Graphically, the game looks good, but falls short of the detailed display Sam saw on Xbox 360 last year. Players who ran through the paces in Microsoft-land will notice a slower framerate and the loss of a few small details (things like a smaller quantity of fights during the prison riot, different textures on character close-ups and no goggle-toggle when tossing on Sam's specs).
There are other areas where Sam and company suffer from a bout of PS3 hiccups too. In some instances, for example, snow falls everywhere but the top left-hand corner of the screen; Sam's hands occasionally clip into walls while he hacks at a wire; and the camera will sometime flip out as our hero climbs across a pipe.
Habe es zwar eine Siete vorher schonmal gepostet, aber hier passt es zu gut. Und nun? The war is over! (*ironie)