GP: Do you think you'll return to Microsoft platforms soon?
Itagaki: I wouldn't say return because I've never left. It's only what's visible to you, because we've been developing Team Ninja's core title for the 360 for quite a while now. That's something I've mentioned previously that I've been committed to for over a year. People tend to forget that I'm committed to the 360 so I'll say it again here: we are currently developing a title and we are committed to the 360 as our key gaming platform.
GP: You worked with Bungie to include a Spartan character in DOA4. Do you that's something you'll continue to do in future DOA titles?
Itagaki: I think it'd be really fun to do something like that again. We have a great relationship with Bungie. Given the opportunity, I'd definitely like to do that. As you know, both teams are incredibly busy, so we only get the opportunity to see them a couple of times a year.
GP: What do you think of Halo 3? I know FPS aren't particularly popular in Japan, but did your decision to include the Spartan come from your love of the series?
Itagaki: I think it's an excellent game. Back in the days of Halo 1, when you exited the ship, landed on Halo, looked up at the environment and heard the epic music and saw the Banshees flying overhead--that crosses cultural boundaries. That's a beauty that I think anybody should be able to see. Whether you like the game or not is up to personal taste, but anyone who didn't think that was impressive is pretty insensitive to good games.
GP: Your two Ninja Gaiden projects seem very different. One is a refinement on the Xbox original, while the other is a completely new take on the series. Which way do you think the next console Ninja Gaiden will go?
Our biggest strength is working on these powerful home systems, so that's always going to be the main path we're going to be taking.
Itagaki: Our biggest strength is working on these powerful home systems, so that's always going to be the main path we're going to be taking. Now that we're able to do a lot more within the team, we're branching out to do more games, so that's our "third pillar," so to speak, to go with Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. I think we'll continue to do both.