- Uncharted by Naughty Dog Game of the show: confirmed
- Lair by Factor5, playable demo coming to PSN in June, August release. Exceptional frame rate now.
- Eye of Judgement by SCE Japan, shown. Works with PlayStation Eye peripheral (also shown)
- Ratchet and Clank Future by Insomniac, looking fantastic but has some frame issues. less than 30 fps: confirmed
- Heavenly Sword by Ninja Theory. Looking fantastic.
- Sony has over 40 PlayStation 3 games in development at present, this number is for retail games. To be shown later in the year.
- Eight Days to be based on episodic content. Each day is an episode- potential Blu Ray release at the end. Sony's experiment with DLC to deliver a game sooner rather than later.
- SlantSixGames working on something. Follow that lead.
- The most succesful PSN games wlil be featured on Blu Ray compilations.