Keine Ahnung ob es schon da war, aber die ersten Ketten in UK senken den Preis der PS3. Bestimmt weil sie sich so super verkauft
UK Stores Cut PS3 Price
WH Smith and drop console down to £399.99. Xbox 360 gets cut too.
UK, April 5, 2007 - Two major UK retailers have cut the price of the PlayStation 3 less than two weeks after the launch of the console. WH Smith and have slashed the price of the machine from £424.99 to £399.99.
WH Smith advertised the drop in The Sun newspaper, no doubt to catch the attention of parents looking to get their kids something a bit more special than a chocolate egg this Easter. Whereas, is offering the console for the same price but is also throwing in an HDMI cable and a copy of Click on Blu-ray.
At the time of writing no other retailers have folowed suit, although many are expected to. And while WH Smith's offer is scheduled to end on April 19, is offering the console for £399.99 for the forseable future.
Additionally, tomorrow - Good Friday - the console price craziness is set to continue, with telling us that it's planning to offer the Core Xbox 360 for just £149.99 - £50 lower than the RRP - and is dropping the price of the Premium Xbox 360 from £279.99 to £249.99. You'll have to be quick though because the offer only lasts until April 10 and stock is likely to be extremely limited.