L20: Enlightened
jetzt kommt erstmal das Battlefield Tournament, danach kommt wohl mehr von der PS3
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und bis wan geht des lohnt es sich wach zu bleiben?AllGamer schrieb:jetzt kommt erstmal das Battlefield Tournament, danach kommt wohl mehr von der PS3
jeah!!!AllGamer schrieb:Tournament ist vorbei, gleich gehts mit der PS3 weiter![]()
The PS3 made its first appearance in the UK today as it was exhibited at the What Hifi? Exhibition in Hammersmith, London. It was playable too with 3 games, Motorstorm, Resistance: Fall Of Man and Lair.
This for me has been something i've been waiting for for a long time, and for us europeans, it was even more of a treat since we won't be getting the PS3 til' March. The PS3 is something i have been waiting for since i first heard about it, first saw what it could do and my anticipation for it has blown so many blood vessels, i'd camouflage with a Ferrari. So my immediate reaction when i went up the escalator and saw the ps3 stands there with the 3 games playing, was one of supreme excitement. I was psyched to be able to play the console i've only read about on this website. But did the ps3 deliver what i hoped it would?
Oh damn yes. Usually when im excited about a product, when i actually see the product i feel somewhat let down. But the PS3 is something i was always going to get and i walked away from that show with the biggest freakin smile on my face because i know that this thing i've been hoping would be great, will be great.
The Console:
The PS3 in my eyes is the sleekest, best looking console of,...well any console ever. Near the ps3 section, they had a range of different products due for release in the future (such as the new ipod, some portable dvd players, and some other pieces of kit) all safe behind 1 inch perplex. Among them was a showcase PS3. There were literally so many more people admiring the PS3 compared to the other products, that it builds satisfaction knowing the PS3 has so much interest going for it. I've also read about things saying the PS3 is a huge console, comparable in size to the xbox. Well when i saw it with my own eyes, it didn't look big to me at all. The style of the ps3 compensates for it's size and listening to other peoples conversations, i didn't hear one person mention the size of it. It really is a stunning piece of kit.
While i was there, 3 PS3's were being used to play the 3 games (naturally). I asked a staff member standing by the stands about heating issues with the PS3's. His response was basically, "The PS3's we've been using haven't come across overheating issues, they've been kinda warm but not really too hot at all". The running PS3's were free to be touched, and the heat coming out of them felt warm, but nothing that would fry an egg...if you know what i mean. The PS3's being used weren't enclosed in perplex, so they had a good supply of air getting to them. I was told by the staff that they WERE also super quiet, so i guess thats true too.
When i first arrived, this game attracted the biggest crowd. And according to the staff, it was also the game they were playing most on their lunch breaks. The track that was being used looked great and the game has also been made faster. It was an exciting game. The long queue i was in to play the game was made easier by the fact that everyone who played it in front of me had a different game experience from the last person. It was great to watch. Every now and then, the guy playing would make an amazing crash with the car, and it would be literally destroyed. It's such a fun game, it reminded me of the adrenaline pumped action of Burnout. There were still a few things to work on in the game, for instance when i was playing, my bike fell off the cliff and instead of respawning, it kinda kept falling for about 10 seconds. The kid in front of me also fell through the ground at one point, so with him gone i thought i would take his place in the line. Overall, i was well impressed with this game, and i will definately buy it as i had so much fun with the mere 6 minutes i had with it.
Resistance: Fall of Man
This game is incredible. What a game. What a launch title at that. This was one of the games i was psyched about playing because i've seen so much about it and heard so much about it, and here i was playing it. The first thing that hit me was the amazing landscapes. Some of the other levels being played had incredible landscapes that could be viewed from really far away. To me, the graphics looked great, although i have seen better. But the real thing that stood out to me was the sheer gameplay of Resistance. Some of the weapons that can be used are amazing and very imaginative. I saw one guy shoot what can only be desribed as huge gooey balls that i guess limit the enemies movements, but its a great refreshing change from past FPS's to have such different gameplay. The sheer fact this game involves aliens opens the door to limitless possibilities. At one point, there were aliens climbing and jumping along the walls which was really cool, and there were these mechanical walking tanks that were in the distance going completely ape and shooting everything, it was great. There was also no slowdown whatsoever from what i saw even when there was alot of stuff going on. Sony is pushing this game above the rest and its not hard to see why. It's an incredible game by itself, but the fact thats it's a launch game also is something that will easily make the PS3 worth its $600 purchase.
This was the first time i got to experience motion sensing controllers of any type. It took me a little getting used to, but it was incredible. It brings a whole new feel of freedom when you control a game by moving your own body. It was fantastic to fly the dragon using motion sensing. Part of the game we could play included a battle. Bearing in mind the game is something like 35% complete, it looks so incredible already. There is so much detail in the game. While the people in front of me were just playing the game, i made my dragon hover over the sea as i was just admiring the way the water looked. Part of the battle involves fighting enemy soldiers on a bridge. So when you actually land on this bridge, i was amazed to find that those tiny specks off soldiers were actually super detailed. It was incredible, the game looked so good and the motion-sensing was outstanding. The controller worked perfectly and it felt so great to play a game like this, where you can make something fly by just the movement of your hand.
The controller:
With the unsettlement surrounding the new PS3 controller, i was interested to see what i would think about it. The first thing that struck me was the lightness of it. It really is noticeable however it didn't feel uncomfortable or cheap. It felt familiar, yet improved. The lightness of the controller really aids the motion-sensing side of it actually, because it was much nicer to fly a dragon in Lair with the lighter controller compared to the heaviness of the PS2 version. The R2 and L2 buttins felt a little wierd to me at first as they were so springy. Yet i soon got used to it. Coincidently the plastic where the D-pad and the 4 main buttons are was kinda semi-transparent. You could see the inner workings of the controller yet on the main body of the controller, it was completely non-transparent. I thought that was a cool touch.
The lack of rumble in the controller was the thing that interested me most. I'll tell you why. I didn't even think about the lack of rumble when i was playing the games. In a game like Motorstorm and Resistance, rumble would be a great addition. Yet when i was playing it, i never thought once, "Oh yeah, it's not vibrating". The lack of rumble doesn't bother me at all anymore because from my experience, i didn't even consider it. I only remembered it when i got off the games. Although i would still welcome rumble into the controller, it doesn't bother me at all anymore because i just plain forgot that the controller lacked it in the first place, and i wasn't the only one who thought that.
The picture for this article pretty much sums up the constant expression on my face when i was playing the PS3. The What Hifi? Exhibition wasn't a gaming exhibition, it was a technology show. Yet the PS3 really did pull the majority of the crowd. The interest doesn't go unwarrented either, because everything i saw about the PS3 at this show was outstanding. I overheard many people who said how great the games were, and how cool the ps3 is. Apart from one idiot who worked for an Xbox 360 magazine, who was on the phone to someone saying how mediocre he felt it all was. But would you expect anything less? It's ridiculous really considering how interested everybody else was.
On that note, because this was a technology show, they had many top-end HD-TV's on show.
As someone who had high hopes with the PS3, i walked out that show a happy man because i left knowing those hopes will come true. For anyone else who like me, has been really looking foward to the PS3, you shant be disappointed. Because from everything i saw, there's nothing to say this isn't the best games console of the next generation
Howard schrieb:Es gibt derweil keine Probleme mit Überhitzung etc.
Loginius schrieb:Was si den das für einer in dem statemendt?
sorry aber wen jemand spiele welche vor einem jahr erschienen sind mit welchen vergleicht die in 2wochen erscheinen wunderts mich nich das er bei den neuen beeindruckter is was die Grafick angeht....
Digiexpo opened today in Helsinki, Finland, and naturally I went to see what was happening there. I knew beforehand that Wii and Gears of War would be available to try out there, but to my surprise a handful of PS3 games were also presented in playable form.
When I entered the hall I first headed towards the PlayStation area (what did you expect?), and although there was no news about PS3 being presented I felt let down when all I could see was PSP stands. That is, until I noticed a dark-classed area that stood high above the rest of the PlayStation ground. I raced up the stairs and then came the moment I had been waiting for, the moment I lost my PS3 virginity. There were four PS3s inside the circular space, with 1080p LCDs attached to them. One of them was running MotorStorm, the next Ridge Racer 7, and the other two were running Resistance. I felt my hymen break.
While I waited my turn to try MotorStorm, I noticed the PS3 units sitting under the LCDs. Due to my excitement and uncontrollable drooling, I hadn't noticed them until that moment. I must say the PS3 looked even bigger than I expected, nevertheless, I liked the way it looked now that I saw it in front of me for the first time. Too bad no touching or rubbing was allowed. Oh, I tried to listen whether the unit is as silent as it's said to be, but that was impossible in all the surrounding noise.
Eventually I had to stop ogling the unit, when my turn came to play the game. I chose the motorbike and off I went. The game looked amazing, with all the foliage, shadows, and flying mud and engine parts. There was occasional slow downs, nothing catastrophic though, and I must agree with some of the comments that the game felt a bit too slow. Until I found the boost button, and flew like a greased lightning. Apparently the game has unlimited boost(?).
The controls were good, but I didn't like the idea that throttle is handled by shoulder trigger (R2), instead of X button. BTW, I liked the feel of the new L2 and R2 buttons. I enjoyed my brief moment with the game, and it's definitely going to be on my shopping list next year. Although there might be one annoying flaw with the game. A flaw, that should be very familiar to those who've played FlatOut. The irritating crash animation you get every time you crash onto something. I really, really, hope it can be skipped, or perhaps set entirely off from game options.
Next I went to try out Ridge Racer 7.I assume it was running at 1080p/60fps like previously mentioned, because it looked noticeably sharper than the other two games. And unlike in MotorStorm, I witnessed no slow downs in RR7. A standard arcade game, but very enjoyable one, mainly due to the controls. I absolutely loved the way the drifting has been changed since RR5. And no more does the speed go as much down as it did in RR5 when you pumped to the street corners or other cars. The part of the track where I drove inside a tunnel under a waterfall looked marvellous, and the wet road had even an effect on handling of the car. Perhaps not a must-have title, as in its core it's just another arcade racer, but I think I'll buy it when the time comes.
Time for Resistance. First of all I have to say I'm not going to get this game, due to the exclusion of keyboard and mouse support. And for some odd reason the shooting was handled by R1, instead of R2.
The graphics were crisp, and the animation and fire looked fantastic. I also liked the game's sounds, especially those of the weapons.
My very brief moment with the game was nothing but embarassing. It just felt awkward to try to control it with a pad. Although my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend, who plays in some Halo clan, seemed to have no troubles playing it. Resistance could be a game for you if you like to play FPS games with a pad. It seemed like an enjoyable game, especially the part where the big mechanical spider entered the warzone. I'd buy the game instantly if KB&M would be supported, sadly that isn't going to happen.