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Rayman erst 2007

Noch im vergangenen Monat hat Ubisoft das Action-Adventure Rayman Ravin Rabbids für das vierte Quartal 2006 angekündigt.

Doch daraus wird wohl nichts: Auf der offiziellen Website des Publishers wird das Spiel mittlerweile auf den März 2007 datiert. Gründe für die Verschiebung wurden bisher noch nicht genannt, doch eine Stellungnahme seitens Ubisoft könnte die nötige Aufklärung bringen. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden.


Schwachsinn, die PC-Version kommt im März 2007. Die Wii-Version kommt im November. Siehe Webseite...
Aber die Gamepro war ja schon immer nicht die hellste.
plz keine Kommentare.
tz eine falsche Nachricht kann man ja wohl korrigieren, sonst denken alle das stimmt.

Sega outlines US release dates
11/14/06 - Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz (Wii)

And more Twilight Princess spoilers
Link, transformed into wolf, can climb on high walls
You must use button A in order to jump of branch in branch in the wood of Ordon, in the shape of Link-Wolf
Twilight World seizes the life of the alive creatures and transforms them into another thing
The people absorptive in Twilight World are actually still present in their place of origin but we do not see them
In order to see them, it will be necessary to use the directions of Link-Wolf for thus revealing them, and also to find objects secret.
Link-wolf can travel in Twilight World AND the real world.
This capacity will be resolved only at the time of a special search
Midna cannot live in the real world, but you can call upon his spirit so that this one helps you in the real world.
The part where Link-Wolf is controlled was not opened with the press. Nintendo wants to still maintain a secrecy concerning this part of the play
Until now, nobody apart from the employees from Nintendo could played only one second in Twilight World

Quelle: gonintendo.com
Demonstration of Metal Slug Anthology controls on Nintendo Wii

GameVideos has posted a video demonstrating the different styles of controls that are available for the Nintendo Wii. The video is 71.5MB and is 5 minutes long.[...]

Quelle: Metal Slug Database, GameVideos
Umbrella Chronicles

Urghaaa-haa-hhaaa! *Vollkommeninekstase* :happy3:

Kann jemand den Text im Bild übersetzen?
Es wird bunt für die Fernbedienungen.

Die Famitsu führte ein Interview mit Nintendo's Planning General Manager Mitsuaki Hagishima und befragte ihn über weitere Farben für Wii.
Darauf antwortete er, dass die Konsole weiss bleibt. Man habe keine Pläne für weitere Konsolenfarben. Allerdings plant Nintendo neue Farben für die Wii Remote zu veröffentlichen.

Wie immer sieht es für Europa ziemlich sicher wieder anders aus, sodass wir uns wohl noch mit der Farbe Weiss befriedigen müssen.

Quelle: gonintendo.com

Also Leute, nicht auf den schwarzen Wii warten :(
Codemasters interview

C3: Could you please share with our readers a little about your role in this project and what you have worked on in the past?

Henning Thompson, Programmer - Supersonic: I was the lead programmer working on MMv4 DS and worked on various areas of the game. I worked mainly on the graphics engine and wireless systems.

Peter Williamson, Managing Director - Supersonic: I’ve worked on many of the previous MM games (MM2, MM’96 and MM Military on the Megadrive). I’ve also worked on other Supersonic titles in the same genre including Mashed and Circuit Breakers.

C3: Micro Machines has such a strong following from over the years. Is there any worry that this new edition will not be received as well as past titles?

Pete: The series is pretty new to handhelds and there are some big issues relating to this. One of MM’s main strengths has always been the multi-player options so we were really keen to get this going over wi-fi. Being able to enjoy the classic Micro Machines multi-player experience, but with your own screen is really nice. We were also keen to make sure the single player game was as good as possible – as this is obviously essential to a handheld system.

Jamie Firth, Producer - Codemasters: Nostalgia can be a powerful enemy and your best friend at the same time, but being massive fans of the series ourselves has helped! I’ve always blamed my GCSE Art “E” grade squarely at the door of MMv2: “Toilet Seat” was my middle name (or at least that’s what the big kids called me.) I think it’s good karma that I’m giving something back being involved in making it now!

When you’re dealing with a new version of a classic game like those, of course there’s going to be expectation: no-one wants their childhood memories ruined. But we’ve got the original developers of v1, v2 and v3 making v4: we always stood a good chance when no-one knows fun, addictive little-car games like Supersonic! So long as I got the game I wanted to play (and I have) I have just hoped and trusted that everyone else who has followed the series would not be disappointed. There was always going to be at least one satisfied customer!

C3: What differences are there between the DS version of MMv4 and the others that have already been released?

Henning: The different versions are all quite similar. The DS version allows the user to control the car using the touch screen though.

Pete: The DS is the least powerful of the machines the new version is available for so we’ve worked really hard to get the gameplay and graphics on the DS as close as possible to that of the other versions. The addition of touch screen controls and Wi-Fi play on DS adds a lot to the DS version.

C3: How does MMv4 use the various functions of the Nintendo DS? And what was the reason behind excluding Wi-Fi online races?

Henning: The user is able to use the touch screen to control the car. Wireless mode for up to four players has also been included.

Pete: We didn’t include Wi-Fi Internet races because there are significant technical issues involved with implementing this. The DS is a great machine, and its Internet connectivity is really nice but the nature of MM is that it’s a very immediate game and the latency inherent within the Internet would have compromised the gameplay too much.

C3: What modes are being worked on for both solo action and multi-player gaming?

Henning: The single player game has various game modes including battles, races, chases, time trials and checkpoint games. The multiplayer mode allows the user to battle or race with up to three opponents. There is also a trading mode that allows players to swap cars with each other using the DS wireless capabilities.

C3: If MMv4 is successful enough, is it likely that we will receive further games in the series on the Nintendo portable?

Jamie: Time will tell. Obviously the DS is a perfect platform for Micro Machines: it has a fun, party feel to it just like the game. The reaction’s been great so far, so we shall see!

C3: Are there plans to bring the Micro Machines franchise to the Nintendo Wii? And what are your thoughts on the control system for racing games such as MM?

Jamie: I certainly wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a Wii version. I’d guess that everyone’s looking at their titles and seeing how the controls could be adapted for the Wiimote and Nunchucks at the moment. Given the uniqueness of the way that Micro Machines works I think we’d want to be 100% sure that we could make the same massively fun experience translate successfully to the control method.

Maybe “pushing” the cars around? Maybe an accelerator and then you “turn” the cars with your chucks? I’m sure all budding games designers out there would want to chip in with some ideas!

C3: Has any thought gone into bringing other Codemasters properties to Nintendo platforms, either the Wii or DS in the near future?

Jamie: We’re always looking at the feasibility of all of our titles on every platform: that’s just a given. We’ve just announced Heatseeker, which will be out in March next year on multi-formats (including Wii) and now Micro Machines is in the bag we’re looking into lots of DS titles at the moment so watch this space!

C3: Could you see many developers using the idea of downloads via WiiConnect24 and does the idea take your interest at all? How do you think the idea could be used for something like the MM franchise?

Jamie: WiiConnect24 is going to be great in bringing the same ease of downloads as XBOX Marketplace has introduced for their users. Certainly I think there’s great value in this sort of service and it’s a very exciting addition for gamers. For something like Micro Machines I would think that there would be mileage in additional tracks and cars to download, but as I say our Wii strategy for MM is as yet undecided.

C3: What are your thoughts on the three next generation systems in general?

Henning: The new Wii controller looks very exciting and I am interested to see how games make use of the additional features it allows. All three consoles look very impressive and I still have not decided which ones to get.

Jamie: Obviously Nintendo have captured the imagination with the Wii and have taken the fully deserved plaudits for that: they’ve built up a lot of excitement and clamour for it. I think games design pretty much ground to a halt for a while there whilst people said “Ooh, how about a darts game? How about dealing cards? How about throwing… something?” and I’m really looking forwards to something a bit different. The 360 has got itself established with its head start and I particularly like the Marketplace and achievements angle. The PS3 has probably had the most talk about it (probably because we know comparatively less about it) and Sony are having to deal with a pretty tough crowd at the moment with all the negative talk. But it’s Sony isn’t it? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that all blows over closer to the time and turns the doubters around like they have many times before.

Most interestingly from an industry perspective you’ve got there 3 consoles with some particular needs and differences. We’ve always had games tailored to suit the platform, but I suspect that the days of simply being able to port most of the code (certainly the design) from one platform to another could be numbered… But that can only be a good thing to encourage variety and innovation.

C3: Finally, what games have you been playing lately?

Henning: I like playing Pro Evolution Soccer 5 and am very excited about the next version. I am very interested in how the DS version will use the touch screen and what other features will be included.

Jamie: An hour of PES a day for exercise naturally, but keeping an eye on all the new titles coming out. It’s such a busy time at the minute in terms of releases, with everyone making such a great variety of titles (Guitar Hero, Loco Roco and Brain Training have taken a big part of my life already this year!) I’m finding it difficult to get into a game too far before something else comes along I want to try! Happy days for gamers!
Frontline Studios arbeiten an 3 Wii-Spielen

Die Frontline Studios arbeiten nach einem Bericht von Wii-X2 an drei Spielen für Wii:

- Sadness
Entsteht in Kooperation mit Nibris

- My Squad
Einzelheiten liegen noch nicht vor. Release: 1. Quartal 2008 (Europa)

- Chicken Shoot
Das Spiel wurde bereits auf Game Boy Advance veröffentlicht und entsteht auch für Nintendo DS. Release: 2. Quartal 2007 (Europa)
Nibris nennt Wii- und NDS-Projekte

Nibris hat gegenüber Cubed3 seine aktuellen Projekte für Wii und Nintendo DS mit den dazugehörigen Erscheinungsterminen für Europa genannt.

Raid Over The River (NDS): 2. / 3. Quartal 2007
Namenloses Projekt für Nintendo DS: 2. Quartal 2007
Double Pang [Arbeitstitel] (Wii): 4. Quartal 2007
Sadness* (Wii): 4. Quartal 2007 / 1. Quartal 2008
*entsteht in Zusammenarbeit mit Digital Amigos un Frontline Studios Raid Over The River (Wii): 3. Quartal 2008
Wii mit DVD Playback kommt nun doch
Nintendo hat gegenüber GamesIndustry.biz bestätigt, dass man Pläne hat eine neue Version von Wii mit integriertem DVD Playback in Japan im kommenden Jahr zu veröffentlichen. Vorausgegangen war ein Bericht über eine überarbeitete Wii-Konsole mit DVD Playback in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Edge.

Ursprünglich sollte Wii vom Start weg DVDs abspielen können. Doch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt entschloss man sich bei Nintendo dieses Feature doch nicht zu integrieren, da man der Ansicht war, dass es bereits genügend billige DVD-Player auf dem Markt gibt und somit diese Funktion nicht notwendig ist.

Quelle: GamesIndustry.biz
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Neue Monster 4x4 World Circuit News

Heute sind nun folgende Informationen zum Spiel erschienen, die wir euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten möchten:

- Es wird drei verschieden Steuerungsmöglichkeiten geben

-Man wird zwischen 40 Strecken auswählen können die unter anderem in Ägypten, Moskau, San Francisco und vielen anderen Orten der Welt spielen

-Neben den normalen Monstertrucks wird es auch 4x4 Pick-Ups oder kuriositäten wie amerikanische Schulbusse geben

-Natürlich dürfen in einem ordentlichen Fun-Racer Fallen die man auf den Strecken plazieren kann, nicht fehlen. Ebenfalls wird es die eine oder andere Abkürzung geben, die man sich zum Vorteil machen kann

-Es wird verschiedene Tuningmöglichkeiten für sein Fahrzeug geben, darunter höhere Geschwindigkeit, ausbau der Sprungkraft, größeres Leistungsvermögen und mehr Zerstörungskraft

-Neben den normalen Wettrennen sind auch Monster Soccer, Monster Battle und Monster Ball für bis zu vier Spieler im Spiel integriert
USA: Wii-Start mit 32 Spielen bis Jahresende

01.11.06 - Nintendo gibt bekannt, dass innerhalb der ersten fünf Wochen der Wii-Markteinführung 32 Spiele für Wii in den USA angeboten werden; die Konsole kommt am 19.11.06 in den Handel.

Starttitel von Nintendo am 19.11.06
- Wii Sports (liegt der Konsole bei)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Excite Truck

Drittanbieter-Spiele 2006

Die meisten der folgenden Titel kommen bis Ende November 2006 auf den Markt. Die genauen Termine will Nintendo in Kürze auf Wii.com nennen.

- Call of Duty 3
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance
- Rapala Tournament Fishing
- Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
- World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions

- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

- Trauma Center: Second Opinion

- Madden NFL ’07
- Need for Speed: Carbon

- Elebits

- Happy Feet
- Rampage: Total Destruction
- The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
- The Ant Bully

- Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz

- Metal Slug Anthology

- Super Swing Golf

- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Barnyard
- Cars
- SpongeBob SquarePants: The Creature from the Krusty Krab

- Far Cry: Vengeance
- GT Pro Series
- Monster 4X4 World Circuit
- Open Season
- Rayman Raving Rabbids
- Red Steel
- Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent

- Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
Mann, Excite Truck wäre noch perfekt für den EU Launch! :(
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