground, but as far as applications goes that’s up to you guys to discover. If you l cancel the aerial by fast falling first then you do the move it doesn't even come out and you just go sliding over.

On a side note (something we didn't really have time to experiment with) it seems like peach would legitimately be able to wave dash back and forth because of this technique combined with the shortened height of float canceling, which means that peach (or somebody else with a double jump cancel, if other characters can do it) will be able to wave dash back and forth quickly

Land Canceling B moves– by this I mean things like Falco’s short hop blaster from melee or needle canceling or other things like that. In general it seems like this has been removed, at least in the things we tried. Diddy can't short hop peanut gun cancel spam, sorry guys.

“Thunders” Combo – When somebody misses a tech, tapping them no longer causes them to stand up automatically.

Shield Drop - You CAN drop through platforms with your shield up just like in Smash 64. This is a very good thing.

Jab Canceling - Jab canceling is in and it works just the same as it did in melee. If you jab, then press down, then jab again you will repeatedly do just the first hit of your jab instead of doing the other hits after.

Hier noch der Link zum Forum:

Kann mit den Pro-Techniken im allgemeinen nicht so viel anfangen, für die Pros unter uns ist's aber vielleicht interessant.:-)
Falls L-Cancel gestrichen wird, fänd ich das ´n bisschen schade. Wave Dash könnte von mir aus auch drin sein, solange es ein Limit gäbe (ansonsten weg damit...). L-Cancel ist jetzt aber anscheinend nur anders. Man macht es automatisch, wenn man vor einem Luft-Angriff fast fall ausführt (Stick runter). Klingt irgendwie seltsam.
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