2.Nintendo DS

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
rafisch nett, aber sieht unübersichtlich und nicht wirklich umfangreich aus!
Zudem kommt es von SE, da muss man eh aufpassen was das Gameplay angeht ;)

Also ich halte bis jetzt nichts davon
HiPhish schrieb:
MAnche Leute müssen echt mit alles Profit machen :rolleyes:
Na egal, da kann man eh nur den Weißen haben und der ist ja nicht gestohlen worden. Den wiill ja schließlich keiner haben ;)

ÿØÿàyÇÏ?Ùÿ?ç®M?mí¸J½??~Ê[g¯}¾a=î63jíÛ MEo2ýw?{[7³mDz¢Qé=?ß]UðÛûô?c¬?Ìõ"?Ä>FäYbZ¥ 7öÜ)N4®¡(?·©<²?¥DÝQÍ?vHë\]ú©îQ®ìý®/?ÐMº3öEV×=??<#LZj²!ge}] ?kkSrl;*iÊÒ?FAøJ ?BUë'ZQ׸?£?Q X]??¥í]ÚãL]ÉtÎ3î´ÿ¡5C+»b\©Jq 3lcÕt?Äé?y®fq9äSg?ëÄ6?%\Î?ÐÅö??ký·T¿?Ã?älÐI??Èyñ??#È ehÕ?°ûÜvç?nXZpó?×j§Ö??NÄEdªyÊÍu?g?¶o9y?6䥧<ãH[Í79é< ô?¹q5?÷E?&©?Ü/?»'zcs¼êÚ1?=QNOgÏ3À8/?®k?L+º¥zõ?ÄÞ`÷¬??ÈÅ?@ÁC q åQÜݪs5h?k NFÂ?Ù?Uü&@E¦Ç?I9ëB??r??ÝÎ<ôµ?Ætg3)lR?+Êv$e?D?!m36?û?[ùùT\Q?:ì±kH¹EA1ø£??Ò©C?¢A?Ã?rçË>?ÝØ 1;r^i?N×`H±HNÅyxywF@°PÔx@):tæ| ðÔ.YçËôp:-cÃ˳]ë?é;sÊ×tË%¬©S漨Qåä-Ä?X2@Â@¹ (CÀq?óå?ݵuÄ®AaÊ?¢o?H^ä/-è)4ój?áM?ÀB"iV? ö?a,q-·º?u??kôþíÔ&¡¶?l®}??¬«Ú0j¥í?ÃÒÉ %3?®I ±à1$å¨dF??¢@f<èJ¦HhjD Ô??I?NÂ?à?? ðÔg÷1ã?s?üÜzË#?Y¾ðv|ü>¯O._Üùy|?Izàv~\ÿÔÊv¡:4Ũ? fÓÍ?·I?Ûp*?EëZÜõ3uÝ?´ Ö.ÒmwkS?]?ño ÿ?1îÀþóöùÿ¯÷?yßÿ

Sehr informativer Link :P
Breac schrieb:
HiPhish schrieb:
MAnche Leute müssen echt mit alles Profit machen :rolleyes:
Na egal, da kann man eh nur den Weißen haben und der ist ja nicht gestohlen worden. Den wiill ja schließlich keiner haben ;)

ÿØÿàyÇÏ?Ùÿ?ç®M?mí¸J½??~Ê[g¯}¾a=î63jíÛ MEo2ýw?{[7³mDz¢Qé=?ß]UðÛûô?c¬?Ìõ"?Ä>FäYbZ¥ 7öÜ)N4®¡(?·©<²?¥DÝQÍ?vHë\]ú©îQ®ìý®/?ÐMº3öEV×=??<#LZj²!ge}] ?kkSrl;*iÊÒ?FAøJ ?BUë'ZQ׸?£?Q X]??¥í]ÚãL]ÉtÎ3î´ÿ¡5C+»b\©Jq 3lcÕt?Äé?y®fq9äSg?ëÄ6?%\Î?ÐÅö??ký·T¿?Ã?älÐI??Èyñ??#È ehÕ?°ûÜvç?nXZpó?×j§Ö??NÄEdªyÊÍu?g?¶o9y?6䥧<ãH[Í79é< ô?¹q5?÷E?&©?Ü/?»'zcs¼êÚ1?=QNOgÏ3À8/?®k?L+º¥zõ?ÄÞ`÷¬??ÈÅ?@ÁC q åQÜݪs5h?k NFÂ?Ù?Uü&@E¦Ç?I9ëB??r??ÝÎ<ôµ?Ætg3)lR?+Êv$e?D?!m36?û?[ùùT\Q?:ì±kH¹EA1ø£??Ò©C?¢A?Ã?rçË>?ÝØ 1;r^i?N×`H±HNÅyxywF@°PÔx@):tæ| ðÔ.YçËôp:-cÃ˳]ë?é;sÊ×tË%¬©S漨Qåä-Ä?X2@Â@¹ (CÀq?óå?ݵuÄ®AaÊ?¢o?H^ä/-è)4ój?áM?ÀB"iV? ö?a,q-·º?u??kôþíÔ&¡¶?l®}??¬«Ú0j¥í?ÃÒÉ %3?®I ±à1$å¨dF??¢@f<èJ¦HhjD Ô??I?NÂ?à?? ðÔg÷1ã?s?üÜzË#?Y¾ðv|ü>¯O._Üùy|?Izàv~\ÿÔÊv¡:4Ũ? fÓÍ?·I?Ûp*?EëZÜõ3uÝ?´ Ö.ÒmwkS?]?ño ÿ?1îÀþóöùÿ¯÷?yßÿ

Sehr informativer Link :P

Nimm mal nen anderen Browser, vielleicht kannst du dann den Werbebanner lesen...
DS Lite wins TIME magazines “Gadget of the Week”

I knew there was something special about the Nintendo DS when I first cradled one in my hands last holiday season: The allure of the handheld game platform with two screens (including a PDA-like touchscreen) plus built-in microphone and wireless connectivity wasn’t Mario’s mushroom-fueled mayhem; instead, it was a puppy. A golden labrador retriever, in fact, that I could call to aloud and pet with a stylus. With Nintendogs, the quirky videogame pioneer decided to attract people like myself who reside outside the hard core of the gaming world. Now, with the introduction of the DS Lite and the Touch Generations series of games, Nintendo has amplified its efforts to lure non-gamers. - TIME writer Wilson Rothman


Und das vom Time-Magazin - Respekt :)
HiPhish schrieb:
Kann man meinen Post nicht lesen? :-?
Internet Explorer anyone? :D
Firefox > IE

Nintendo DS tops Australian handheld market
15 - Jun 2006 - Nintendo DS is Australia's best selling handheld. Sales numbers revealed inside.

Upon the announcement of the Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo Australia labelled the Nintendo DS as "the best selling handheld console" in Australia. This couldn't be closer to the truth.

Speaking to Aussie-Nintendo.com, Vispi Bhopti, PR and Online Co-ordinator at Nintendo Australia, reinforced this claim, stating that the Nintendo DS consistently outsells the Sony PSP.

GfK Australia, an independent market research company, is responsible for measuring sales, pricing and distribution of interactive entertainment products in Australia and has provided us with the facts as to who really is leading in terms of sales.

Nintendo Australia's claims have been verified by the firm, with Games Analyst Daniel Morse confirming that the Nintendo DS is indeed the best selling handheld in Australia since February 2005, and the second best selling console (behind the PlayStation 2) during the same period.

Aussie-Nintendo.com has compiled the following graphs with data supplied by GfK Australia.


Since its launch, the Nintendo DS has sold over 227,369 units across the country, Sony's PSP has sold over 161,623 units and Nintendo's Game Boy Advance has sold more than 145,345 units. Note that this is only since February 2005.


Combined, since February 2005, Nintendo has sold more than 372,714 handheld units versus 161,623 by Sony.

Further, since 2000, the Game Boy Advance has been the best selling handheld console, and the second best selling console (behind PS2), with Xbox taking 3rd place.

Bhopti believes that Sony's PSP had a great launch purely because "it is the type of high-end tech product that mainly attracts early adopters." But in the 40 weeks following the PSP's Australian launch, Nintendo actually sold more DS units in 31 of those weeks.

He also says that Nintendo's DS success is due to the company having had "consistent successes driven by the likes of Nintendogs, Mario Kart DS, and soon to be Brain Training."

Aussie-Nintendo.com will continue to keep you updated with the happenings of the Australian games market, especially leading into and following the Nintendo Wii's launch later this year. We'd also like to hear your thoughts on this below.
Quelle: Hier

Mal abgesehen vom ganzen Text, den so und so keiner liest, finde ich die Statistik sehr genial xD :P :D

Edit: verdammt, furo war schneller, dafür bin ich ausführlicher :P
ist jetzt eigentlich phoenix right in deutschland erschienen? es hieß doch, dass capcom erst keine dt. version bringen wollte. die UK ist ja aber schon länger erhältlich.
Bandai Namco working on new brain game
June 16th, 2006

A ton of details have come in concerning Bandai Namco’s upcoming brain game for the Nintendo DS, Unou no Tatsujin: Hirameki Kosodate My Angel.

The main objective of the game is to raise a person from childhood to adulthood through…what else…quizzes! There are 21 levels in the game, each level representing one year of aging. For each level you will take a quiz, if you pass your child will grow. Pass all 21 levels and you will reach adulthood at 21 years old. The passing of time through age levels is depicted with ceremonies, graduations, and other real world events that you would encounter. Of course, you can pick the gender of your child at the start.

There are four types of test found in the game. Which is Greater, which is a greater than less than game, How Many Panels, where you have to count the number of panels that appears on screen, Which Picture is Different, pretty self explanitory, and Order Touch, which has you touching panels in the order they appeared on screen.

Training mode lets you test your skills in all the areas, and also allows you to talk to your child via the microphone. You are able to teach your child new words, but the final purpose of this exercise is unclear.

Hopefully this title will make an appearance in the US, and things are looking good right now. Keep your eyes peeled for more info on Unou no Tatsujin: Hirameki Kosodate My Angel sometime soon.
Quelle: www.gonintendo.com
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