CES 2007: Kaz Talks PS3 and Blu-ray
Sony president says no videogame system as powerful as PlayStation 3.
January 8, 2007 - Sony president Kaz Hirai was recently interviewed by the CES trade publication Blu-ray Today, and he commented on the future of the format and PlayStation 3. Most interesting of all, the leader defended the power of Sony's recently released next generation videogame console, whose first wave games have not yet proven the true graphic capability of the system.
"I have heard many people say our competitors' systems are just as powerful as the PS3. That simply is not true," said Hirai. "No other next generation entertainment system pushes the envelope on advanced technology like PS3.
"I have heard people say that a high-capacity game delivery vehicle like Blu-ray isn't necessary in a next generation computer entertainment system. You just can't expect that 9GBs of storage capacity found on today's DVDs are going to have enough space to hold tomorrow's games."
Hirai said that PS3 titles like Resistance: Fall of Man already utilize some 16GBs of storage space on Blu-ray Disc. "That game simply wouldn't be possible on any other system without using multiple discs."
The implementation of Blu-ray technology was one of the primary factors in the delay of PlayStation 3 to the marketplace. Hirai admitted that the launch was problematic, but defended the decision to go with the format.
"I don't think anyone could have foreseen the difficulties we encountered in the production of the blue laser diode for the PlayStation 3, which ultimately delayed the launch of PlayStation 3. We were asking our teams to develop millions of components for the PlayStation 3, like the Blu-ray Disc player and cell broadband engine, that had previously only been produced in the thousands," Hirai said.
He also seemed to suggest that had Sony gone the Nintendo route and released a marginally more powerful console, the launch would have gone much smoother. "A worldwide launch for any console is quite ambitious. In fact, it has never been done before. I suppose if we had simply done a mild upgrade to the PS2 and not pushed the envelope so hard, it would have been easier on ourselves. However, if we did that every time, we wouldn't be Sony."
Ich nehme euch die arbeit ab:
- Downgradestation 3
- Delaystation 3
- Waitstation 3
- Brotkasten
- Grill
- Copystation 3
- Wii60 ftw, beste Kombo nix besseres
- Sonyfans haben keine Freunde/innen
- Sony steht kurz vor dem Untergang
- PS3 hat keine exclusivspiele mehr
- @Sony/PSP/PS3
- Blu ray ist quatsch
- HDDVD ftw
- Kontroller ist kopiert
- Kontroller hat kein Rumble, also mist
- Schlechtester Controller Ever
- PS3 schafft mit mühe unterste DS Grafik (so in etwa)
- Keine abwechsungsreifen Spiele
- Schlechterer Online Modus als Wii/360
- Zu teuer
- Halbgare Hardware/Konsole
- EU launch 2008
- PS3 wiegt zuviel
- PS3 hat zuviel Stromverbrauch
- PS3 Letzte Sony Konsole
- PS3 liegt wie Blei in den Regalen
- Schlechteste Hatdware/Software tie ratio ever
- Unprogrammierbare Konsole mit schlechten Entwicklertools
- Kompenenten nicht Konsolentauglich
- Sony ist geowned
- Eine ownage nach der anderen für Sony
- PS2.5
- Blabla nicht mehr wichtig
- Alle multititel sehen ausnahmelos schlechter aus und haben schlechtere wertungen auf der PS3
- Nur Crapspiele
- Sony sind 3rd partys nicht mehr wichtig
- Sony verliert ein Exclusivegame nach dem anderen
- Die PS3 ist ein sehr schlechter Bluray Player