Darji schrieb:
Und was soll uns das fett markierte Kauderwelsch bitte sagen?
This heart of the device is according to Van of the Lion "much faster than what it these days also but for sale is" on other game computers. Moreover the blu-rayspeler of the PS3 offers depict much more raise capacity for beautiful HD-and good sound. Blu-ray is a new DVD-standard.
That same is happened by the Xbox 360, that already longer than a year on the market is. The first games, as for instance Projects Gotham Racing 3, became reasonably good receive but not yet were seen as really 'next-gene'. Meanwhile get spell as a Gears or Tangle much more out the Xbox 360.
Ah ja: All your base are belong to us!
Wenn jetzt schon die guten News fehlen werden einfach irgendwelche belanglosen Dinge durch einen schlechten Übersetzter gejagt. Toll!