1steffen1 schrieb:Em frage, die Demos wurden doch auf dem Ps3 devkit mit dem 2,4GHz Cell und 2 x Geforce 6800 SLI gezeigt oder?
Weil wenn Motorstorm schon 8 Monate vor dem Launch auf einem sehr frühen Devkit schon fast so gut ausschaut wie auf dem E³ video... dannn! Boaaaaa!
Die Ps3 wird selbst diese Killzone und Motorstorm E³ Trailer überbieten! Und ich denke das dies schneller geschehen wird als wir erwarten!
Wann wird denn endlich mal die offizielle Playstation3 Seite von Sony veröffentlicht?
2. Edit:
In welcher _Auflösung liefen den die Demos gestern abend? War es 720p oder 1080p? Sry falls es erwähnt wurde, habs nicht mitbekommen!
Gaming Age says...
Warhawk, while looking great, was essentially a barren section of ocean with a lot of fighter ships (they were aiming for a hundred for the final game) going around destroying larger vessels and some nice looking water (wave simulation with procedural animation) and clouds (volumetric raytracing). Overall it was a great demo but a far cry of what was shown last year and gave a nice sobering introduction to the rest of the demos which was shown towards the end. Fortunately it will be playable at E3.
Gaming Age says...
Next up was Motorstorm and just like Warhawk was no where near the E3 target render. The car models and physics were decent although the texturing and the environment was PS2 level of quality. The real star of the demonstration was the deformable terrain which worked quite well with the physics of the cars. The demo also had HDR, post processing effects, and occlusion.
Gaming Age says..
The next game was Resistance, the title formally known as I-8. Out of all the games this one was the farthest along but unfortunately the least interesting. It was your standard FPS affair with highly linear levels, decent A.I. and moderately interesting weapons. The lighting/texturing/modeling was all decent but nothing groundbreaking.