3.Playstation 3 - NUR Playstation 3

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Mach gescheite Bilder von Resistence, hast du schon nen HDTV?
Ne leider nicht. Deswegen wollte ich ja eigentlich warten aber scheiß drafuf im März habe ich dann meinen 1080p HDTV und genieße HS in vollen zügen^^
Darji schrieb:
Mach gescheite Bilder von Resistence, hast du schon nen HDTV?
Ne leider nicht. Deswegen wollte ich ja eigentlich warten aber scheiß drafuf im März habe ich dann meinen 1080p HDTV und genieße HS in vollen zügen^^

Wenn du dich dann bis märz an das SD Bild gewöhnt hast holst du dir mit 1080p die totale Grafikownage , keine schlechte idee. ;)

But a source has told CVG that a PS3 delay as far back as September 2007 is now far more likely, pointing the finger of delay at - yes you guessed it - "component shortages". And let's face it, you don't launch a console in summer.

When contacted this morning a Sony UK spokesperson told CVG that "We're 100 percent on track for a March release

was wohl stimmt?
Mystic76 schrieb:

But a source has told CVG that a PS3 delay as far back as September 2007 is now far more likely, pointing the finger of delay at - yes you guessed it - "component shortages". And let's face it, you don't launch a console in summer.

When contacted this morning a Sony UK spokesperson told CVG that "We're 100 percent on track for a March release

was wohl stimmt?

Der Launchtermin ist für mich extrem wichtig.
Länger als März will ich nicht mehr auf eine Nextgen Konsole warten.
Darji schrieb:
2 worte:
Importiere es ;)

Das Playstation? ;)
Ne lass mal, bis März habe ich genug zu tun.

GTA:VCS, Majoras Mask, FFXII, Paper Mario, Locoroco, GT4 (100% sind machbar :aargh: ) usw.

Aber trotzdem will ich den Playstations treu bleiben allein wegen der Abwärtskompatibilität lohnt es sich! :)

Doch wenn März zu Mai oder noch schlimmer September wird dann :cry4:
Mystic76 schrieb:

But a source has told CVG that a PS3 delay as far back as September 2007 is now far more likely, pointing the finger of delay at - yes you guessed it - "component shortages". And let's face it, you don't launch a console in summer.

When contacted this morning a Sony UK spokesperson told CVG that "We're 100 percent on track for a March release

was wohl stimmt?

Jaja - CVG und ihre achso tollen Quellen...wenn an diesen irgendwas glaubhaft waere, dann gaebe es bereits Tekken 4 auf dem Gamecube, die Playstation 3 waere schon seit zwei Jahren auf dem Markt und so weiter - die haben in der Vergangenheit schon genug ominoese Quellen genannt, die so gut wie nie richtig lagen :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Bin mir recht sicher, dass die Konsole , wenn auch in geringer Stueckzahl im Maerz released werden wird - vorbestellen haette dann einen recht guten Vorteil...

UPDATE: Der Bericht wurde nun eben offiziell dementiert und zwar von David Reeves hoechstepersoenlich - also war CVG wie sooft mal wieder etwas zu voreilig mit ihren Quellen, die nicht naeher genannt werden wollen/duerfen...
INFO GATHERED FROM LONDON'S www.threespeech.com event with Phil Harrisson (December 12th 2006)

Playstation 3 european launch within the first 2 weeks of March 2007, as explained to me, Sony's financial year ends on the 3rd week of March and therefore they want to launch before the next finanacial year begins. Judging that UK consoles always release on a friday expect the european launch on either the 2nd or 9th of March. Though a strong hint was that they are hoping to drop the playstation 3 on the 3rd day of the 3rd month (march 3rd).

On the same day as playstation 3's euro launch SCE are to distribute there march firmware update with features including:

multi-tasking (included will be audio/video conferencing while browsing the xmb and its features/ gameplay).
new xmb display options
new animations for audio playback.
new photo album options.
playstation store auto ressume

psp remote play advanced access option (so that you can have access to your ps3's content anywhere that has a internet connection)

Firmware will be constantly updated, with the view of a tv tuner and tivo like service to be available in the 3rd quater of 2007.

Also it is hoped that the same week as the euopean launch of the system will also see the worldwide launch of the ps3's HDip Camera (specifications to be announced at a later date). In terms of other accessories, Sony dont see it as a necesity to manufacture playstation branded headsets, keyboards or mice, as put to me by Jonathun of SCE's threespeech.com 'Third party companies can offer these accessories to the consumer at a price which SCE could not compete'.

A extension to the Sony online store will also make its debut in march. Titled 'Sing Store', PS3 owners will be able to purchase songs for there 'Sing Star' kareoke programme from a slew of artists and will also be given the option to view the songs purchased as music videos via the video playback option within the xmb.

In terms of the european online store, while still being extremley vague, a spokesman for SCE europe was able to explain that Sony would have no defense if they were to charge the european consumer more than in other regions as there are no extra costs on digital distribution as apposed to a product with packaging etc. So expect a $15.00 download to cost people in the UK around £6.50.
other notes-

PS3 will be sold at £425 or lower, meaning we could have it cheaper then the previousley stated price.
Dont expect to see 20GB models available in europe.
No VGA cables to be released.
No plans to make RSX available to Linux OS, due to security issues.
A service to reserve your playstation online id will be up and running this weekend or next.

edit: Noch was vergessen bezüglich Blu-Ray

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Sony Pictures Entertainment said Thursday that it has reached $3 billion in worldwide box office sales this year, a marker hit by only two other studios in movie history.
Warner Bros. Pictures hit that mark in 2004 and '05, while Walt Disney Pictures achieved the milestone in 2003.

With three weeks left in the year, the studio also is on track to surpass its own and the industry's all-time domestic box office gross of $1.573 billion -- a number it reached in 2002. Internationally, the studio already has eclipsed its best, earning $1.5 billion this year.

Sony expects to finish the year with an 18% market share.

"The Da Vinci Code" marks the studio's top grosser this year at more than $750 million worldwide. Sony has three other films that have crossed the $100 million domestic box office mark: "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby," "Click" and the recently released "Casino Royale."

Sony's year isn't over, either. The studio will open the Nancy Meyers-directed romantic comedy "The Holiday" Friday, and the
Will Smith movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" December 15.

schade,hatte auf vga-unterstützung gehofft,naja nächstes jahr kommt eh ein neuer fernseher ins haus,also wirds wohl kein großes problem darstellen :)
Da ich dem Englischen nicht al zu mächtig bin, was bedeutet das nun?

Gamestar schrieb, das sie vllt später kommt.. Stimmt das nun oder nicht?
Weiß man nicht. Ich denke, Sony wird schon versuchen, sie im März zu bringen, aber selbst wenn sie es schaffen, wie viele Einheiten das dann sind, steht noch offen... mehr als ein Paper-Launch wird das auch nicht...
Die Sache mit VGA ist schon lange gegessen und ausgeleiert!Wozu VGA wenn es wegen BluRay und Full HD wenig Sinn macht (HDCP).
VGA ist schon ne feine Sache. wenn man die Konsole mal zu Freunden mitnimmt oder wie gesagt auf Netzwerkpartys Tekken Zocken will dann kann man jeden x beliebigen TFT Monitor anschließen.

naja aber wenns auch mit Adapter geht ohne großen Qualitätsverlust ist das auch ok
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