7. PS3 vs. Xbox360 vs. Wii

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Es war aber schon immer so gewesen also sehe ich nicht wo dein Problem dabei ist.
Darji schrieb:
Es war aber schon immer so gewesen also sehe ich nicht wo dein Problem dabei ist.

Das ist doch kein Argument.
Eine Sache, die schlecht und unsinnig ist, wird doch nicht gut, nur "weil es immer so ist"?!
Wenn dus auf die Marke "Playstation" beziehst, erkennst du den Unsinn deines Arguments!
Warum beachtet ihr Darij überhaupt noch? Der lobt doch eh jeden Zug von Sony. Er verteidigt alles, was Sony macht. Ein Eingehen auf seine Posts lohnt sich schon alleine nicht, da er Fakten ignoriert und stattdessen lieber sein Sony-Traumschloss lobt :rolleyes:
Refrain meines Neuen Liedes:

"God, Oh my god, I want a Play Station, god I want a Play Station...... a Nintendo Play Station...."

Microsoft To Miss XBox 360 Production Targets By As Much As 25%

Carl Howe (Blackfriars Communications) submits: Colin Sebastian at Lazard Capital Markets has warned that he expects Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT - News) XBox 360 shipments to only total 4.5 million for the year, instead of the 5 million expected. That says to me that the XBox 360 marketing plan is fading fast.

Why? People forget that the original projection for XBox 360 sales was for 5.5 to 6 million within six months of launch. That projection was re-iterated in January this year, but extended out to 5.5 million by July. And now, we're looking at 4.5 million for the year. Ouch.

We'll know more after Microsoft announces earnings tomorrow. But many analysts were originally projecting that there would be 8 or 9 million XBox 360s in the market before Playstation ever launched. If these numbers are correct, it says that sales aren't living up to projections. And with two new competing consoles launching next month, this story isn't going to improve a lot without a serious marketing push to compete. Suddenly, that one-year lead Microsoft had on Sony (NYSE: SNE - News) doesn't look like such a big advantage after all.


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so wenig produziert :o 4,5 Millionen in einem Jahr ist doch ein Witz...

Sony hat Probleme mit den Dioden, aber welche Probleme hat MS? die 360 dürfte ja nicht so schwierig zu prodzieren sein oder? :-?

Und wieviel Konsolen hat MS davon verkauft? Also mit Japan dürfe Sony keine Probleme haben an der 360 vorbeizuziehen
Darji schrieb:
Microsoft To Miss XBox 360 Production Targets By As Much As 25%

Carl Howe (Blackfriars Communications) submits: Colin Sebastian at Lazard Capital Markets has warned that he expects Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT - News) XBox 360 shipments to only total 4.5 million for the year, instead of the 5 million expected. That says to me that the XBox 360 marketing plan is fading fast.

Why? People forget that the original projection for XBox 360 sales was for 5.5 to 6 million within six months of launch. That projection was re-iterated in January this year, but extended out to 5.5 million by July. And now, we're looking at 4.5 million for the year. Ouch.

We'll know more after Microsoft announces earnings tomorrow. But many analysts were originally projecting that there would be 8 or 9 million XBox 360s in the market before Playstation ever launched. If these numbers are correct, it says that sales aren't living up to projections. And with two new competing consoles launching next month, this story isn't going to improve a lot without a serious marketing push to compete. Suddenly, that one-year lead Microsoft had on Sony (NYSE: SNE - News) doesn't look like such a big advantage after all.


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Is mir wurscht ob des denen was bringt oder nich...
Ich konnte so schon seit 1Jahr next gen zoggen 8-)

ps: wehe es bringt etz einer "...begint erst wen wir es sagen" den besh ich in grund und boden^^
Darji schrieb:
Microsoft To Miss XBox 360 Production Targets By As Much As 25%

Carl Howe (Blackfriars Communications) submits: Colin Sebastian at Lazard Capital Markets has warned that he expects Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT - News) XBox 360 shipments to only total 4.5 million for the year, instead of the 5 million expected. That says to me that the XBox 360 marketing plan is fading fast.

Why? People forget that the original projection for XBox 360 sales was for 5.5 to 6 million within six months of launch. That projection was re-iterated in January this year, but extended out to 5.5 million by July. And now, we're looking at 4.5 million for the year. Ouch.

We'll know more after Microsoft announces earnings tomorrow. But many analysts were originally projecting that there would be 8 or 9 million XBox 360s in the market before Playstation ever launched. If these numbers are correct, it says that sales aren't living up to projections. And with two new competing consoles launching next month, this story isn't going to improve a lot without a serious marketing push to compete. Suddenly, that one-year lead Microsoft had on Sony (NYSE: SNE - News) doesn't look like such a big advantage after all.


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Vorsicht, Sony hat angekündigt, bis März 6 Mio PS3 auszuliefern/zu verkaufen.
Jeder der 3 Firmen hat zu Beginn zu hoch gesteckte Ziele.

Wir können nur abwarten und dann schauen, was dann eintritt.
BigN will 4 Mio bis Ende 2006 durchverkaufen/ausliefern.
Darji schrieb:
Microsoft To Miss XBox 360 Production Targets By As Much As 25%

Carl Howe (Blackfriars Communications) submits: Colin Sebastian at Lazard Capital Markets has warned that he expects Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT - News) XBox 360 shipments to only total 4.5 million for the year, instead of the 5 million expected. That says to me that the XBox 360 marketing plan is fading fast.

Why? People forget that the original projection for XBox 360 sales was for 5.5 to 6 million within six months of launch. That projection was re-iterated in January this year, but extended out to 5.5 million by July. And now, we're looking at 4.5 million for the year. Ouch.

We'll know more after Microsoft announces earnings tomorrow. But many analysts were originally projecting that there would be 8 or 9 million XBox 360s in the market before Playstation ever launched. If these numbers are correct, it says that sales aren't living up to projections. And with two new competing consoles launching next month, this story isn't going to improve a lot without a serious marketing push to compete. Suddenly, that one-year lead Microsoft had on Sony (NYSE: SNE - News) doesn't look like such a big advantage after all.


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Hehe, jetzt muss Sony schon zweitklassige Journalisten bestechen damit sie besser weg kommen :D
Jeder weiß, dass bis bis Ende September schon fast 5Mio Konsolen durchverkauft wurden. Bis Ende des Jahres werden es locker 8Mio sein und ausgeliefert ca. 10Mio. Das schafft die Hinhaltefirma nicht mal bis Ende nächsten Jahres wenn dann anstelle der Dioden irgendwelche Widerstände Mangelware sind :D :D
Ok,Kinder FF13 für die Ps3 wird wohl doch deutlich später erscheinen als es einige gern hätten. 2009 bei uns klingt realistisch :blushed:

The Japanese magazine Otona Fami 2006 gives us some details concerning the stage of development of the various projects of Square Enix :

- Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3): 13%
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PlayStation 3): 1.3%
- Itadaki Street DS (Nintendo DS): 50%
- Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS): 40%
- Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (PlayStation 2): 130% (2 plays)


Das Spiel ist erst zu 13% entwickelt :hmpf:
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