6. PS3 vs. Xbox360 vs. Wii

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Ich würd aber gern mal mehr sehen. Die Charakterin ist sweat und gekonnt designed, die Lebensangaben etc. sind schön, die Grafik mal atemberaubend, mal sehr gut. Die Artworks und die 30 sekündige Kamerafahrt durch den Waldweg an der Klippe boten aber bisher den einzigen Eindruck fern ab von der Arena. Der Kampf war toll, vor allem mit dem Quicktimeevent gen Himmel, aber bis es zu NG, GOW und DMC aufschließt, bedarf es erstmal weit, weit mehr. Ich drücke die Daumen, denn bisher ists mein Launchkaufgrund als alter Action-Hase. :)
LONDON--Four members of the Ninja Theory development team revealed a little bit more of the promising third-person action game Heavenly Sword during a presentation at the Game Developers Conference London today.
Duncan Frostick (combat code Ninja), Nina Kristensen (chief development Ninja), SaiTong Man (combat design Ninja) and Guy Midgely (lead animation Ninja) talked through some of gameplay aspects and showed off some demo videos to prove their points.
Man explained that the team found inspiration for the upcoming PlayStation 3 game from kung-fu movies and current popular fighting games. "We looked at games like Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur because they have essentially very simple designs." Frostick added: "We worked on a flowing pose-to-pose animation. The inspiration came from kung fu films, not hard, western-style animation."
Man said that one of the driving forces behind the game was to create something that looked "pretty," and action sequences that flowed together perfectly. "Way back when we first started working on Heavenly Sword, the main thing for me was aesthetics; it had to look amazing. Also, the gameplay had to be completely accessible to the casual gamer, but it had to have depth for the hardcore gamer."
Frostick revealed that the main character would become stronger and gain attack moves as the game progressed, which suggested the game will feature RPG elements. "Like most fighting games, we worked on the basis that through the game, the bigger and better the moves become. There are two types of synchronised attacks. There are counters and what we call super styles. The super style stuff looks spectacular. These get more and more kind of ridiculous as you go through the game and get more and more powerful."
Midgely went on to talk about how important the flow of the game was to make physically impossible fighting moves look real. "We're taking reality and amping it up to the next level. The players always feel like they are in the game. You don't want to be enjoying playing a game, or watching a kung-fu movie, and think 'wait, that's not right.' It takes away enjoyment from the game."
The game, as has been seen from previous videos and demos, will be fast-paced--Midgely confirmed that the animations will be running at 60 frames per second, while most games today run at 30. He added that there will also be a slowing effect within the game, which may work out something like 'bullet time,' now common in games.
No visuals of game bosses were shown, but the team was quick to assert that their moves will be equally impressive as those of the main character. Frostick elaborated on some of boss-related elements: "There are some bosses who do truly spectacular moves. And there are armies, 1,000 people tearing through a valley trying to get you. There is also another element to the game, more cinematic elements, environmental interactions, power jumps, etc."
He went on to quantify the number of attack animations: "For the hero, there are literally hundreds of different attack animations. I'd say around 1000 animations at the moment."
One revelation that surprised many attending the session was the lack of a collision-based system within the game, but Frostick defended the choice. "We use transitions to take the hero away from the wall into a safe area with cool animations. I'm pretty happy with that solution."
The quartet also explained the creative process for the game. "We were an autonomous unit and the studio heads have faith in what we do. We don't have to go through several people to get what we want. It's talking around the table rather than having to go through lots of red tape to make something happen."
Although some of the fighting sequences in the demo were obvioulsy violent, including one in which a creature was sliced from the groin up, Midgely claimed that the game is likely to receive a T for Teen rating in the US.

Die aktuellsten Infos zu HS
Hier noch etwas aus dem Ninja Theorie Forum :


Glaube aber dass ihr das schon kennt, oder?
:lol: geiles Bild nightelve

Wie Ness bestritten hat, dass das rechte Bild von der E3 06 Version stammen könnte und taada wurd er geowned :lol:

HS burnt einfach alles weg :D....ausser vielleicht Assassin's Creed
Die Haare sind neben denen bei Dead Or Alive die besten, die die Videospielwelt gesehen hat.
Crash schrieb:
Baaah x_x

Die sollen die Haare verbessern... da bekommt man ja Augenkrebs
Und für diese Pracht (Physik *hust*) sollen ganze drei SPEs draufgehen, wie mal von einem der NT-Entwickler zu hören war. :hmpf:

Axo lol, ich dacht schon... :oops: Ist aber schon ne seltsame Haltung von dem Typen, man könnte seine Nase genauso gut auch für den Hals halten. ;)
Darji schrieb:
Die Haare sind neben denen bei Dead Or Alive die besten, die die Videospielwelt gesehen hat.
Du vergisst da aber FFXIII und die White Engine

Ne die bei FFXIII sind nicht so prickelnd. Die bei DOA und HS sind weitaus besser. Problem ist leider das Clipping. Aber dafür sind die Haare lang und offen und fallen in jede Richtung.

White Engine? Ist die das bei FFXIII? Oder hat das was mit White Knight zu tun?
DaS ist die neue Engine von FFXIII das unteranderem die Haare sehr realistisch darstellen soll^^
Mog schrieb:
Darji schrieb:
Die Haare sind neben denen bei Dead Or Alive die besten, die die Videospielwelt gesehen hat.
Du vergisst da aber FFXIII und die White Engine

Ne die bei FFXIII sind nicht so prickelnd. Die bei DOA und HS sind weitaus besser. Problem ist leider das Clipping. Aber dafür sind die Haare lang und offen und fallen in jede Richtung.

White Engine? Ist die das bei FFXIII? Oder hat das was mit White Knight zu tun?


Ich würd mal sagen: Unerreicht
RWA schrieb:
Mog schrieb:
Darji schrieb:
Die Haare sind neben denen bei Dead Or Alive die besten, die die Videospielwelt gesehen hat.
Du vergisst da aber FFXIII und die White Engine

Ne die bei FFXIII sind nicht so prickelnd. Die bei DOA und HS sind weitaus besser. Problem ist leider das Clipping. Aber dafür sind die Haare lang und offen und fallen in jede Richtung.

White Engine? Ist die das bei FFXIII? Oder hat das was mit White Knight zu tun?


Ich würd mal sagen: Unerreicht

Jup, an die FF13 Haare kommt aktuell nix ran.
Darji schrieb:
DaS ist die neue Engine von FFXIII das unteranderem die Haare sehr realistisch darstellen soll^^

Nja, ich fand die sahen immernoch aus wie immer. Gut feiner und schwungvoller, aber immernoch mit literweise Gel drin. Da wackelt nix und vor allem fällt nix. So zum Beispiel in der Sequenz in der sie einen Looping vollführt. Die Frisur bleibt völlig unberührt von dieser Aktion so liegen, also entgegen der Anziehungskraft.

Bei DOA gibts zwar diese Clippingfehler, aber dafür ist es das einzige Spiel wo es lange offene Haare gibt. Überhaupt fällt mir bei langem Haar ansonsten nur Lara Croft ein. Die hat aber einen Zopf, also nur einen zu berechnenden Strang.

Ansonsten gibts immer nur Kurzhaarfrisuren oder hochgesteckte Haare. Ob bei Shenmue, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil. Immer Kurzhaarfrisur.

Irgendwann schafft es Itagaki auch die Clippingfehler zu beseitigen. Aber ich bin gern bereit sie in kauf zu nehmen. Bei Heavenly Sword siehts einfach umwerfend aus. Wie ne strudelnde Blutfontäne aus nem Hals. :)
Some more details of the brute in action:
1) It's quiet like a sleeping baby. A barely audible hum. With the TV on you simply can't hear it at all.
2) It's heavy like a planet. No, really. It's impossible to pick up with one hand.
3) It's shiny like a mirror. In fact, it's impossible to take a photograph of it without the flash spanging every picture into a starburst mess. And therefore it's massively prone to fingerprintage too, with the tiny amount of dust in the office magically attaching itself to its surface in seconds.
4) The PS3 joypad is very light and the tilt system is very responsive. We like.
5) The start up is amazingly fast. And game load times were faster than expected. In fact, PS3 does both at about the same speed of PSP. ie, Long load times due to the massive Blu-ray disc? Nope. Simply not an issue.
6) Andy's fingers kept sliding off the shoulder buttons. But that's because his fingers are slippery.

hört sich toll an

Und hier noch etwas :

Hi. Dan G here again. (Thinks: Must get someone else to do the blog later on today...). Just wanted to post this early morning blog to settle a situation that has been gathering momentum on the net.

The question is: Does PS3 get hot? Not just 'hot' but 'dangerously' hot or hot enough to cause a malfunction. It has been reported in other circles that machines at the Tokyo Game Show were expiring dut to heat. It has even been suggested that this issue has played a part in the recent dip in Sony's share price.

OK. Here's the independent, non-Sony approved truth. We've played a PS3, for a day, in a room, with it on a table in front of us. At no stage did anyone comment about the noise it made (ie, next to none). And a collegue put his hand behind the machine after it had been running for a few hours and felt warm air being quietly and safely extracted via a fan via the vents at the back of the machine. The surface of the machine remained at room temperature with a small portion at the back being 'warm'. Not hot - 'warm'.

So, the PSM3 independent verdict here is that - quote - "PS3 generates less heat and noise than the combination of 360 and powerbrick".

We played MotorStorm and Resistance. While this isn't the time to start writing a review of both games we will say that both were VERY impressive. Pretty much the whole building crammed into the games room here to see and play - and that's a lot of people from a lot of 'rival' games mags. Yes, the Xbox mag guys did take the piss and think it looked rubbish. But what else are they going to do? Fact is it's too early to successfully draw any 'better than 360' conclusions here. However Resistance looked like a great 360 game while MotorStorm had a certain 'PS3 magic' about it. We're talking texture detail, draw distance and realistic lighting rather than 'gameplay' or 'course design' here. We'll leave the proper review until we've played the finished game for longer than a couple of hours, thanks. That said, within thirty seconds you can 'see the PlayStation 3 difference' in this game.

Are we Sony fanboys? Well, we produce a mag all about PlayStation so you can draw your own conclusions. Are we paid by Sony to say good things? No way. I think that Sony's request to remove our video of PS3 starting up is proof of our unofficial status (and I suspect we're very naughty boys at Sony HQ right now). Do we hate 360 and Wii? No, we own 360s and will definitely be buying Wiis this Christmas. That said we'll DEFINITELY be buying PS3 in March.

We, unfortunately, don't know what video resolution it was running at. Suffice to say that the TV is an off the shelf UK Samsung 32" model which handles a 720p image. We plugged in power to one end of the PS3, HDMI to the other and switched on the TV and the PS3. It worked first time (of course) and looked pin-sharp and brilliant. I'm guessing that the guys from Sony would have already been using it at Sony HQ London and would have done the setting up stuff there, with the default resolution setting most likely being 720p. PLEASE NOTE that this in no way means that PS3 can't do 1080p or other BS. It just means we used a 720p TV with it and it looked superb.

There is no power brick with PS3. Unlike 360 the PS3's power supply is built into the machine. So before anyone gloats about 360 being smaller and lighter please consider the combined mass of 360 and that almighty power brick…


so und zum abschluß des heutigen Tages:

PS3 goes Supercomputer?^^

Tomorrow, Terra Soft will officially announce the construction of the world's first Cell-based supercomputing cluster.

In the fall of '05, Terra Soft was contacted by Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI) to develop and manage a supercomputing cluster built upon the IBM Cell Broadband Engine and the Linux OS. This spring, Terra Soft was contracted by Sony and in August completed the construction of a 3000 sq-ft supercomputing facility capable of housing 2400 1U systems. In this remodeled extension to the Loveland, Colorado headquarters, Terra Soft will construct a test cluster and a substantially larger production cluster, dubbed "E.coli" and "Amoeba" respectively.

Terra Soft will use the test cluster "E.coli" to conduct advanced software development, optimization, and testing with emphasis on Y-HPC and Y-Bio applied to the Cell Broadband Engine. The production cluster "Amoeba" will be made available to select University and Department of Energy laboratories to further life sciences research.

The clusters will incorporate, in part, Cell-based PS3 systems. The Cell Broadband Engine provides a "1 + 8" multi-core processing environment, enabling optimized code to function at a superior level of performance over traditional single or dual core CPUs. With all 8 cores on a single chip, the code processes do not lose performance by dropping down to the memory bus as with historic, multiple CPU configurations.

Glen Otero, Director of Life Sciences Research for Terra Soft Solutions explains, "This cluster represents a two-fold opportunity: to optimize a suite of open-source life science applications for the Cell processor; to develop a hands-on community around this world-first cluster whereby researchers and life science studies at all levels may benefit. Once up and running with our first labs engaged, we will expand the community through invitations and referrals, supporting a growing knowledge base and library of Cell optimized code, open and available to life science researchers everywhere."

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is working with Terra Soft to optimize a suite of life science applications. Los Alamos and Oak Ridge National Labs are also engaged, with select universities coming on-board early in 2007. Terra Soft is working to optimize the entire Y-Bio bioinformatics suite.

Thomas Swidler, Sr. Director of Research & Development at SCEI states, "This cluster is for Sony a means of demonstrating the diversity of the PS3, taking it well beyond the traditional role of a game box. While we are not in the business of competing for the Top500.org nor building cluster components, this creative use of the PS3 beta systems enables Sony to support a level of real world research that may produce very positive, beneficial results."


The amazing thing is that even if two-thirds of the performance of the PS3 cluster went up the chimney, at $599 for a top-end PS3, a 30 teraflops cluster for under $300,000--and one that you can play games on when the super isn't busy--is a remarkable idea.

So it would seem that the PS3 would be an ideal kind of supercomputer node. But what Terra Soft and its partner, Mercury Computer, believe is that a network of PS3s might be an excellent front end to a giant, high-speed cluster built from Cell-based blade servers that have InfiniBand interconnections. The same software would run on both machines, of course, and would be supplied by Terra Soft.
Are we Sony fanboys? Well, we produce a mag all about PlayStation so you can draw your own conclusions. Are we paid by Sony to say good things? No way

:lol: Das ist ja echt mal nen geiler Satz :lol: :lol: :lol:
jacked schrieb:
RWA schrieb:
OMG Sonys "GamersDay" hat noch nicht mal angefangen und schon kommt die erste Überownage. OMG das wird so Fett. :D
:lol: ne echt, ich bewundere wirklich mit wieviel durchhaltevermögen diese "ownage" von termin zu termin verschoben wird. E3, TGS jetzt der GamersDay , diesmal klappt´s aber bestimmt, ganz sicher und wenn nicht, findet sich sicher wieder ein neuer termin ein neuer insider und natürlich die "OMG ownage".

Ich weiß was die Ownage ist: "PS3 Launch in Europa Weihnachten 2007, weil man nicht genug wärmesensitive Knöpfe zum einschlaten produzieren kann." :rofl:
IBM baut schon einen Supercomputer mit Cell Prozzies, schon seit einiger Zeit. (Mit Linux drauf hrhr)

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