Introducing the setting up and the boss of the jungle ruins!
It shakes, extends Wii remote control, is and upside down it tries having ....... 'Secret treasure of treasure island Z vulva loss', prayer itself devising the method of using the Wii remote control, is the adventure game which keeps explaining puzzle and the setting up. This time, it keeps introducing the boss who appears in the setting up and stage final stage which is while jungle ruins staging!
Setting up 1 the jungle ruins
The pond which the main thing lives
Enormous fish [bakurigiyo] which is [nushi] of the pond lives in the big pond which is on the stage center. When it tries, that the rucksack will search in the pond, it attacks with the spirit whose [bakurigiyo] is fierce. Eluding the air, as for the method of searching underwater ......?
Setting up 2 the jungle ruins
Stone image of 3 bodies
If there is a stairway on side side of the stone image which has lined up into the front utilizes this it is designed in such a way that it can arrive to the place where it has the treasure box. But, when the rucksack starts rising the stairway, the enormous stone sphere which on the stairway is rolls and falls, obstructs route. How you should have overcome this pinch probably!?
Setting up 3 the jungle ruins
Isimuro who is closed
The pitfall which is forward the treasure box. When it stands carelessly on that, the big hole opens instantaneously in the land, the rucksack with the countless needle mountain becomes the skewer! Avoiding the pitfall, is the method of procuring the treasure box safely probably certain?
Lastly of stage the boss waits!!
As for rust of jungle ruins stage, intelligence comparing with king [gaogorian] of forest. The purpose here, without being found in [gaogorian] of the boss, procures the treasure box. When it is found in [gaogorian], it becomes [hame] which receives single blow of the powerful fist.