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Nintendo: More stock of Wii and DS being brought to the UK than ever before

This Christmas, the Wii and DS will be on the Christmas wishlist of many people who celebrate the holiday. Today, it was reported that both the Wii and DS had staggering sales in North America in just one week. It should be expected that both systems will be desired in the UK as well. Fortuntaley, Nintendo has stated that the company “is bringing more stock of Wii and DS into the UK this Christmas than ever before.”

“Demand for Wii and Nintendo DS in the UK remains at unprecedented levels. Sales across Europe are outstripping last year with sales of Wii up over 76 percent and sales of DS up over 27 percent.To meet the continually increasing demand for our products, Nintendo is bringing more stock of Wii and DS into the UK this Christmas than ever before. We’re very sorry if anyone has trouble getting their hands on our products but rest assured that we are doing everything we can to avoid disappointing people this Christmas.” - Nintendo statement

Snowboard Riot - more screens





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Megaton - Dragon Quest 10 in development for Wii!?


Square-Enix just held a press conference in Japan, and they let loose some very big info. We have a confirmation straight from Square-Enix that they are developing Dragon Quest X for the Wii. Iwata was at the event, and he too seemed very happy that the announcement was made.

This is absolutely huge news for Nintendo. I think this pretty much locks up the Wii as the number one console in Japan. Thanks to all that sent this in!

Mehr Wii-Spiele von Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts will in Zukunft verstärkt Spiele für Wii anbieten. Das sagte Chief Executive Officer John Riccitiello. 'Wir haben noch einiges für Wii zu tun', so Riccitiello in einem Interview.

Square-Enix announces Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time for Europe and PAL territories

London (10th December 2008) – Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of Square Enix® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces that FINAL FANTASY® CRYSTAL CHRONICLES®: Echoes of Time™ will be released across PAL territories in Spring 2009, exclusively on both Nintendo DS™ and Wii™ systems.

Introducing the World’s first cross-platform multiplayer adventure for the Nintendo DS & Wii systems! Set in the fun and friendly CRYSTAL CHRONICLES universe of the FINAL FANTASY series, FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Echoes of Time delivers a unique and innovative experience where both Nintendo platforms come together in perfect harmony.

With truly advanced 3D graphics and up to four-player multiplayer gameplay, this is the most accessible take on the FINAL FANTASY universe, allowing players to enjoy the CRYSTAL CHRONICLES experience from anywhere in the world thanks to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection mode.

John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. comments, “FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Echoes of Time represents a real technical achievement in games development and cross-platform play. The CRYSTAL CHRONICLES universe is the perfect setting for all Nintendo owners to enjoy a magical adventure full of fun and vibrant moments with their friends.”


A triumphant return from a monster-infested forest marks the completion of the 16-year-old hero’s coming-of-age ceremony. However, the hero’s joy is short-lived as a young village girl is found to be afflicted by a mysterious illness known as “crystal sickness.” Determined to obtain the cure, the hero steps out of the secluded village for the first time, only to discover a world in which crystals are merely artifacts of the past and no longer exist…


• Wii and Nintendo DS players can share their adventure together through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and Wireless Communication.
• 2-4 player multi-play through Nintendo Wi-Fi & Wireless Communication mode.
• Over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection: 4 players max (any mixture of Wii and Nintendo DS hardware).
• Wireless Communication: 4 players max (either up to 4 players on Nintendo DS hardware, or alternatively 1 Wii hosting up to three Nintendo DS players).
• Players can register their own phrases on top of many fixed phrases available for easy communication in multiplayer.
• Over 300 different items and costume combinations add to the fun. Changes to costume/equipment are directly visible on your character in the game.
• Trade with friends using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection functions.
• Play in four different languages – English, French, German and Spanish. The multiplayer mode can be played seamlessly even when each player selects a different language.

Capcom widerspricht Monster Hunter 3-Multiplattform-Plänen

12.12.08 - Capcom gibt bekannt, dass Monster Hunter 3 nur für Wii erscheinen wird; Umsetzungen für andere Plattformen sind nicht geplant. Damit reagiert Capcom auf einen Bericht einer japanischen Zeitschrift.

Darin schreibt das Magazin, dass Monster Hunter 3 auch für andere Plattformen als Wii auf den Markt kommen wird. Auf seiner Website sagt Capcom hierzu, dass der Bericht falsch ist und das Spiel nur für Wii veröffentlicht wird.

Quelle: www.gamefront.de
Another Code R new screenshots
Nintendo has released some new screenshots of Another Code R for the Wii in the latest Famitsu magazine. The game is set to release for January 22 in Japan.

Guitar Hero: Metallica, les premiers détails...

Nos confrères de Destructoid.com nous présentent les premières informations sur Guitar Hero: Metallica dont la première track-list.

On apprend qu'un nouveau niveau de difficulté sera proposé avec la batterie (Expert Plus) mais également un nouveau mode utilisant les sons authentiques du groupe, des options suplémantaires pour la basse et la batterie, des vidéos de Metallica et une mise en scène revue.

Morceaux Mettalica :

“Enter Sandman”
“For Whom The Bell Tolls”
“Hit The Lights”
“King Nothing”
“Master of Puppets”
“No Leaf Clover”
“Nothing Else Matters”
“Sad But True”
“The Unforgiven”
“Where I May Roam”

Autres morceaux :

Alice In Chains - “No Excuses”
Bob Seger - “Turn The Page”
Judas Priest - “Hell Bent For Leather”
Kyuss - “Demon Cleaner”
Lynyrd Skynyrd - “Tuesdays Gone”
Mastodon - “Blood and Thunder”
Michael Schenker Group - “Armed and Ready”
Samhain - “Mother of Mercy”
The Sword - “Black River”
Activision trademarks fishing title

There is only one successful fishing series, and that’s only successful in fishing game terms. I guess Activision thinks they can do one better. We’ll find out in the not-too-distant future, I’m sure.

Speaking of fishing games, what ever happened to that fishing game that EA was working on? It was profiled in an issue of Nintendo Power, with screenshots and info. The game just disappeared…and I’m guessing it was canned for good.


Is Kojima working on a first person shooter?


Why was Kojima visiting Infinity Ward? Rumor has it that the Metal Gear creator is working on a first-person shooter, and he wants to talk to some of the best in the business for that genre. You can see the photo evidence above…he definitely was at IF. We have the rumors of why, but nothing confirmed at this time.

EA, Konami, and Ubisoft have big titles on the way - Wii fans will ‘flip’ over EA, Konami titles

“Wii owners can look forward to some exciting announcements from third-parties like Electronic Arts, Konami and Ubisoft. We know of at least two major EA and Konami IPs that Wii fans are going to flip over when they become official…” - IGN article

Ah, the little tidbits tucked away within IGN’s Wii Year in Review article. Two major EA and Konami I.P.s…that sounds fun. Konami does Metal Gear…and there’s that teaser floating around…

hier mehr davon
Arkedo would like to bring Big Bang Mini to Wii, not interested in WiiWare/DSiWare, and is working on a Wii project

A portion of a C3 interview with Arkedo’s Camille Guermonprez…

C3: Following on from the previous question, have you considered bringing either game to Wii?

CG: Why not? We would love to do Big Bang Mini with its addictive blending on a bigger screen…

C3: And what are your thoughts on supporting the WiiWare and DSWare services?


At the end of the interview, Mr. Guermonprez drops this little tidbit of info, just to get us excited…

Our next project in on the Wii, by the way *grins*

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