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TY the Tasmanian Tiger soll für Wii kommen

10.07.06 - Ein neuer Teil der Actionspiel-Serie Ty the Tasmanian Tiger soll für Wii erscheinen. Das bestätigte Steve Stamatidiadis, Creative Director und Co-Founder der Krome Studios gegenüber Aussie-Nintendo.com.

Bis zur Auslieferung könnte es aber mindestens noch ein Jahr dauern. Vorgängerversionen von Ty the Tasmanian Tiger erschienen für Xbox, PS2, GC und GBA.

Nintendo-Produktmesse für Händler

11.07.06 - Nintendo gibt bekannt, dass eine Produktmesse für Händler am 12.07.06 in Japan ausgetragen wird. Auf der Veranstaltung wird den Fachhändlern das aktuelle und kommende Lineup Japans für Spätersommer/Herbst 2006 vorgestellt.

More details on Wii chip shipments

Last week we reported on ATI’s statement concerning a ramping up of their production schedule when it came to the Wii. Now we have some more information from another company, which in turn points to an early Wii release.

PixArt Imaging is the company responsible for the Wiimote’s sensor, which makes all that controller freedom possible. Pixart made a statement recently saying that they have also begun a ramped up production schedule, which may put them at a million units by August. If their prediction comes true, this helps to lend credence to the late October Wii release speculation.

Nintendo’s Wii price point/launch announcement cannot come soon enough. Here’s to wishing the summer away! Thanks to AndoCalrissian for the heads up.
Quelle: www.gonintendo.com

Madden Wii control breakdown

So you’re a big Madden fan, and you are wondering about how your favorite series is going to work on the Wii. Sure you know that the Wiimote will be used to make realistic football gestures, but you still aren’t getting the big picture. We have just the thing for you! Click the link below to see a complete rundown of just how the E3 Madden Wii demo worked, complete with pictures! Get your throwing arm ready, it’s going to be a rough season. Thanks to Zeldabeast for the heads up.
Quelle: www.gonintendo.com

Hier der Link mit den Preview und den Bildern, wie mans steuert^^
n-Space opens new studio

11 - Jul 2006 - Wii and DS games on the way from n-Space.

The developer behind Geist for Nintendo GameCube, n-Space, has recently opened a new studio in Florida, reports GoNintendo.


Known as n-Space North, the new studio will be developing Wii software, while the original n-Space South will work on Nintendo DS games. Only time will tell whether or not we see a Geist sequel on Wii or DS - no doubt the franchise would be very well-suited to both systems.

n-Space must be doing pretty well for themselves, they just opened up a new studio in Orlando, Florida. This new studio will be known as n-Space North, which is sitting just a bit away from their original studio, n-Space South. n-Space North will be taking on mostly Wii projects, while n-Space South will be working DS projects. It is great to see n-Space doing so well, and I hope to see a lot of support from them on the Wii/DS. Perhaps we can look forward to a sequel for Geist. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that they aren’t working on anymore Mary-Kate & Ashley games…unless they are really, REALLY good! M-K&A game + Wiimote = too many things that I can’t post!

Nintendo Rushing Launch Titles?

The Gaming Blog Kotaku has recieved new information about Nintendo's developement team. "Large development team working on a still to be disclosed Wii title just got a big kick in the *** from Nintendo". This could mean that Nintendo might be worried in not finishing all the launch titles in time for the Wii's debut. As for Alpha and Beta testing, those testing times have been shortened as to save time for developing. Hopefully Nintendo will finish all of their launch titles, including the ones that we dont know of yet, those are usually the best.

Grand Prix Games plant Wii-Spiel

12.07.06 - Grand Prix Games gibt bekannt, dass man an einem Spiel für Wii arbeitet. Details sind noch unklar.

In der Vergangenheit hatte Grand Prix Games die Sportspiele Hajime no Ippo 2: Victorious Road (PS2, ESP Software), Boxer's Road 2: The Real (PSP, Ertain) und Victorious Boxers 2: Fighting Spirit (PS2, ESP Software) entwickelt. Release: TBA (Japan)
Quelle: www.gamefront.de
Neues Patent aufgetaucht!

Im Netz ist ein neues Patent von Nintendo aufgetaucht, das am 15. Juni 2006 angemeldet wurde.
Das Patent lautet: "Recirculating shade tree blender for a graphics system".

Hier ein paar Beschreibungen der Shade Tree Technik:

* A generalized shade tree blender that can be used for multitexturing as well as a number of other flexible blending effects. (...)

* Recirculating shader hardware within a graphics pipeline can be controlled to provide a number of independently controllable blending stages. (...) Thus, relatively low cost and compact shader hardware can be used to implement arbitrarily complex shade trees. (...)

* The results of a first texture mapping operation is provided to a reconfigurable shader. The shader performs a blending operation in response to the first texture mapping operation. The shader is then reconfigured, and is connected to receive the results of a further texturing operation. The reconfigured shader combines its previous results with the results of the further texturing operation to provide a blended output. (...)

* A shader can be recirculated any desired number of times to implement an arbitrarily complex shading model (...) [in order to] provide great flexibility in implementing a variety of complex shading models. (...)

* A recirculating shade tree pixel blender is implemented in hardware to minimize processing time per stage. In more detail, (...) [this] provides a relatively low chip-footprint, versatile texture-environment processing subsystem including a hardware accelerated programmable texture shader/pixel blender that circulates computed color, opacity and other data over multiple cycles/stages. (...)

Da Nintendo beim Gamecube auch schon eigene Shader Techniken verwendet hat, anstatt den DirectX Shadern, ist davon auszugehen, dass es sich dabei um die Shader Technik für den Wii handelt.

EA Unveils Development on Six Titles for Nintendo's Wii -- More to Be Announced

Thursday July 13, 9:00 am ET

Madden NFL, Need for Speed, Harry Potter, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR, SSX and The Godfather All Custom-Designed for the Wii

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 13, 2006--Get ready to run, jump, drive, race and win with the flick of a wrist! Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:ERTS - News) today revealed six new games that are in development for the upcoming Wii(TM) from Nintendo. EA's dedicated Wii development team is crafting six custom-designed titles including new releases from the Madden NFL, Need for Speed(TM), Harry Potter(TM), Tiger Woods PGA TOUR ®, SSX(TM) and The Godfather(TM) franchises. Each title will remain true to the hallmarks of its franchise but is being designed to maximize the power of the Wii hardware and take full advantage of the uniqueness and innovation of its one-of-a-kind controller. The Wii version of Madden NFL will be demonstrated for a group of elite critics and industry media later today at EA's Studio Showcase 2006. Additional titles currently under development will be announced in the coming months.

"Once we started to experiment with Madden on Wii, there was an explosion of innovation. Everyone in the studio is energized by the creative opportunity afforded by both the hardware and controller. By reaching into our catalogue, we are able to bring a fresh and distinctive experience to some of EA's most popular franchises. Creatively, the game play possibilities are staggering and endless," said John Schappert, Senior Vice President and General Manager, EA.

"Nintendo is excited to see the broad array of signature franchises that EA's talented development teams are designing for Wii," says Reggie Fils-Aime, president and COO, Nintendo of America Inc. "The combination of sensational games with Wii's unique play control will thrill players and breathe new life into video games."

For more information about the franchises, please visit www.ea.com. For screenshots and fact sheets, please visit info.ea.com.
Neue Gerüchte aus der EGM

- Square Enix arbeitet an einem MMORPG für Wii, welches im Mana-Universum angesiedelt sein soll.

- Dragon Quest IX wird exklusiv für Wii erscheinen, falls das schon angekündigte Dragon Quest für Wii und Dragon Quest Monsters Joker für den DS erfolgreich sind.

Quelle: www.consolewars.de
Grafische Verbesserungen in Red Steel seit der E3 werden ende Juli offengelegt

...das sagt Stephane Bachelet von Ubisoft, Artist Director bei Red Steel, in seinem IGN Blog.

My name is Stephane Bachelet and I am the Artistic Director on Red Steel. I am in charge of designing the graphic ambiance of the game for places, interface, SFX and lighting. My everyday job is now to supervise all the graphic designers’ creation to check that they create maps that fit with the artistic direction we have set up.

I’ll explain to you at the end of July all the improvements and new graphic directions we have made since E3.

allerdings redet er nur von "explain" (erklären), nicht von show. also wird es möglicherweise ende Juli noch immer keine aktuellen Screenshots geben.

Red Steel-Entwickler eröffnen Blog

14.07.06 - Ubisoft gibt bekannt, dass die Entwickler des Shooters Red Steel ein Blog auf der offiziellen Homepage eröffnet haben und über ihre Arbeit schreiben.

Allerdings scheint es sich um dieselben Einträge zu handeln, welche das Team in das Blog von IGN setzt: So ist der Beitrag der Produzentin Marie-Sol Beaudry im Ubisoft Blog schon zwei Wochen alt, während sich auf IGN bereits vier weitere Entwickler vorgestellt haben.

Interessenten sollten deshalb bis auf weiteres auf das aktuellere IGN Blog zugreifen.
CLICK (Ubisoft: 'Red Steel Blog')
Quelle: www.gamefront.de
Neue Infos zu Sadness nächste Woche!!

Nibris hat im IGN Forum für Ende nächster Woche neue Infos zu ihrem Projekt Sadness angekündigt. Lange war es still um Nibris, denn sie hatten bisher noch nicht einmal einen Publisher für ihr Spiel gefunden.

Doch nun hat Nibris einen der größten Publisher an ihrer Seite (den Namen wollten sie noch nicht nennen).

Als Vorgeschmack auf ihre nächste Pressemitteilung haben sie noch ein Bild einer Figur aus dem Spiel gezeigt. Die Figur nennt sich "Licho"


Dear all,

We work very hard with our team on our upcoming 2 games - Sadness for Wii and Raid over the river DS.
At the end of next week you will see more details about our new projects. We are very happy becouse one of the biggest publisher have deal with us!

Sadness look like a one of the biggest upcoming game - I think that this game can change some things in games industry.
Btw. Some of PS3 fans site wrotte that we sell Sadness for Sony - IT'S RUMOR! Sadness is exclusive for Nintendo Wii.

As a foretaste our next press relase I give you one art of Licho (one of the oponents).

Wish us luck and have a good day!,

Your Nibris

Quelle: IGN Board
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