26. Xbox360 vs. Wii vs. PS3

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Lair devs: "We were blown away by Cell"

When you were designing Lair, what about the PS3 was really surprising or even amazing to you?

The most amazing thing for us always is the scope. We are about wanting to see large 32-by-32-kilometer/mile levels, but at the same time, being able to land and have intricate detail almost on the level of a first person shooter. That has never been possible before, and in the last game we did (Rebel Strike for the GameCube), you basically had the flight parts, and when you landed, it would load up at a completely different level that had ground scale. You would basically cheat around that, which really prevented you from doing a lot of the cool stuff that you wanted to do in terms of game design, such as seamlessly going back and forth to get a little more emergent game play going there and not be as linear. So, our big question with the PS3 was: "Can it do it?"

And the answer is...?

[Laughs] We were blown away by Cell. Not so much by the graphics chip because that was basically what was known and what we expected, but the Cell suddenly made it possible to use techniques in Lair that we had talked about before, but which we never thought a system would be fast enough to actually support. We were able to make this insane level of detail changes possible from the very, very highest point up in the sky all the way to the ground.

In what other ways does Lair take advantage of the Cell?

We have all of our animations running on the S.P.U.s of the Cell's chip because you couldn't draw armies or basically animate armies of that amount and size without it. And our physics are completely on there. We are also doing fluid dynamics for the first time in a game, as far as I know. Water is not basically a sheet of a base surface, but completely animated and sub-divided, and you actually can direct with it thanks to the Cell. We actually do part of our rendering on the Cell. Simply because it's so powerful, we spent months and months moving more and more systems onto the S.P.U.'s.

Do you dedicate one S.P.U. to enemy A.I.?

Not a specific S.P.U. Our S.P.U. code works dynamically, so we are not locking up one S.P.U. and saying "OK, you are the A.I. S.P.U., but we instead say, "OK, here are these 15 things including A.I." We run them on the S.P.U., and the code automatically distributes them. And sometimes, yes, A.I. certainly can take up a full S.P.U.

Is there a multiplayer mode for this game or an online mode?

There is an online mode, so we are permanently integrated into a network platform. Inside the game, you'll have community features, such as messaging between players. You'll also have leader boards and online stats, which I think is very important because we have a replay value system very similar to the Rogue Squadron's where you earn medals. You'll basically want to track your stats against other the guy's to see what he did to get that gold medal.

We don't have multiplayer because we had so many other systems to figure out for the first time, especially the fight aspects for a flight game that nobody ever tried before. So we spent enough time with that, and basically, to do multiplayer on top of that really wasn't feasible.

Now, if people like Lair and we do a sequel, which we certainly would love to, then of course multiplayer will be on the table.

da mir gerade langweilig ist :P
Zocker schrieb:
Stimmt ja.. deswegen ist MS auch so reich geworden. Weil sie die guten Samariter sind... :lol:

Wer will keine Entwicklungskosten sparen?
Etwa die ach so treuen Herren und Damen von Square? :lol:

@ Darji

Sigma schon langweilig? :lol:
Darji schrieb:

Das erinnert mich an den GAF-thread zu Dragon's Lair, wo sich einer fargt warum das alle so geil finden. Schliesslich sieht man nur ne Animaion und es gibt kaum Gameplay bzw. gar keines ausser n bissel Button smashen.

Woraufhin alle meinen das es eben der grafisch beste Titel damals war.

Und jetzt kommt wieder ein grafisch bestes Lair...

hihi :pimp2:
Durfte vorhin Ridge Racer auf der PS3 im MM spielen.

Grafik: :rofl3:
Gameplay: :rofl3:
Gesamt: :lol2:

PS: Nintendo is doomed. :)


Hazuki schrieb:
LOL über Gamesverkaufszahlen würde ich als Sonybot aber nicht unbedingt mit den Fingern auf andere zeigen :lol2:

Darum gehts doch nicht. Meine Fresse seid ihr XBOX Fanatiker schlimm. Um Himmels willen... :oops:
Fisker schrieb:
jo, moore weiß nicht welche spiele rare noch entwickelt, das muss killer instint sein.. die logik siegt

Das war ja nur ne vermutung von ihm ;)

Das Moore nicht wüßte welches Game entwickelt wird ist sowieso Quatsch .........
Zocker schrieb:
Darum gehts doch nicht. Meine Fresse seid ihr XBOX Fanatiker schlimm. Um Himmels willen... :oops:

Baby so leid es mir auch tut , es geht immer um verkaufszahlen ! Da hilft auch kein Amazon :wink2:
Grequaid schrieb:
Durfte vorhin Ridge Racer auf der PS3 im MM spielen.

Grafik: :rofl3:
Gameplay: :rofl3:
Gesamt: :lol2:

PS: Nintendo is doomed. :)

[removed pic from quote]


Werden dir die Nintendo Kiddies eh niemals glauben. Wii ist überall ausverkauft immer und immer ..
Hazuki schrieb:
Baby so leid es mir auch tut , es geht immer um verkaufszahlen ! Da hilft auch kein Amazon :wink2:

OK, dann hat die PS2 gewonnen. Meine Fresse, wie kann man sich nur so lächerlich wegen so einer Schrottbox verhalten. Das Ding ist so ein Misthaufen und ihr macht so ein Geschiss drum. Wird Zeit das MS endlich abhaut.

Aber nein, ihr liebt ja Tearing, defekte Konsolen und Live Abzocke.. samt 70 Euro Spielepreise. Ja das ist ne schöne neue Konsolenwelt mit MS. Ne herzlichen Dank.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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