28. Xbox360 vs. Wii vs. PS3

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Sorrow33 schrieb:
Ich denke nicht als der Trailer ausgestrahlt wurde das die Millionen von Footballfans daraufhingewiesen wurde das sie jetzt ein CGI Teaser zu Halo 3 sehen werden...;)

Dafür wurden aber Abermillionen Sonyfans darauf hingewiesen, dass Motorstorm und Killzone zu 100% Echtzeit wären. Ein kleiner aber feiner Unterschied ;)
Freigeist schrieb:
Dafür wurden aber Abermillionen Sonyfans darauf hingewiesen, dass Motorstorm und Killzone zu 100% Echtzeit wären. Ein kleiner aber feiner Unterschied ;)

für diese unterstellung hätte ich gern ne quelle. nicht missverstehen... kann sein das wirklich so was offiziell behauptet wurde, ich habe jedoch nix davon mitgekriegt.
Angesprochen auf die Echtzeit-Tauglichkeit der präsentierten Demos, bestätigte Phil Harrison, daß diese wirkliche InGame-Grafiken boten und nichts vorausberechnet wurde.
Auf die vermeintlich wichtigere Frage, ob die Videos auch in Echtzeit abliefen, gab er zu Protokoll, daß nicht alle respektive gar keines, da diese ja als Video abgespielt wurden, vorausberechnet waren. Als Begründung gab er an, daß dies notwendig sei, wenn man vor zweieinhalbtausend Leuten eine Präsentation abhalte, um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein. Gleichzeitig fügte er noch hinzu, die Videos seien entsprechend den PlayStation 3 Anforderungen erstellt worden. Virtuell basiere alles auf InGame-Grundlagen, einige Sachen seien nachgerendert.

KA obs hier schon gepostet wurde:

11:00, May 9th 2007 by Michael French
UK studio responsible for Buzz discusses ramp up for PlayStation 3 production.
Brighton-based UK studio Relentless, co-creator of the Buzz series of quiz games, has been discussing yesterday's announced move towards PlayStation 3 development in the latest issue of Develop.

Echoing the culture shock many studios have encountered in moving from previous gen to new hardware, development director and co-founder Andrew Eades described the venture onto PS3 for an unannounced title as "a strange journey". :

"We were really comfortable making PS2 games, but when it comes to PS3 we found it harder than we thought it would be," said Eades. "We didn't think it would be a walk in the park, but we found it harder than we should have. We had some missteps in the art style, and that slowed us down - we were a bit worried at first but now it looks like a true next-gen game. Now we've got in place everything we need - with the right technical people and art people – and PS3 is starting to reveal its power to us."

Added Eades: "When we're walking around the studio we're starting to see things on people's screens that really make you stop in your tracks to look at. It has taken us longer than we would have liked, but we're really happy with what we're seeing for PS3."

Creative director and co-founder David Amor also had plenty of praise for the support Sony is offering with it's new PlayStation Edge technology suite, a collection of tools put together by SCE studios that worked on the first wave of games for the PS3.

"PS3 is quite a complicated machine to write for," said Amor. "But PlayStation Edge is a great help. I remember when I spoke to the Media Molecule guys, one of them said to me 'the Insomniac guys, they've cracked the SPUs, they got it.' So now those tools are available for third-party studios, it's good news for all of us."

Quelle: http://www.developmag.com/news/26951/Relentless-PS3-is-starting-to-reveal-its-power
@ Gundam News

- Grand Theft Auto (erledigt) - Devil May Cry (erledigt)

- Virtua Tennis (erledigt) - Metal Gear Solid (ausstehend)

- Virtua Fighter (erledigt) - Tekken (ausstehend)

- Fatal Inertia (erledigt) - Final Fantasy (ausstehend)

Howard schrieb:
@ Gundam News

- Grand Theft Auto (erledigt) - Devil May Cry (erledigt)

- Virtua Tennis (erledigt) - Metal Gear Solid (ausstehend)

- Virtua Fighter (erledigt) - Tekken (ausstehend)

- Fatal Inertia (erledigt) - Final Fantasy (ausstehend)


Gundam und Fatal Eternia gehören nicht wirklich in die selbe Gruppe von Games wie FF,MGS oder DMC 4 ^^
Sasuke schrieb:
Gundam und Fatal Eternia gehören nicht wirklich in die selbe Gruppe von Games wie FF,MGS oder DMC 4 ^^

Schon klar^^

Aber mit Gundam gibt Namco ein Zeichen^^ :D

Tekken ist jetzt wirklich sehr wahrscheinlich, und wenn Tekken, dann auch Soul Calibur und vieleicht mal ein tales of! :)
Howard schrieb:
Schon klar^^

Aber mit Gundam gibt Namco ein Zeichen^^ :D

Tekken ist jetzt wirklich sehr wahrscheinlich, und wenn Tekken, dann auch Soul Calibur und vieleicht mal ein tales of! :)
Soul Calibur ist eh Multi das war es bis auf 1? ausnahme schon immer.

Und Tekken wird eh nicht in diesem Geschäftsjahr erscheinen. Das Sagte Namco aber auch. ^^
Darji schrieb:
Soul Calibur ist eh Multi das war es bis auf 1? ausnahme schon immer.

Und Tekken wird eh nicht in diesem Geschäftsjahr erscheinen. Das Sagte Namco aber auch. ^^

Multi wirds trozdem. ;)

Dann hat nur die 360 alle 3 großen BEMUS! :) (fehlt noch SSBB :D )
Howard diese Gen wird eh zu 95% Multi werden. Es wird nur wenige Ausnahmen geben und die 1 und 2 Partys natürlich. aber freu dich doch lieber mal auf den neuen Crackdown Content.

Free DLC
Title Update Items:

Reset Gangs: In place of the current option to reset the city’s crime (unlocked by defeating all 21 bosses), the gangs can now be completely reset in the main campaign.

Easier Orb Hunting: Imagine how great it would be if when searching for the last remaining hidden agility orbs the audio range on each of them got wider as fewer remained; well imagine no longer. Audio ”ping” range is now gradually increased when searching for the last 50 percent of hidden orbs, and 20 percent of agility orbs.

Ground Strike: Available to a four star strength agent only, it is now possible to slam downwards while airborne by holding the attack button. The resulting strike is deadly to anything it hits, with an additional shockwave stunning nearby enemies.

Improved firing over low walls: Agents can now fire downwards at a greater angle while taking partial cover behind a low wall.

Targeting enhancements: Improved target lock prioritization of enemies behind vehicles as well as live enemies over corpses.

Those damn fire hydrants!: The fire hydrants were near indestructible but were also hard to spot. Now, though still best avoided, they can be smashed over for a far less unreasonable penalty.

Stunt Ring Visibility: Stunt Rings are now much easier to locate.

No “Lefty Flip” on vehicle control: Removal of the lefty flip on vehicle control so that left-handed players can aim with the left stick, but still steer with the right stick.

Persisting Charges & Mines: Limpet Charges (and the new Proximity Mines) will persist at all times within the game world and not just when within a certain range of the player.

Distant Explosions: No matter where the explosion(s), players will be able to see them provided they have a line of sight… it’s always a clear day in Pacific City!

Ramp Truck Issues: Some vehicles didn’t seem to get on well with the ramp truck, but we never intended this to be a SUV-only toy. Now none of them can get enough of it!

Camera Enhancements: Better camera for performing vehicle stunts or driving on near vertical surfaces (particularly with Top Level Agency SUV or new Peacekeeper Buggy). Also vertigo-inducing tweaks for those long leaps of faith.

Player to player precision shots: We’ve dropped the PvP lock-on but now another agent can be hit with a head or leg shot using normal targeting.

“Free-For-All Pack” Free Downloadable Content:

Keys to the City: The ultimate Cheat Mode! Enter this mirror of the main Campaign for a clean-slate game that can be fully exploited and customized for a single play session.

(Note: Achievements and leaderboards will be disabled in this mode)

* Build a pile of 100 explosive drums at the top of the Agency Tower – then let it rip!
* Spawn a ramp truck anywhere, and it’ll stay there
* Create an agency vehicle or one of the new Peacekeeper vehicles any time, any place
* Players can set character skills however they want them, or just activate the accelerated skill leveling feature (“Crackdown” demo anyone?)
* Check out “Super Agent Agility” to jump ridiculous distances, swim faster than a torpedo and sprint faster than a speeding bullet (almost)
* Try the “Super Agent Strength” to toss a truck with deadly accuracy further than ever dreamt. Boot enemies into the stratosphere!
* Get the most out of the exciting selection of new weaponry by activating infinite ammo. Max out the selection at each supply point too!
* Do all of this without skipping a beat of the action – the pop-up cheat menu is always available during play without pausing the game

Vehicle Impounding: The Agency Garage has been given an overhaul; this was partly to accommodate the brand new Peacekeeper Vehicles, but also to allow Agents to impound their favorites so that they’re always available…in their preferred color.

* Impounding is simple: commandeer the vehicle and return it to the garage
* Vehicles that aren’t yet impounded are displayed as feint images, so players can see at a glance what’s missing from their collection
* The “Confiscator” achievement awaits those who simply had to catch ‘em all

Co-op Trophy sequences: A trophy emblazoned with my gamertag that is displayed for me and my opponent every time I win at the existing game types!? Yes please! Psychotic Mission Trials

* A record is now kept of Time Trials completed at “Psychotic” difficulty
* Scoring the maximum 21/21 isn’t just the ultimate challenge that every true Agent of Justice should have the stones to take on, but it’s also the only way to unlock the highly coveted “Psych Out” Achievement

“Getting’ Busy Bonus Pack” Premium Downloadable Content:

New Vehicles:

Agency Patrol Buggy:

* Double wishbone suspension absorbs the bumps in spectacular fashion
* Rides over anything – even when scaling near vertical surfaces
* Insane air control
* Roof mounted, independently aiming mini-gun activated with either “B” or “Left Bumper”

Agency Pursuit Vehicle:

* Ridiculously powerful mono-cockpit race car
* Acceleration that blows away everything else in the city
* Incredible grip and top speed
* Those road race leaderboard times are set to tumble!

Agency Armored Vehicle:

* Like the Agency Truck, the AAV can smash through barricades with ease
* Tank-like in design, occupants are completely protected from assault
* Surprisingly fast and agile for its size
* Rockets fired from independently aiming main turret with either “B” or “Left Bumper”

Street Racing: Pacific City is finally free from crime. Agency activity is once again concealed behind closed doors. The remaining peacekeepers, having very little to do, quickly grew restless. To satisfy their lingering lust for danger, high risk Street Racing tournaments have been established across the city.

* Compete in six different on and off road races across the city
* 6 radically different vehicle options per circuit
* Race against up to 11 other “do or die” opponents, including another player over XBL
* Compare fastest race times as well as race wins for that session with your co-op “buddy”
* Players can post their fastest time per circuit to the online leaderboards
* Take advantage of the world of “Crackdown” to win by any means necessary: create road blocks, hit gas tanks, or simply slam opponents into submission

New Equipment

MSK Lobber

* Mini rockets are thrown out from the rotating muzzle section before their boosters ignite and swarm towards their target.
* The homing mini-rockets are incredibly agile making this the ultimate fire-and-forget weapon

EX1 “Proximity Charge”

* Similar to the standard issue “Limpet Charge,” these can be attached to any surface.
* A visible local field is generated when the charge is set. Enemy penetration of this field will result in detonation
* In a bid to reduce the extensive civilian casualties lying in the wake of any crime fighting Agent, intelligent threat-sensing technology prevents the charge from detonating when a firearm is not detected
* Unfortunately the technology isn’t quite intelligent enough to prevent detonation due to field penetration by another Agent

HRX “Harpoon”

* A powerful gas powered mechanism capable of launching a deadly, razor-sharp spear over large distances with incredible accuracy
* Can be used to ensure enemies “stick around” when players need them to, or to attach perps to their vehicle if they need to take them downtown…or around town

MZ360 “Mini-Gun” (!!!)

* The ultimate fast-firing projectile weapon
* “Spin-up” to full fire rate takes some time, but the devastation is incredible
* Comes with a bountiful supply of high-caliber ammunition

VS1 “Cloaking Device”

* The perfect device for the Agent that likes his action served psychotic, or for anyone that just needs to get under the radar from time to time
* Renders the player barely visible and off radar
* The VS1 is fuelled by Agency suit armor; when depleted an Agent can find themselves distressingly vulnerable

New Game Types

Max-Agility Rooftop Races

* Compete solo or with two players in races across the city rooftops
* Nine new races in total, each with its own solo & co-op leaderboards
* Four are with Los Muertos, three with The Volk, and The Shai-Gen play host to the remaining two
* And no, gamers won’t need to complete these too for the existing “Over Our Heads” Achievement!


* Each district (including Agency Island) hosts a Stockpile game – clearly identified with its unique beacon
* Stockpile can be played solo or in co-op
* The aim is to collect all the game specific orbs (also marked on the tracker) in the fastest time
* Best times are uploaded to the online leaderboards
* Two players can work co-operatively to find all the orbs in the fastest possible time, or simply compete for the highest score when the time runs out
* In the case of competitive play, it doesn’t always pay to do the grunt work of collection; when an Agent is killed he drops a third of his spoils

Checkpoint Chase

* A highly addictive two-player competitive game that makes the very most of the world of “Crackdown”
* The game can only be initiated in one place – the Agency Garage
* A random target destination is identified somewhere on the city, but is only marked on the tracker (not the map)
* The first person to reach the destination gains a point and activates the next checkpoint
* The winner is the first to 10 points
* Other than that, Checkpoint Chase has no rules!

Rocket Tag

 The ultimate competitive combat event!  Each of the 21 gang boss lairs now also plays host to a game of Rocket Tag  When the game is activated the players are randomly assigned as “hunter” and “hunted”  The hunter has a straight-shootin’ “Hotshot” rocket launcher…and more ammo than he could ever need!  The hunted has…a pistol  To win, the hunted player must avoid being caught in the blast of the rocket launcher for 60 seconds. Simple!

NOTE: Gamers can essentially “try before you buy” by partnering cooperatively with another player that has purchased the “Getting’ Busy Bonus Pack”. This will give both players full access to pack’s goodies, for that session. Trust us when we say that once you sample the fun of this pack, you’ll want to “Get Busy” every time!


The new content brings with it seven new achievements (taking the overall total to a nice round 50). Let’s get one thing straight, nobody’s paying for the 100 points that were missing from the original game – and in fact we’re repaying that debt with some serious interest! In total the download pack unlocks a whopping 350 gamerscore!

Confiscator *

* Impound all the chosen vehicles and store them in the Agency Garage
* 40 Gamerscore

Psych Out *

* Complete all Time Trial missions at the Psychotic Difficulty level
* 100 Gamerscore

Stockpile Supreme **

* Complete any Stockpile mini-game in less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
* 10 Gamerscore

Flippin' Crazy **

* Complete three flips of any type in a single jump in any vehicle
* 20 Gamerscore

Body Armor **

* Use the Harpoon gun to attach five corpses to a single vehicle
* 10 Gamerscore

Street Racer ***

* Win all Street Races using any vehicle
* 20 Gamerscore

Street Racer Elite ***

* Win all Street Races using all available vehicles
* 150 Gamerscore

* Available with Free DLC
** Available when one player has Premium DLC
*** Available only with Premium DLC

UPS hoffe du lebst nicht in Deutschland :P ;)
Howard schrieb:
Multi wirds trozdem. ;)

Dann hat nur die 360 alle 3 großen BEMUS! :) (fehlt noch SSBB :D )

... stimmt, mortal kombat, DoA, soul calibur? und vielleicht noch tekken, wieder ein grund diese konsole zu kaufen, als beat em up fan...

wird man aber auch nicht um SSBB vorbei kommen!

wenn die ganzen retro kampfgames killer instinct usw. noch für x-box live kommen und man online zocken kann.... -sabber-
Darji schrieb:
Soul Calibur ist eh Multi das war es bis auf 1? ausnahme schon immer.

Und Tekken wird eh nicht in diesem Geschäftsjahr erscheinen. Das Sagte Namco aber auch. ^^
Ne zwei Ausnahmen von 3 Teilen. ;)
Eigentlich 3 wenn man Soul Blade noch mit dazu nimmt. :P
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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