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Nintendo increases orders to InvenSense

Nintendo has placed extra orders with its component supplier InvenSense and has already forwarded part of the payment in advance, which is an indication of strong growth for the Japanese game console maker despite the weak economy, according to market sources.

To secure sufficient component supplies for its new product Wii Motion Plus, Nintendo has asked for increased gyroscpe shipments from InvenSense, said the sources.

Demand for game consoles, such as Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox and Sony PS3, remains strong, benefiting sales of related component suppliers, the sources said.

Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop




Das Geschicklichkeits- Game Vertigo wird von Playlogic Entertainment produziert und soll im Jahr 2009 erscheinen. Ihr könnt es mit der Wiimote oder dem Wii Balance Board steuern. Euch stehen verschiedene Modi zur
Enthalten sind: Carriere, Entertainment , Time Trial und Multi-Player für 4 Spieler.
Steel Battalion Wii supports Wii Balance Board?

In a Japanese press conference, Capcom has apparently confirmed that it is adapting the Xbox's Steel Battalion for the Nintendo Wii, and that it will include support for the Wii Balance Board.

In Steel Battalion, players take control of massive bi-pedal mecha on a variety of dangerous missions. The original game came with a huge, $200 USD controller that acted as the dashboard for the robot, and quickly became a collector's piece.

Capcom explains that with the Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Wii Wheel and Wii Balance Board, this whole experience can be re-created... and for a whole lot less wonga - around $45 USD.

Rock Band 2: Download-Inhalte Anfang 2009

Harmonix plant herunterladbare Inhalte für Rock Band 2 Anfang 2009 anzubieten. Das teilt der Entwickler im offiziellen Forum mit.

Derzeit befinden sich die Inhalte in der finalen Test-Phase, bei denen es sich um 20 kostenlose Bonus-Songs handelt. Zusätzlich bereitet das Team auch für das erste Rock Band 30 neue Songs vor, die ebenfalls Anfang 2009 veröffentlicht werden.
Activision-Blizzard Updated Release Schedule

ittle League World Series Baseball 2008 (Wii) – 13th February 2009

Monkey Mischief (Wii) - 13th February 2009

Pirates Hunt for Black Beards Booty (Wii) - 13th February 2009

Pitfall The Big Adventure (Wii) -13th February 2009

World Championship Sports (Wii) -13th February 2009

Millennium Series Championship Paintball 2009 (Wii) -13th March 2009

Monster Jam Urban Assault (Wii) - 13th March 2009

Monsters Vs. Aliens (Wii) – Easter 2009

Linux läuft auf Wii

Auf dem 25. Chaos Communication Congress (25C3) in Berlin führte 'marcan' aus dem Club der Gerätebegutachter gestern eine Live-Demo von Linux auf Wii vor.

Dabei öffnete sich zunächst ein gesonderter Kanal für beliebige Software-Anwendungen, danach startete eine voreingestellte Variante des Betriebssystems Linux. 'Wir können alles darauf laufen lassen, was wir wollen', so der Sicherheitsexperte.

Fragile - information blowout

This information comes from a panel discussion with…

Producer : Kentarou Kawashima (Seven, Venus and Braves)
Art Director : Keiko Harada (Seven, Venus and Braves)
Main Programmer : Munehito Yasui (Baten Kaitos - Tri Crescendo)

• after performing a study, the team found that the average Japanese and European identifies with these three game elements in this order: 1) Story and Characters, 2) World presentation, 3) Game system.

• Kawashima comparison - “Resident Evil” = “frightening” ; “Fragile” = “oppressive”

• Kawashima believes that experiences had in the real world are important to translate into the game world. That’s where Fragile got its deep sense of atmosphere from

• around 30 hours long

• Kawashima - “First is to provide varied experiences, the technology comes afterwards.”

• Kawashima prefers games that put average characters into situations where they cannot take direct control

• Fragile has been in development for 2 years, and has cost quite a bit of money. More money will be spent on advertising, but the team is hoping that sales of the game will help make up for the costs of development and advertising

• Fragile originally took place during the Winter

• The original main character was a treasure hunter, and looked like the art below


• elements from the original idea that made it to the final game: bonfires, the messages written on the walls, pointer/flashlight mechanics.

• the idea of exploration and no combat was tossed around

• the prototype version was completed in about about 4 months. The purpose of the prototype was to get the game greenlit.

• the original art director was switched out for Keiko Harada

• a lot of attention was paid to the soundtrack and environmental noises

• development has been right on schedule for the entire project, which allows the developers to add some extra touches for the final game

US-Weihnachtsgeschäft: Wii-Verkauf weiterhin stark

Nintendos Wii war auch im diesjährigen Weihnachtsgeschäft in den USA schwer zu finden, und es gab vielerorts Lieferengpässe. Das schreibt die Washington Post.

Die Konsole verkaufte sich wie von selbst und wurde den Händlern aus den Händen gerissen. Nintendo hatte erst kürzlich die Produktions- und Liefermenge erhöht, um derartigen Lieferschwierigkeiten entgegenzuwirken.

Zusammen mit Amazons E-Book-Reader Kindle und UGG-Schuhen gehörte Wii zu den meistgefragten Produkten, die nur noch in kleinen Mengen in den Läden zu finden waren.

Gerüchten zufolge soll eine Lego-Version von Rock Band in Entwicklung sein und dieses Jahr erscheinen.

Laut einer sicheren Quelle von Videogaming247 soll Travellers Tales an der Lego-Version von Rock Band arbeiten. In einem Interview mit Radio One wurde schon ein Lego-Spiel für 2009 angekündigt. Jedoch wurde nicht gesagt, welches Spiel es werden wird. Schon früher kursierten Gerüchte über ein mögliches Lego Harry Potter.Travellers Tales, dass zu Warner Bros. gehört, hat sich bis jetzt noch nicht über die Gerüchte geäussert.

Quelle: 4players.de

Quelle: Wiiinsider
RUMOR - Wii Sports surpasses sales of Super Mario Bros.

We don’t have the official sales information, but the guys at VGChartz are making a pretty bold statement based on their own data. According to them, Wii Sports has now sold more copies than Super Mario Bros. on the NES. That would make Wii Sports the best-selling console game of all time. Keep in mind, this number is only counting the original release of Super Mario Bros., which we know has been re-released a number of times through various platforms.

Wii Sports becomes best selling game of all time, passes Super Mario Bros.

According to VGChartz.com data, Wii Sports has now passed sales of Super Mario Bros. (NES), making it the best selling console game of all time

Including VGChartz software data for the week ending 27th December 2008, Wii Sports has now passed sales of Super Mario Bros (NES) at 40.24 million units, making it the best selling videogame of all time. The game, bundled in every country outside of Japan and South Korea, reached that milestone after 110 weeks of sales.

Super Mario Bros ., released between 1985 and 1987 across the USA, Japan, and Europe and came bundled with most NES consoles. The game accumulated its sales on an install base of 61.91 million NES. Nintendo’s Wii has sold more than 45 million units so far, according to the data provided by VGChartz.com, giving Wii Sports room for sales beyond the 50 million units mark.


Absolut verdient. Kenne kein Spil, was so vielen Spaß gemacht hat. :)
Pachter - Nintendo may have sold 3 million Wiis in December

“I haven’t done the work for NPD yet, but my guess is that 360 sales were flat or up a little, PS3 sales down a little, and Wii sales up more than 100%. That would end up around 1.2 - 1.3 million 360s, around 700,000 PS3s and around 3 million (or more) Wiis.” - Wedbush Morgan analyst, Michael Pachter

We have to wait until January 15th to get the official NPD numbers, but Mr. Pachter will publish his offical predictions sometime early next week.

If the Wii did sell 3 million in December, that means that Nintendo will be the new crown-holder for best selling month ever for a game console.

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