Microsoft Xbox Series S/X - Der Thread

Next-gen game upgrades should be free, Xbox tells developers


Das wäre pure Zerstörung :banderas:
Kobes Tragödie für die cross-gen-Abzocke zu missbrauchen - das ist selbst für T2 ein neues Low :shakehead:
Dieses Zitat von Phil ist doch Musik für uns:

„One of the things that really strikes me is the creative diversity in the portfolio. I am a fan of Xbox, obviously, but I don't mind going to 'are we the shooter box?' is it 'Gears, Halo, Forza, Gears, Halo, Forza'? I know all the memes about us. And I look at what the teams have built already this year, the things that we're going to show, and the things that are coming out later this year, and it is high quality, very different, and takes some creative risks"
Dieses Zitat von Phil ist doch Musik für uns:

„One of the things that really strikes me is the creative diversity in the portfolio. I am a fan of Xbox, obviously, but I don't mind going to 'are we the shooter box?' is it 'Gears, Halo, Forza, Gears, Halo, Forza'? I know all the memes about us. And I look at what the teams have built already this year, the things that we're going to show, and the things that are coming out later this year, and it is high quality, very different, and takes some creative risks"

Jo absolut :awesome:

Auch das hier wo es um Studio Zukäufe geht:

"The first priority was making sure the studios had the things that they needed to build the best versions of their games. That means extending some of the timelines, and giving them more budgets. We have really strong support from Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, and Amy Hood, the CFO. And there's been no signal at all that we should be slowing down, but just to go at a pace that is maintainable for us as a leadership team. We're always out there talking to people. But it has to be the right opportunity."

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