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naco schrieb:und die PS3 ist derzeit der Beste.![]()
bsalami schrieb:Problem an der Sache ist - bei einem Verhältnis von 5:1 der Player müssten sich auch die Verkaufszahlen der Scheiben in etwa gleichen Verhältnis bewegen. Momentan sieht es aber eher nach 2:1 aus, was dafür spricht, dass verhältnismässig wenige PS3-Besitzer das Teil als BR-Player benutzen.
Nerazar schrieb:Interessanterweise benutzen wenige PS3-Besitzer das Teil zum PS3-spielen...
Hm... schauen sie damit DVDs an, oder wie?![]()
bsalami schrieb:Problem an der Sache ist - bei einem Verhältnis von 5:1 der Player müssten sich auch die Verkaufszahlen der Scheiben in etwa gleichen Verhältnis bewegen. Momentan sieht es aber eher nach 2:1 aus, was dafür spricht, dass verhältnismässig wenige PS3-Besitzer das Teil als BR-Player benutzen.
Blockbuster to favor Blu-ray over HD DVD
Blockbuster Inc. will rent high-definition DVDs only in the Blu-ray format in 1,450 stores when it expands its high-def offerings next month, dealing a major blow to the rival HD DVD format.
The move, being announced Monday, could be the first step in resolving a format war that has kept confused consumers from rushing to buy new DVD players until they can determine which format will dominate the market.
Blockbuster has been renting both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year and found that consumers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.
HD DVD Player Orders Being Canceled After Blockbusters Blu-Ray Support Announcement
Blockbuster's decision to support Blu-ray in all of its 1,450 stores is having a bigger impact than it seems. A tipster at an unnamed retailer tells us they've had more HD DVD player orders canceled over the last few days than they've seen over the entire life cycle. The kicker? All of them were canceled because of the Blockbuster announcement.
Blu-ray: 5 to 1 Edge Over HD DVD Players
Blu-ray players are in roughly 1.5 million homes -- five times more than its high-def DVD rival, HD-DVD.
That's according to the research firm Digital Entertainment Group, as reported by Video Business.
DEG says the 1.5 million Blu-ray homes include about 100,000 standalone Blu-ray players with the rest PlayStation 3 game consoles, which include Blu-ray players inside.
The research firm says there 300,000 HD DVD homes in the United States -- evenly split between standalone players and HD DVD XBox 360 attachment drives.
sinds trotzdem mehr BR Filme.Spike schrieb:Und jetzt rechnet man folgendes hinzu:
verkaufte Filme pro HD-DVD Player: 4
verkaufte Filme pro Bluray Player: 1
Blu-ray vs HD DVD: game over
Blu-ray won
The sturm und drang over the Blu-ray vs HD DVD battle has come to naught. After a bit of jostling Blu-ray has taken an unassailable lead over HD DVD. Blockbusters Matthew Smith, SVP of merchandising, says The consumers are sending us a message. I cant ignore what Im seeing. This is what hes seen:
Blockbuster has been renting both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in 250 stores since late last year and found that consumers were choosing Blu-ray titles more than 70 percent of the time.
Ghost of Betamax laid to rest
Sony has played this game well. They own a movie studio, and got all but one of the major studios to release on Blu-ray. They put a Blu-ray player in every PS3. And they benefit by the rapid growth of HDTV sales.
Despite the disappointing sales of the PS3, the fact that it includes a Blu-ray player also tilted the playing field. A leading indicator: Toshiba recently reduced its US sales goal for HD DVD players by 40%. The rapid uptake of HDTV in the US completes the content-player-display triumvirate.
It is safe to buy that Blu-ray disk player now
The biggest loser in this is Toshiba. Theyve put a lot of time and money behind HD DVD. Microsoft is also a loser, partly as a supporter and partly because their add-on Xbox HD DVD player sales will tank. The folks who bought one cant be feeling too good about Microsofts judgement.
Intel, another backer, loses too, but they seem to have had the least skin in the game. They probably just went along because of Microsoft.
The Storage Bits take
It is all over but the shouting. Expect to see some closeout sales on HD DVD players and burners, but I wouldnt buy one. Now that the market has shifted you can expect to see Blu-ray burner prices drop faster. I expect that Apple will be adding on on their next gen Mac Pro, and after that, the MacBook Pro.
In time this may also boost Firewire, which is substantially faster than USB. In fact, USB 2.0 probably cant handle 18x DVD writers at full speed, and 20x DVD writers are starting to make it to market. Once Blu-ray writers get up to 6x speed, Firewire will be the way to go.
The biggest winners though, are us, the consumers. 50 GB optical storage is good for all digital junkies. Now that we dont have to worry about the format war, we can get back to rip, mix, burn!
Comments welcome, as always. Im heading up to the Google scalability conference in Seattle today - and avoiding some 100+ degree weather here in Arizona - so my response times may be more distended than usual.
naco schrieb:82% nutzen die PS3 in den USA als BR Player. Quelle kommt später.
naco schrieb:und die PS3 ist derzeit der Beste.
shan schrieb:Stimmt so nicht ganz, laut areadvd gibt es schon ein paar bessere, die aber auch deutlich mehr kosten. Für seine Preisklasse ist die PS3 der beste Player. Wobei ich zugeben muß, ich kenne die neuen 499$ Blu-Ray Player von Sony nicht. Schlecht sind die bestimmt auch nicht.
A SCEA study has shown that for US consumers, the PS3s Blu-ray Disc compatibility was a major incentive for buying the next generation console.
According to Sonys research, some 83% of respondents watch Blu-ray movies occasionally or frequently on their PS3 and 72% have purchased at least one Blu-ray disc since getting a PS3.
Most importantly, 87% intend to purchase at least one BD movie in the next 12 months and 82% of them watch movies on Blu-ray Disc as their first choice whenever they are available.
naco schrieb:According to Sonys research, some 83% of respondents watch Blu-ray movies occasionally or frequently on their PS3 and 72% have purchased at least one Blu-ray disc since getting a PS3.
Zulle schrieb:wow die haben sich also einen blueray film gekauft und haben wirklich vor in den nächsten 12 monaten nochmal mindestens einen zu kaufen... :o :o the war is over
Zulle schrieb:wow die haben sich also einen blueray film gekauft und haben wirklich vor in den nächsten 12 monaten nochmal mindestens einen zu kaufen... :o :o the war is over
bsalami schrieb:Solange Universal nicht mit im BR-Boot sitzt, gibt es eigentlich keine Gewinner, sondern nur einen Verlierer - den Kunden. Ich stell mir jedenfalls keine 2 Player hin.
Nerazar schrieb:Was ist mit einem Kombiplayer?
Ja, es gibt unter den Formaten keinen Gewinner, der HD-Markt macht, glaub ich, weniger als ein Hunderstel des DVD-Marktes aus...