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In einem Interview äusserte sich Reggie Fils-Aime über die speziellen Zukunftspläne von Nintendo.

NoA`s Präsident Reggie hat in einem Interview erklärt, dass Nintendo zukünftig die Spieler aktiver miteinbeziehen will. Zum Beispiel sollen vom Spieler selbst kreierte Inhalte stark im Vordergrund liegen. Laut Reggie wäre die Zeit vorbei, in der eine Firma entwickelt damit die Spieler es einfach entgegennehmen und sich damit zufriedenstellen können. Es wäre jetzt Zeit zur aktiven Miteinbeziehung des Endkunden.

Nintendo will sich in Zukunft verstärkt auf die aktive Einbindung der Spieler konzentrieren und ihnen erlauben, selbst erstellte Inhalte mit allen Spielern zu teilen.

Quelle: gamezone.de
Microsoft hat mit Xbox Live bereits ein etabliertes System mit Funktionen wie Sprach-Chat und Invites, morgen steht zudem die Veröffentlichung der New Xbox Experience an, die das Paket nochmals ordentlich erweitern wird. Sony hat seinen Konsolen per Firmware-Update mittlerweile neue Optionen spendiert, außerdem werkeln die PlayStation-Macher derzeit an Home für die PS3. Nintendos Ansatz hingegen trifft zumindest bei den berüchtigten Core-Gamern kaum auf Zustimmung, wird die Handhabung von spielespezifischen Friend-Codes doch als umständlich empfunden. Auch fühlt man sich in manch anderer Hinsicht benachteiligt.

Gegenüber Forbes deutete Reggie Fils-Aime nun immerhin an, dass sich die Mario-Macher des Verbesserungspotenzials durchaus bewusst sind:

"Nintendo hatte immer eine Vision, was die Community angeht. Die Sache ist, dass wir Community anders definieren als unsere Mitbewerber. Unsere Kunden wollen das Gefühl einer Community, und wir werden das auch liefern - aber auf eine Art und Weise, die so nur bei Nintendo zu finden ist."

Mehr wollte der Präsident von Nintendo of America nicht verraten, Forbes spekuliert aber, dass der Hersteller entsprechende Pläne auf der kommenden E3 vorstellen könnte.

Fils-Aime äußerte sich auch über die bisherigen Absatzzahlen. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass der Erfolg vieler Dritthersteller auf der Wii bisher eher bescheiden ausgefallen ist, sagt er: Diese hätten den typischen Wii-Spieler noch nicht ganz verstanden.

"Ich werde sagen können, dass unsere Lizenzpartner es 'kapiert' haben, wenn ihre allerbesten Inhalte auf unserer Plattform erscheinen. Das ist bis auf wenige Ausnahmen noch nicht der Fall."

Quelle: 4players.de
Cammie Dunaway von NoA hat in MTV's Multiplayer blog erklärt, warum nächstes Jahr die Hardcore-Spieler zufrieden sein sollten.

Laut Dunaway, die Dame die dieses Jahr gemeinsam mit Reggie die E3-Pressekonferenz präsentiert hat, sollten die Hardcore-Spieler nächstes Jahr die Augen offen halten. Sie ist der Meinung, dass das Jahr 2009 die Hardcore-Spieler zufriedenstellen wird. Als Beispiel nannte sie Segas MadWorld und The Conduit. Besonders The Conduit soll zeigen was die Wii kann. Dunaway ist überzeugt, dass die grafische Leistung des Spiels viele überzeugen und anderen Entwicklern die Augen öffnen wird. Auch Punch Out und das neue Sin & Punishment von Nintendo selbst sollen Hardcore-Hits werden, obwohl Dunaway Punch Out als Spiel für die Nintendo-Fanboys sieht.

Quelle: CVG
Variety says Boom Blox 2 is in the works

A snippet from the Variety article…

The Blueprint model is also being used on a previously undisclosed, but none-too-surprising, project: “Boom Blox 2.” (not the official title) Apparently work is already underway on a sequel to the spring’s innovative Wii puzzle game, which got very good reviews (especially from me) and and sold decently, last we heard. But whie development is being led out of EALA, where the first “Boom Blox” was made, people are working on it together from all over the world. “Everybody is integrated, regardless of whether they’re in the same physical location,” explained the ex-Blueprinter. “It’s truly the spirit of what Blueprint was going to be.”

If you are wondering what Blueprint is…it’s some sort of idea/section/collection of games/developments inside EA. It’s not very clear what goes on with EA Blueprint, but the important thing is, we have a confirmation of Boom Blox 2!

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MadWorld Interview

The team talks about its ultra-violent, super-stylized creation for Wii.
Australia, November 18, 2008 - MadWorld is definitely one of the most visceral games coming to Wii (or any other platform for that matter) in the next six months, and we've fallen in love with its dedication to over-the-top violence and its stylish black, white and red presentation. We've seen it in action a number of times now, but we still had plenty of unanswered questions. Enter Platinum Games' Atsushi Inaba, Producer on MadWorld, who was kind enough to give us a little more info on the title.

IGN AU: This game truly is set in a mad world. Where and when is the setting, and how did it come to this?

Atsushi Inaba: MADWORLD takes place in a dystopian future where a terrorist group has put together this thing called Death Watch which is essentially a broadcast show where people are literally beating each other to death. It's a really twisted form of entertainment that this group has forced upon the citizens of Varrigan City. You take the role of Jack, a local mechanic and now a contestant in this game show, literally fighting for your life.

IGN AU: What were your sources of inspiration for this game? Running Man? Sin City?

Atsushi Inaba: Neither really. Of course we like Sin City very much and we have seen Running Man before but they are not the sources of our creation. The concepts of MADWORLD are "visual impact" and "over-the-top violence", and these two themes run right through the game.

IGN AU: Why Wii?

Atsushi Inaba: It has a huge install base and we're really interested in the Wii platform so we wanted to create a really cool and stylish game for that.

IGN AU: The game has an incredibly unique look – how hard was it to capture this style?

Atsushi Inaba: Artists, game designers… all team members are constantly working very hard to capture the style we want the final game to have. It's been hard, making a game only in black in white with red blood is a real challenge, but we've been motivated and driven the whole way through the development process. We're hoping that nobody else decides to sneak out a full black and white game before us!

The least violent way to kill someone in MadWorld.

IGN AU: What are some of the technical tricks you're using to achieve this look?

Atsushi Inaba: It is visually very difficult to play a game in black and white. Sometimes you cannot see enemies or items. How can we create beautiful screens without sacrificing the good gameplay as an action game? It was the challenge. Sometimes people say that "MADWORLD is not utilizing the Wii's hardware potential because it's simply in black and white", but it's not true. We are using the Wii's hardware performance in full power.

IGN AU: How will the game be structured? Will every area be self-contained and end with a boss battle?

Atsushi Inaba: Yes, each area is self-contained and it ends with a boss battle. However, a stage consists of multiple areas, which means that you have to fight against multiple boss characters (we call them "rankers") in each stage. You cannot meet rankers unless you have a high enough score which you build up by fighting the lesser enemies and getting attack combos. By creatively killing your enemies, you can entertain the audience of the "Death Watch" show to earn high scores. Against the bosses, you'll need to have a good strategy to take down each one.

IGN AU: Is the chainsaw the greatest videogame weapon of all time?

Atsushi Inaba: It's definitely up there. It looks great, sounds great and works great. It's really a strong weapon in all aspects.

IGN AU: We've also seen the twin daggers. What other weapon upgrades will there be?

Atsushi Inaba: I'm afraid you'll have to wait until we announce our full weapon list. There will be quite a few surprises in there for sure….

Click above to check out the last MadWorld trailer. Please note: contains traces of Twirlenkiller.

IGN AU: Which hip hop acts are you working with for the soundtrack?

Atsushi Inaba: The in-game music tracks are from various musicians, including pros and semi-pros. They rather joined the project not for the money but for their own enjoyment. They all liked the game first and then accepted our offer. We'll be announcing who some of the acts are nearer the game's release date.

IGN AU: We certainly like what we've seen so far, but how are you planning on keeping the game interesting over its full play-time? What steps are you taking to ensure it's not repetitive?

Atsushi Inaba: The graphical theme is totally different in each stage and you will need to change your combat style to take out your enemies. We very much doubt that gamers will think that it's repetitive. Also, the story is very interesting. We are quite confident that gamers won't get bored as there's lots of variety in the gameplay and a really strong storyline.

IGN AU: Where did the name Herr Frederick Von Twirlenkiller come from? Is this a reflection of a zany sense of humour on the team's part?

Atsushi Inaba: He was named by an American guy who works in our studio. Von Twirlenkiller is the boss in the first stage. The name came from his battle style and his look. It's a good example of using his creativity and sense of humour to create his name, something that we probably wouldn't have thought of if not for our colleague.

Aktuelle Wertungen der Famitsu

Hier sind neue Wertungen der japanischen Famitsu. Vier Redakteure vergeben je bis zu 10 Punkte.

Naruto Shippuuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX3 (Wii, Takara Tomy): 7 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Hataraku Hito (Wii, Hudson): 8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)
Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Wii Deluxe (Wii, Bandai Namco): 7 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Rune Factory Frontier (Wii, Marvelous): 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (29/40)

Nintendo will 'Online Community' aufbauen

Nintendo plant den Aufbau einer 'Online Community'. Das sagte Reggie Fils-Aime, der Präsident von Nintendo of America.

Diese Online-Gemeinschaft von Nintendo soll einzigartig sein und sich von der Konkurrenz unterscheiden. Nintendo würde eine solche 'Community' grundsätzlich anders definieren als es die Mitbewerber tun.

Wann dieses Vorhaben umgesetzt oder im Detail vorgestellt wird, ist unklar; womöglich könnte es im nächsten Jahr auf der E3 2009 so weit sein.

Naruto Shippuden Gekito Ninja Taisen EX 3 new screenshots

Takara Tomy has released some new screenshots of its fighting game Naruto Shippuden Gekito Ninja Taisen EX 3 for the Wii in the latest Shonen Jump magazine. The game will be available on November 27 in Japan.

Update : Here are some more pics of the game, we can see Naruto during his Kyubi transformation.

Disney Interactive Studios’ Ultimate Band to Feature the Plain White T’s

Disney Interactive Studios has teamed up with pop-punk band Plain White T’s for content, videos and promotional efforts for its upcoming music video game Ultimate Band. Developed by Fall Line Studio in Salt Lake City, Utah, Ultimate Band takes gamers of all ages on a journey to achieve rock stardom starting as garage-band beginners and working toward the ultimate rock notoriety. With the Plain White T’s featured in Ultimate Band, fans can play their favorite band’s music in an accessible game with great value.

Two-time Grammy nominee Plain White T’s are featured in Ultimate Band for Wii(TM) with exclusive videos including an acoustic performance of the single “Natural Disaster.” A re-recorded version of the Plain White T’s “Our Time Now” is also featured in the game allowing players to use male or female voices for their own uniquely customized Frontman. As players progress through the game’s garage to stardom storyline, they unlock specially designed Plain White T’s band characters while performing “Our Time Now.” These characters can be then played during any song throughout the game.

“Our Time Now” is also featured in Ultimate Band for Nintendo DS(TM). Players increase their fans by strumming along to the chords on the lead, rhythm or bass guitars, as well as rocking out on the drums.

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