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House of the Dead: Overkill interview - Headstrong sticks up for the Wii core gamer

House of the Dead Overkill is one of the top tier Wii games hitting in the first half of 2009. We managed to get a few questions directed at Headstrong's lead designer Alastair Halsby, who kindly took some time out from the development crunch and making zombies to answer them.

Here's what he had to say...

How far through is work on House of the Dead: Overkill?


Al Halsby: We're past gold master, and the game is being manufactured right now. We're all very excited to see what the reception will be.

What elements of the old House of the Deads did you want to keep for Overkill?

Halsby: The fear of being overwhelmed by enemies, the sensation of fast movement and having a split-second to catch small targets for pickups. Also, we thought it was very important to make sure the enemies feel right when shot - so for example, a single headshot will always kill. The trick is pulling off the headshot in the first place.

And what did you want to change about the old formula?

We had to expand the scope of the game, to make it appropriate for a console title. Arcade machines are often geared up to squeeze credits out of people (to maximise revenue). We wanted to give the impression that this was an ultra-cool arcade machine that you'd just dropped 40 credits into, and that it was capable of delivering a paced experience - so you get highs and lows, not just constant escalation.

Console light gun games have been near extinct in the last few years. Why do you think that is?

I think the control scheme is the basic reason. Light-gun technology simply doesn't work with modern flat-panel TVs, or HDTVs, computer monitors etc. Previously light-guns were relatively cheap to make (a wire, a sensor and some plastic) but for the last few years you've needed much more expensive kit to do the same thing. Fortunately the Wii came along and integrated all of that kit for us.


What attracted you to Wii rather than the other, more powerful consoles? Did negative reviews of Time Crisis 4 on PS3 affect your decision?

First and foremost the control scheme, obviously. The two-joystick twelve button console controllers are good for some games, but not for a pick-up-and-play blaster like House Of The Dead. We loved the simplicity of the Wii Remote - just point and shoot. Anyone can play it.

We were well into development when Time Crisis came out, so we followed it with fascination, but I don't think we were worried by any criticisms posed.

Do you think there's room in the Wii audience for a 'mature' game like House of the Dead?

Naturally! Didn't Resident Evil IV on the Wii sell over 1.5 million copies? Just because mature gamers enjoy Wii Sports doesn't mean they won't also enjoy blasting zombies in the face.

The game has a very distinct style. How many different art directions did you try before you settled for the current, Grindhouse-esque one?

The pulp look was our second style, although I should mention that the majority of characters, locations and enemies were well underway before we did the makeover. Originally we had a 'softened realism' look, with a touch of the usual bright SEGA colours. The pulp theme came through with a confirmation of a solid mature rating, a funk soundtrack and plenty of dismemberment, so I think it was something the whole team leapt at as soon as it was suggested.

Are you interested in incorporating Wii Motion Plus in the game? Or is that something for later projects?

We love the idea of the Motion Plus, but sadly it emerged too late in our development cycle for us to include it. We'll definitely be considering it for future work.

What did you think of the House of the Dead movie?

It wasn't high up our research list. I think we skimmed it, but I don't recall it particularly well.

What are you looking forward to from Wii this year?

I think 2009's going to be a great year for the Wii. Personally, I'm interested in Madworld, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, The Conduit, plus I've heard rumours about Sin & Punishment 2 as well as a new Pikmin.

Can you tell us something about the game that no one know about yet?

Has anyone said that using the Hand Cannon it's possible to shoot straight through zombies and kill more than one each shot? We thought that was pretty cool when it went in.

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Nintendos NewPlayControl-Serie

Bisher sind zwei GameCube-Spiele in Japan neu für Wii erschienen: Donkey Kong - Jungle Beat und Pikmin. Sehr bald wird dort auch Mario Power Tennis folgen und wir starten am 06. Februar 2009 mit Pikmin in Europa in die NewPlayControl-Reihe.

Insgesamt plant Nintendo die Serie bisher mit sieben Titeln vom Nintendo GameCube. Folgende Spiele sind bereits seit Oktober für eine Neuauflage bestätigt und werden in den nächsten Monaten erscheinen bzw. sind bereits erschienen: Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2 - Echoes, Mario Power Tennis, Donkey Kong - Jungle Beat und Chibi Robo.

Aber werden das wirklich alle GameCube-Spiele sein, die auf Wii ihren zweiten Frühling erleben? Es gibt immerhin noch viele weitere Klassiker, die sich mit einer neuen Steuerung gut spielen lassen würden und die auf der nicht so weit verbreiteten Nintendo-Konsole der letzten Generation nicht den verdienten Anklang gefunden haben.

Nintendo Finnland fragt seine Fans in einer Umfrage nun, welche (zusätzlichen) GameCube-Klassiker sie gerne für Wii neu aufgelegt sehen würden. Dabei stehen zur Auswahl:

* F-Zero GX
* Luigi’s Mansion
* Super Mario Sunshine
* The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
* Wave Race: Blue Storm

Nun bleibt natürlich unklar, ob es sich nur um eine Umfrage "zum Spaß" handelt oder ob Nintendo in einem etwas abgelegenen Markt tatsächlich schon einmal die Möglichkeiten für eventuelle weitere Ableger der NPC-Serie auslotet. Wir halten euch weiterhin auf dem Laufenden und fragen: Welche Titel würdet ihr gerne noch einmal sehen?

Quelle: GoNintendo / Nintendo Finnland
NewPlayControl: Pikmin

In weniger als einem Monat wird Pikmin als erster Titel der NewPlayControl-Serie in Europa erscheinen. Nachdem wir euch vor einigen Wochen schon einen ersten Entwurf für die gesamteuropäische Boxart zeigen konnten, folgt heute die offizielle deutsche Version der Verpackung des Spiels:


So wird Pikmin für Wii ab dem 06. Februar 2009 erneut in deutschen Läden zu finden sein. Due Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung aller Spiele der NewPlayControl-Serie wird beim Budget-Preis von 29,95€ liegen, wie wir mittlerweile sicher wissen.
Hysteria Hospital: Emergency Ward

Hysteria Hospital: Emergency Ward

Platform: Windows PC, Wii

Rating: Everyone

Content descriptors: Comic Mischief, Mild Language

Rating summary: This is a strategy game in which players earn money for treating a steady stream of walk-in patients at a hospital. Treatments include brief, over-the-top animations of patients being zapped in an X-ray machine, being soaked in green fluid during skin treatment, and getting folded in half inside an infirmary bed. The expletive “hell” is used during one of the treatments.

XSEED on Little King’s Story, localization for Wii games, more

This was an email which was sent to XSEED, and Ken who has always responded to emails such as these replied:

1. Is Little King’s Story indeed releasing on January 6th in Canada?! My local Best Buy had the game on that date on their release schedule board in front of the store! Strange! O_o I was under the impression it was coming out on Feb 17th.

No, Little King’s Story is not releasing on January 6th. We were shooting for a February release date, but good chance that it will be delayed past that right now.

2. How goes the localizations on your Wii games and such? Run into any problems? Hope everything is going smoothly!

Localization is going well on most everything we’re working on, Retro Game Challenge is done and will ship in February, Avalon Code and Rune Factory: Frontier are both wrapping up now so shouldn’t be too long after Retro Game when they come out.

3. Is it possible at this stage to say what the framerates of each of your’s and MMV’s Wii games? Are all games going to have silky smooth framerates? Is XSEED able to smoothen any framerate problems if there are any?

Of what we’ve seen, all the MMV titles are moving at a smooth framerate so no concerns at this point.

Microsoft pays compliment to Nintendo

“What’s very fortuitous for us is that, as a category, video games have done pretty well. We think that we’re one of those industries that consumers are staying in for entertainment. ‘We’, by the way – that’s us and Nintendo. Both the Wii and the Xbox 360 are really the two big winners. Actually, the only two winners right now if you look at holiday sales year over year.” - Microsoft’s group product manager for Xbox 360 Aaron Greenberg

It would be really rude of Mr. Greenberg to talk about industry and holiday success without mentioning Nintendo. Microsoft did do very well, but Nintendo took home the lion’s share. Thanks to AusGamer for the heads up!

Secret Files 2 – Puritas Cordis

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Nintendo tötet kleine Hunde

zumindest, wenn sich mehrere so verhalten wie eine Frau aus Michigan

Eine Frau erschlug nämlich beim Versuch WiiSports - Bowling zu spielen mit der WiiMote versehentlich ihren kleinen Hund. Dieser lag dann regungslos und mit Atemstillstand am Boden, konnte jedoch glücklicherweise wiederbelebt werden.


Wie geil ist das denn? :lol:
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