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Neue Infos zu Nintendos Wii

15.07.06 - WiiIGN hat neue Infos zur Wii-Konsole von Nintendo veröffentlicht, welche die Seite aus Entwickler-Dokumenten erfahren haben will.

- Der 'Pointer' soll mit zwei AA Alkaline Batterien laufen. Wird nur der Schwingungssensor vom Spiel verwendet, sollen die Batterien 60 Stunden halten. Wird die Funktion des präzisen Zielens eingesetzt, halten sie 30 Stunden.

- Der Controller kommuniziert mit Wii via Bluetooth (2.4GHz) und besitzt 6 KB Speicher, der vielleicht für den internen Lautsprecher oder Einstellungen durch den Spieler verwendet wird.

- Die Synchro-Taste an der Konsole ist dazu da, um Controller identifizieren zu können, die mit der Konsole verwendet werden können. Jeder Controller bekommt dabei eine drahtlose ID Nummer.

- Alle Tasten am Wii-Controller sind digital (D-Pad, A, B, 1, 2, -, +, Power und SYNCHRO). Die C- and Z-Tasten an der Nunchuku-Einheit sind ebenfalls digital.

- Die Sensorleiste, die mit dem Controller zusammenarbeitet, muss ober- oder unterhalb des Fernsehers hingelegt werden. Sie ist 20 cm lang und hat an jeder Seite einen Sensor.

- Die vier LEDs am Controller haben mehrere Funktionen. Zunächst zeigen sie an, welcher Spieler mit der Konsole kommuniziert: Für Spieler 1 leuchtet z.B. die LED ganz links, für Spieler 2 die LED rechts daneben, usw.

Ferner informieren die LEDs über den Zustand der Batterie. Beim 'Booten' leuchten alle vier LEDs, wenn die Batterien noch 75 Prozent bis 100 Prozent Energie haben. Drei LEDs stehen für 50 Prozent bis 75 Prozent Energie, zwei für 25 Prozent bis 50 Prozent und eine LED für weniger als 25 Prozent Energie.

- Der Rumble-Motor im Controller lässt sich ein- und ausschalten.

- Entwickler gehen davon aus, dass sie die klassischen Wii-Controller Anfang September 2006 erhalten.


Neue Markenschutzeinträge von Nintendo

Nintendo hat beim japanischen Patentamt neue Marken und Bezeichnungen schützen lassen - um was es sich handelt, ist unklar.

- Uikon
- Pointer
- We
- Oui
- Taru Jetrace
- Butsumori
- Doubutsu

Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Neo (Wii/PS2) im Oktober?

16.07.06 - Das Prügelspiel Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Neo (Wii/PS2) von Bandai Namco soll laut Preislisten japanischer Großhändler am 19.10.06 auf den Markt kommen.

Sollte der Termin stimmen, dann müsste Wii von Nintendo ebenfalls schon im Oktober 2006 in Japan erhältlich sein. Damit würden sich auch frühere Meldungen bestätigen, die ebenfalls auf eine Oktober-Veröffentlichung hindeuteten.
Quelle: www.gamefront.de
Nintendo Wii könnte Marktführer werden - so sieht es zumindest Jeff Brown von EA. Immerhin, so Brown, ist die Wii so einzigartig, dass sie für viele zur zweiten Konsole neben einer Xbox 360 und PS3 werden wird. Und er meint, dass viele Kritiker dieses Faktum abwertend benutzen, wenn sie von der Wii reden - aber was sie nicht bedenken ist, dass, wenn genügend Personen, die entweder eine Xbox 360 oder eine PS3 besitzen, auch eine Wii kaufen, Nintendo zum Marktführer werden würde - oder wie er sagt: "Wer zum Zweitsystem zu jeweils einem von beiden Systemen wird, wird gesamt gesehen der Erste sein."

Brown betonte außerdem, dass EA die Wii stärker unterstützen wird als den Gamecube. Zwar sei das kein Buisness-Plan, aber bei EA sprechen Leute hinter vorgehaltener Hand von einer 30-40-20 Prozent-Aufteilung auf die Systeme. Besonders die E3 hat nicht nur das Interesse der Kunden, sondern auch das Interesse von EA an der Nintendo-Konsole gesteigert. Trotz allem meint Brown aber, dass EA die Titel im Endeffekt nach Marktanteilen verteilen wird. Immerhin gilt bei EA Buisness First - je mehr Spieler eine Konsole besitzen, desto mehr Titel werden auch für jene Konsole produziert

Quelle: www.consol.at

Komplettes Interview (Englisch) gibts unter
Kutaragi is obsessed
July 17th, 2006
Ken Kutaragi is the man behind the creation of the PS1, PS2, and the upcoming PS3. He is very well known for making some extremely bold statements, and his love of hardware achitecture/technology. Some people at Sony don’t agree with his vision for the PS3, and are seeing Nintendo’s approach as a much more marketable one. Here is an excerpt from an “off the record” discussion an industry insider had with Sony management.


Kutaragi is interested only in consoles and technology. He does not care about the market. Some SCE officers disagree with his approach, feeling that the company should be more market sensitive. Kutaragi does not care. Nintendo has shown that it isn’t only about powerful technology and graphics, but the PS3 isn’t geared for that market at all and is intended for a very specific customer.

It seems like a lot of people are worried about the PS3 as of late, and apparently the consumers aren’t the only ones.


THQ loves the Wii
July 17th, 2006
THQ’s president and CEO Brian Farrell is very enthusiastic towards the Wii. Something I like to see, THQ is an important third party publisher!

“We love the Wii - it’s all about having fun, right? Games are about having fun and sometimes this industry takes itself a bit too seriously. “A lot of our properties, like Cars and Spongebob and others, really map well… Potentially even wrestling - I can think of a lot of great things to do with the controller for that product as well.”

“It’s all about competition between the platform holders and we love that actually. Their job is to drive hardware into the market - for a software publisher, that’s nirvana. The more hardware, the more intense the battle to drive hardware into homes, the better the addressable market for companies like THQ.”

“Because of high development costs it’s going to be harder and more costly for someone to do an exclusive title. We’ve done exclusive titles in the past; we’re always open to having those discussions. I think what you’ll see with the Nintendo Wii, though, because it is a unique platform, you’ll see unique if not exclusive titles.”

EA talks about their love of the Wii, now THQ, what publisher/developer is next on today’s list?


EA - Wii could be first overall

July 17th, 2006
Electronic Arts’ Jeff Brown had some very choice comments for Nintendo, it’s fans, and the Wii in general which he let loose during EA’s software showcase last week.

“Everybody’s saying that the Nintendo Wii is so unique that it’s going to be the second system people buy, meaning if you own a 360 or a PS3, you’ll probably also buy a Nintendo Wii. The funny thing is, some people say that discursively, like it’s some sort of dig at Nintendo - and what they don’t get is that if you’re second on everybody’s system, you’re first overall.”

“One of the things that we noticed after E3 is we thought, you know, we’re going to support Nintendo, they’ve got an extraordinarily loyal base of consumers all over the world, and we had a number of games we planned to make for Nintendo Wii. That said, we were very surprised by the level of enthusiasm we saw at E3 and subsequently for the Wii.”

(Brown on support for all 3 consoles) “I don’t want to be indiscreet, but the truth is EA is most committed to the platform with the biggest installed base. We’ve always been very practical and open about the fact that this is a business; if you do well in business, you get to keep making more games, and you can hire more people to make more different kinds of games - as long as you remember that this is a business first.”


Creators of Sudoku puzzle discuss Wii
July 17th, 2006
C3 spoke with the creators of Sudoku and the following is an excerpt of that interview:

C3: Have any developers approached you about bringing your puzzles to the Nintendo Wii yet? Or have you thought about offering ideas to the likes of Nintendo for a special next-generation version of your puzzles? As Mitchell Corp has shown with Polarium and Puzz-Loop, there is definitely lots of potential for classic puzzle-based games on the new systems.

JG: In fact, there are some new enquiries. But I cannot talk about it because of our secret agreement.

C3: What are your thoughts on implementing the Nintendo Wii’s unique features into a possible Wii version of Sudoku or any other Nikoli puzzles? For instance, using the special control system or WiiConnect24 service for downloads?

JG: Sorry, I cannot reply about it [again] because of our secret agreement.

Seems obvious that Sudoku will make it’s way to the Wii eventually.

Macronix sales to be buoyed by Nintendo Wii mask ROM orders

Commercial Times, July 17; Carrie Yu, DigiTimes.com [Monday 17 July 2006]

Macronix International Company (MXIC) will see at least 35% of its sales come from shipments of mask ROM to Nintendo for its Wii game consoles this year, according to company president Miin Wu, as quoted by the Chinese-language Commercial Times and Economic Daily News (EDN).

Wu confirmed Macronix has received orders from Nintendo for the Wii consoles but declined to comment on the shipment schedule and volume, both papers said.

Due to strong demand for mask ROM and NOR flash, the utilization rates at Macronix's plants will keep running at more than 100% in the second half of this year while the company is aggressively seeking OEM partners, Wu was quoted by the EDN as saying.

Quelle: http://www.digitimes.com/bits_chips/a20060717PB208.html
wsippel schrieb:
Macronix sales to be buoyed by Nintendo Wii mask ROM orders

Commercial Times, July 17; Carrie Yu, DigiTimes.com [Monday 17 July 2006]

Macronix International Company (MXIC) will see at least 35% of its sales come from shipments of mask ROM to Nintendo for its Wii game consoles this year, according to company president Miin Wu, as quoted by the Chinese-language Commercial Times and Economic Daily News (EDN).

Wu confirmed Macronix has received orders from Nintendo for the Wii consoles but declined to comment on the shipment schedule and volume, both papers said.

Due to strong demand for mask ROM and NOR flash, the utilization rates at Macronix's plants will keep running at more than 100% in the second half of this year while the company is aggressively seeking OEM partners, Wu was quoted by the EDN as saying.

Quelle: http://www.digitimes.com/bits_chips/a20060717PB208.html
Tut mir leid, aber was genau bedeutet das? :-?
New Wii games to be show at Games Convention
July 17th, 2006
The Leipzig Games Convention is shaping up to be a pretty big event for Nintendo…and why not? The event is the biggest European gaming convention there is. Reports are coming in now that Nintendo will be showing off Wii titles that haven’t even been announced yet. No word on if these titles will be from Nintendo themselves, or from other 3rd party companies. I don’t care either way, I think it’s great to see even more support for the Wii!


Three hidden Wii website pages!
July 18th, 2006
Seems like Nintendo has been holding out on us. Reader DakotaTrotter599 was doing some snooping round the official Nintendo website for the Wii, and made some pretty interesting finds. There are not one, not two, but three hidden pages to find at the official Wii site. I went to the site myself to double check, and the pages DakotaTrotter599 sent in are not clickable selections on the site. First up is an alternate Wii Software page that offers up two new game choices, Wii Music and Fire Emblem Wii. Next is a page for the Wii Wi-fi which offers some information on the service. Last, there is a link at the top of the Wii Wi-fi page for a Virtual Console page, but the link takes you to a non-existent page. Some really nice detective work done here, and something I haven’t seen before! Hopefully this is all new to you guys too!

Alternate Wii Software page

Wii Wi-fi page (with VC link at top)


Wii ad on MTV

Yet another Wii ad on the web, this time MTV. Whether you love or hate MTV, they represent a very important demographic for gaming.





Wii spielbar auf 'Nintendo Fusion Tour 2006'

18.07.06 - Nintendo wird Wii auf der 'Nintendo Fusion Tour 2006' in spielbarer Form präsentieren. Die Veranstaltung findet im Herbst 2006 in den USA statt.
CLICK (PunkNews: 'Tours: Hawthorne Heights, Nintendo Wii at Nintendo Fusion this fall')

Weihnachtsgeschäft 2006: Publisher haben Wii-Begeisterung unterschätzt

18.07.06 - Nintendos Wii war nach Ansicht von Analysten der Überraschungs-Hit auf der E3 im Mai, so dass Nintendo auch im Weihnachtsgeschäft entsprechenden Erfolg haben könnte.

Allerdings soll davon eher Nintendo profitieren und weniger die Publisher wie Electronic Arts: Sie haben zu wenig Wii-Spiele fürs Weihnachtsgeschäft in ihrem Sortiment.

Der Grund ist, dass die Publisher von der Begeisterung überrascht worden sind, die der Wii ausgelöst hat. Sie haben nichts derartiges erwartet und sich mit ihren Software-Entwicklungen zurückgehalten.

Außer Ubisoft soll kein Publisher in diesem Jahr richtig Geld mit Wii-Spielen verdienen können; Ubisoft bringt zur Markteinführung den Shooter Red Steel heraus

Quelle: gamefront.de
Ubisoft spricht über Red Steel-Mehrspieler-Modus
19.07.06 - Ubisofts Entwickler von Red Steel haben mit GamePro über den Mehrspieler-Modus des Shooters gesprochen.

Demnach sollen bis zu vier Leute im geteilten Bildschirm kämpfen können. Allerdings soll der Kampf nicht nur auf dem Bildschirm stattfinden - was damit gemeint ist, sagt der Entwickler nicht.

Nintendo entwickelt neue Spiele für das 'Virtual Console System'
19.07.06 - Nintendo arbeitet auch an neuen Spielen, die für Wii über das 'Virtual Console System' angeboten werden sollen. Das sagt Matt Casamassina von WiiIGN.
Diese Originaltitel sollen größtenteils sehr simpel und seitens der Spielmechanik sehr zugänglich sein.

Quelle: http://gamefront.de
Game Informer developer poll

July 19th, 2006
A series of questions submitted to game developers, and here are the results.

Are you excited for the Wii?

Yes 77%
No 23%

If you port to the Wii, how hard is it to adapt your title to that system?

Hard 67%
Not so Bad 33%
Easy 0%

PS3 too expensive?

Yes 63%
No 37 %

How would you rate the PS3 dev kits at this point?

Good 20%
Bad 20%
Average 60%

Which system are you more excited to develop for?

360 37%
PS3 16%
Wii 32%
PC 5%
DS 5%
PSP 5%


Best Buy says $50 for Wii titles

July 19th, 2006
Every single title is $49.99 according to Best Buy. Wouldn’t mind if that came true! All Wii titles $49.99 or less, sounds like a winning deal to me.


Ant Bully ad shows Wii logo

July 18th, 2006



Offizielle Wii Homepage in Europa eröffnet

20.07.06 - Nintendo hat die offizielle Homepage zum Wii in Europa eröffnet.
CLICK (Offizielle Homepage: 'Wii', benötigt Flash 8)

Crash Bandicoot erscheint für Wii

20.07.06 - Vivendi Games arbeitet an einem Crash Bandicoot-Spiel für Wii. Das haben Firmensprecher gegenüber TotalVideogames bestätigt. Release: 2007 (Europa)

Quelle: gamefront.de
So sah es aus, als Nintendo sein fünfzehntes Firmentreffen veranstaltet hat.
Dabei traten 2 verschiedene Abteilungen im Seilziehen gegeneinander an. Am Seil ist Perrin Kaplan (Vize Präsidenten für Marketing und Unternehmensangelegenheiten) zu sehen.
Aber seht selbst:

(Klicken zum vergrößern)

Quelle: GoNintendo
Nerazar schrieb:
quirl schrieb:
Rayman kommt Exlkusiv fürn Wii

Source please

aus der Nintendo Power:

UPDATE 5: Michel Ancel on Rayman Raving Rabbids and Wii: “(Wii) It’s so different from the other consoles that we decided to reconsider everything…We believe in the Wii and building gameplay around the controller. So now we are designing Raving Rabbids specifically (It’s an EXCLUSIVE!) for the Wii. It’s not just an adaptation. It’s a very special project, because this is really a revolution for us. Now we have to focus on one version - the Wii version.”

hier alle Infos:

UPDATE 1: The Wii-mote got ‘in the way’ of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Using it might have been great but also tiresome.

UPDATE 2: COD3 will finally be one of the first games to involve the Canadian Armed Forces. Historically, Canadians were in Italy before D-Day, had sent over 1.1 million forces for the war effort and was a major supplier and ally in the war.

UPDATE 3: Nintendo Power hopes for a House of the Dead and Spore title for the Wii. They also confirm that Trauma Center: Second Opinion is a launch title.

UPDATE 4: Mephisto is in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and that a campaign to rescue heroes from Mephisto will have an epic boss battle (multi-stage) as one of the heroes makes the ‘ultimate sacrifice’.

UPDATE 5: Michel Ancel on Rayman Raving Rabbids and Wii: “(Wii) It’s so different from the other consoles that we decided to reconsider everything…We believe in the Wii and building gameplay around the controller. So now we are designing Raving Rabbids specifically (It’s an EXCLUSIVE!) for the Wii. It’s not just an adaptation. It’s a very special project, because this is really a revolution for us. Now we have to focus on one version - the Wii version.”

UPDATE 6: Xavier Poix on Rayman Raving Rabbids and Wii: “The more we heard about the Wii, the more interested we became. Then when we got our development kits, we knew that everything we dreamed of doing on this was possible. That’s why we changed our minds. We decided, ‘Ok let’s just focus on Wii’. That’s it. The other (versions) can come later.”

UPDATE 7: Rayman Plot: Unexpected invasion from crazed bunnies (Rabbids) that lived underground and have planned and waited for the day they could take over the world. Michel Ancel speaks about the game: “When you start the game, Rayman is a prisoner. The Rabbids don’t know anything about him. They don’t know that he’s a hero.” Nintendo Power mentions that the story is similar in a way to the Acadamy Award-winning movie Gladiator where Rayman becomes more popular amongst his captors to the point that he must become more popular than the obese and sadistic emperor of the Rabbids.

UPDATE 8: More about the controls are explained for Rayman. You can ride on top of a Warthog and you steer the animal tilting the Wii-mote left and right and you can flick the controller to pick up speed. Final version of the game is promised to have full destructable obstacles. You can swing (chained) cows (remind you about Earthworm Jim) while holding the B trigger and you swing the Wii-mote over your head to swing the cows and you can increase velocity to the point that you let them go. One of your goals in the game is to slam the bathroom stall doors where the Rabbids are sitting on the toilet before they use a plunger against you. There is an FPS sequence in the game where you are dropped on a desert island wearing only a fig leaf and you are up against an army of Rabbids while armed with a plunger gun.

UPDATE 9: Rayman consists of at least 60 trials and you do alot of things like flicking the nunchuk to do a jump on a jump rope, a foot race, using Rayman’s hands to fling and grab objects when you flick the nunchuk etc . Unfortunately the main attraction of the game isn’t platforming although there will be many platformer-type trials and the game is an adventure title. Also you actually dance physically so you can gain popularity points.

UPDATE 10: Rayman will have a multiplayer component. Ancel says “We hope the player can continue having fun with his friends even after he’s finished the single-player mode”. Some multiplayer trials include passing the controller around while others allow for four players. One of the trials included a cow milking contest. Regarding WiiConnect24 and Wi-Fi compatibily Ancel responds “We’re still waiting for more information from Nintendo. We have some ideas that we definitely want to implement; we’re just waiting to hear from them to make sure we can do it.”

UPDATE 11: Ubisoft’s Ancel on Wii’s Graphics: “In terms of visuals, if it’s fluid, if you can understand the picture, that’s enough. The number of polygons does not make you laugh or cry. We did a lot of good looking games on this generation of graphics processors. The Wii hardware is more powerful than those, so that’s good enough for us. We’re using our energy on gameplay and new ideas more than on shaders and things like that…The hardware capabilities aren’t a limitation. It’s more a question of coming up with new ideas than worring about technical specifications. With the Wii, it’s all about having fun.”

UPDATE 12: Ubisoft’s Xavier Poix speaks on Wii’s Graphics: “When it comes to graphics, we’re more focused on the artistic side. You know, when you see the last generation of games on Gamecube-Resident Evil 4, for instance-it’s beautiful. When you look at what they’re doing on Xbox 360, they have many great-looking games, but usually it’s more focused on the number of polygons than on the real artistic side. And we here focus on the artisitic side. We like it.”

UPDATE 13: There are about eight Rayman screenshots from the game and in my opinion they look really beautiful. There are also concept arts of the game and one of them show the emperor himself (similar to Jabba the Hutt). Be patient and wait till these screens are out in high quality or at least get the issue.

UPDATE 14: Nintendo Power asks Michel Ancel of Ubisoft about a ‘Beyond Good & Evil’ sequel. Ancel replies “(jokingly) We’ve already relased it! Haven’t you played it yet? I think it’s still in the hearts of everyone here. There are no plans at the moment, but it’s out there somwhere. Who knows? It could be our next project. We just don’t know yet.”

UPDATE 15: Nintendo’s Daiji Imai speaks about Twilight Princess: “We’re still figuring out how to best use Wii’s capabilities. There’s still alot of work to do, and fans’ expectations are very high. I don’t think we should make things too complex though…So far, we have only revealed a handful of things about the latest Zelda-the village, the forest, the dungeon-but there are many other things waiting for you in the final game. I think Twilight Princess might be different from player’s estimations, but I guarantee that it will exceed their expectations. You can count on it!”

UPDATE 16: The next big feature in the issue is on Red Steel. The first two pages is practically a poster with a Japanese ‘bad girl’ (from the Shibuya Girls) holding a blade, sitting on the lap of one of the bad guys who hold’s a gun. And there is a table with the Wii-mote and nunchuku. All of a sudden the image I have of Red Steel…suddenly changed…According to Nintendo Power, The Shibuya Girls are mysterious geishas with an attire that conceals their taste of blood (kinda gothic). Apparently the mistress of Tokai takes control of the Shibuya Girls and the community while one of the old-school leaders requests your help to restore order to the streets of Shibuya.

UPDATE 17: In Red Steel, the main baddie Tokai is looking to take power of six other Yakuza clans. One example is the Financial Clan, who control the major banks as it seems. Tokai is trying to sway many of it’s members while you have to infiltrate the clan’s boss’s office in order to convince him to align with you. The other example is the Game Fight Clan who watches over the legal/illegal activities of the entertainment industry. They set up the games, find the players and makes sure everyone pays up, all while keeping the police off their back (the ones that aren’t Yakuza controlled). You’ll have to earn their trust in the game and go through many challenges in ’specially designed arenas’.

UPDATE 18: In Red Steel you have a few friends who help you along the way. Otori is a former Yakuza member and martial arts trainer in Japan and your first contact. He will teach you the ways of your new weapon but not join you in battle. Harry Tanner is an American night-club owner in the heart of Yakuza territory. He’ll instruct you in the art of firearms and help you connect to other Yakuza bosses that visit his joint.

UPDATE 19: There are a few screenshots and concept arts from Red Steel in this issue. Also they took 7,000 photos of Tokyo to develop ‘realistic’ scenery for the game.

UPDATE 20: The October issue of Nintendo Power will have a feature on Metroid Prime 3 and as to why it will change the FPS genre forever.

UPDATE 21: Small previews of One Piece, Final Furlong and Open Season were shown with new screens. Nintendo Power isn’t sure if One Piece and Final Furlong will be making it’s way to American shores.

UPDATE 22: Major League Baseball from 2K Sports should be out for the Wii around 2007-2008 along with other 2K titles.

UPDATE 23: Nintendo Power speculates that you might be able to expand your DS games to the TV Screen (similar to GBA Player?) with the Wii.

Zitate von Shigeru Miyamoto aus einem aktuellen Interview:
Nintendo is making a game in which four players play together by passing a single controller around. The controller calls out player names in order to indicate whose turn it is.

He also suggested another idea, a game where the controller quietly gives out secret information to individual players as their turn comes about.

One of the main driving forces for the inclusion of the speaker was third parties. Nintendo actually considered removing the device for cost reasons, but found third parties requesting that it be left in.

Interest wasn't as high inside Nintendo from the start. "When we first started talking about the speaker, there was absolutely no reaction," revealed Miyamoto. This changed when people heard the sound effects generated by the speaker while swinging a sword in Zelda and noted that it sounded like swinging a Light Saber.

In practice, regardless of game, you'll be able to play with either device in either hand. Miyamoto actually expects kids who've never played a game before to hold the remote in their left hand and the nunchuck in their right hand.
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