3. HD DVD vs. BluRay

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Welches Format wird sich durchsetzen

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Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Ich sehe immer mehr, das es keinen Gewinner gibt.
Ich hoffe mal, das die Industrie daraus lernt und die beiden Formate schnell beerdigt und durch einen gemeinsamen Standard ersetzt.
HDTV-Haushalte tendieren zu HD DVD

43 Prozent der Käufer von HDTV-Geräten liebäugeln mit der Anschaffung eines HD-DVD-Players, während nur 27 Prozent zu Blu-ray tendieren.

ergebnis der studio: 40% wissen nicht, was es für hd-abspielgeräte gibt und verknüpfen dvd + hd zum neuen abspielmedium.

auf die frage, ob sie nicht lieber bluray hätten, kam die antwort, dass strahlung schädlich sei und akw abgeschaltet werden müssen
Mal ein Sicherheitshinweis:

Laut areadvd und zahlreichen Foren kann es bei der Wiedergabe von DTS-MA-Tracks der folgenden Blu-rays unter Umständen einen lauten Knall geben, der die Lautsprecher beschädigen kann.

- Master & Commander (Fox)
- Silent Hill
- Das Phantom der Oper
- Der Schakal
- Tomb Raider 2 (alle Concorde)

Die Discs also erstmal leise antesten und schauen, ob es bei den verwendeten Receivern, bzw. der verwendeten Verkabelung zu Störungen kommt.
All of this offers fodder for both sides of this debate, but one thing cannot be ignored, and that's momentum. And HD DVD owns it despite those disc sales. Earlier this year, HD DVD players surpassed 100,000 units sold. Two months later, the number had only grown to 150,000 units.

That 50 percent increase was nothing to sneeze at, but over the past five months, HD DVD unit sales have swelled to over 750,000 units, or a 400 percent increase. Blu-ray might still enjoy a commanding lead in the marketplace, thanks to its ongoing reliance on the Sony PlayStation, but it is very clear that consumers are snapping up HD DVD players at break-neck speed.

Vorhin 300 auf Blu-Ray gekauft: Geeeil - HD ist irgendwie doch was relativ Nettes :-D

Gerade den Film fand ich überhaupt nicht gut auf Blu-Ray. Dieses übertrieben starke Bildrauschen ging mir schon auf den Geist. Da waren Chicken Little und Kung Fu Hustle IMO weitaus besser.

is about to go from "bluray exclusive" to "neutral" with the release of Pans Labyrinth.
and the HD DVD version will have exclusive web content

New tool streamlines development and testing process for HD DVD content, accelerates advancement of next-generation interactivity, including experiences powered by Microsoft HDi technology.
December 13, 2007: 09:00 AM EST

REDMOND, Wash., Dec. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Microsoft Corp. today announced the release of the Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator, enabling film studios and disc authoring companies to model the behavior of HD DVD disc content, including encoded video and HDi interactivity, in a virtual environment before committing to burning a single HD DVD disc. This comprehensive tool is among the first commercially available, software-based solutions of its kind, eliminating the need for expensive hardware or time-consuming and costly trial-and-error processes for testing HD DVD titles, helping to ensure that titles ship error-free.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO)

The enhanced content and rich interactive capabilities of HD DVD increase the need for an efficient way to troubleshoot coding to maintain the highest-quality consumer experiences. The emulator uses a combination of available hardware (the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system and the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player) and specialized emulation software to ultimately enable playback of near-final assets from a network storage share, portable hard drive or optical disc. This allows focused testing of the layout, the menus, and the behavior of the interactivity functionality of a title. Detailed log reports from the Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator deliver valuable tracing information to help quickly and easily pinpoint problems with advanced interactivity code that otherwise could take hours of manual debugging.

"We are committed to supporting and advancing the HD DVD ecosystem, and the new Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator reflects these efforts by providing developers with the software-based tools they need to efficiently deliver the highest-quality content," said Jordi Ribas, general manager of HD DVD at Microsoft. "Microsoft developed the Emulator to help save studios and postproduction houses time, resources and costs involved with the creation of HD DVD content, and let them focus on what really matters -- pushing the envelope with the format."

Sessions using the Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator are designed to complement existing workflows so that tests can be run at various stages. The tool offers several choices for how to run a session: directly from a network storage share, from a USB drive connected directly to the Xbox 360 console, or from an optical disc in the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player. While the tool enables the testing of content playback on the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player specifically, it effectively eliminates layers in the testing process for other HD DVD players as well.

Validated by the Industry's Leading HD DVD Production Houses

As part of the development process, Microsoft implemented a beta program from July through November of this year, involving more than 40 participants, including Deluxe Digital Studios, Enteractive GmbH, Imagion AG, Memory-Tech Corporation and NetBlender Inc. Participants found that the tool significantly decreased the number of hours and reduced the costs associated with the production process, freeing up time to refine and improve content.

"The authoring process for HD DVD is more complex and expensive than the process for standard DVD, and as with any new technology, it can require a lot of time and resources," said John Harrington, CEO of NetBlender. "In the process of working with the new Xbox 360 HD DVD Player Emulator, we were able to cut the number of test discs needed per month from roughly 200 down to 50, saving more than 100 work hours per month. This positively impacted our business essentially overnight. We estimate we will recoup the low cost of the tool in less than one month's time."

Setting up the Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator simply requires establishing a connection to Xbox LIVE, navigating to the Download Games menu, and adding the Emulator software to the hard drive of the Xbox 360 console. The one-time licensing fee is $2,999.

As scenarios for next-generation interactivity continue to expand and evolve, streamlining the production process for HD DVD titles frees up resources that licensees can use to focus on refining and improving content -- maximizing the potential of HDi to create compelling user scenarios. The Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator is available for sale immediately at http://www.thisishddvd.com/emulator.

More information on the Xbox 360 HD DVD Emulator and HDi License Program, as well as a downloadable case study of NetBlender's use of the emulator, is available at http://www.thisishddvd.com/emulator.

Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

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Mal eine Frage an die Experten: Gibt es schon die Alien-Filme als Blu Ray bzw. HDDVD zu kaufen oder ist da etwas in der Richtung wenigstens geplant?
Fluch der Karibik III owned übrigens alles an HD weg momentan in den USA. (und zwar Exklusiv für BR)
Fluch der Karibik III owned übrigens alles an HD weg momentan in den USA. (und zwar Exklusiv für BR)

Schön für den Film :-P
Im Kino hat er mir aber nicht wirklich gefallen :shakehead:

Ich glaube man kann den Formatkrieg ruhig laufen lassen, irgendwann wird es eine Lösung geben.
Und wenn es ein neues Ultraformat sein sollte...
Stimmt, letzte Woche Fluch der Karibik 3 für BD exklusiv und diese Woche Bourne Ultimatum für HD DVD exklusiv.

Bei Alien gibt es derzeit nur AvP für BD.
Fluch der Karibik III owned übrigens alles an HD weg momentan in den USA. (und zwar Exklusiv für BR)

Nachdem Du ja immer derjenige bist, der nach Quellen schreit, mache ich das an dieser Stelle mal. Quelle?

Ich glaube übrigens, dass die HDDVD dieser oder kommende Woche durchaus die Blu-ray in den Nielsen-Zahlen schlagen KÖNNTE.
Da es auf beiden Seiten Blockbuster und Bogos gab.

Übrigens: New Line war noch nie BD-exklusiv, sondern nur bei Neu-VÖs wegen dem Regionalcode zeitexklusiv.
Fluch der Karibik III ist crap, genau wie Spiderman III. :(

Im Moment würde ich mir einen BR Player kaufen, wenn ich mich jetzt entscheiden müsste, aber ich denke nächstes Jahr wird es Kombiplayer.
Ich kann Dir da nur zustimmen. Bis auf Bourne 3 habe eigentlich alle 3. Teile enttäuscht.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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