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Opera Browser 2.0 kommt im Dezember

- neue Buttons
- kompatibel mit Wii-Speak
- Wii-Mails können im Browser gesehen (angsehen?) werden
(See your Wii mail from within the browser)
- 6 Tabs, welche unsichtbar gemacht werden können
- wenn du für Version 1 bezahlt hast, ist Version 2 kostenlos
- wenn du für Version 1 nichts bezahlt hast, kostet Version 2 500 WiiPoints

Informationen ob der Release weltweit im Dezember ist, habe ich nicht gefunden
desweiteren gibt es kein FlashPlayer-Update aus bekannten Gründen, dass Adobe nur Version 7.0 für Wii anbietet
Details zum Wii Opera Browser 2.0

GoNintendo hat einige Details zum Wii Opera Browser 2.0 aus einem Online Magazin veröffentlicht.

- Neue Buttons
- Wii Speak Kompatibilität
- Wii Mail Abrufe ohne den Browser verlassen zu müssen
- Tab-Funktion über einen einblendbaren Würfel mit maximal 6 Tabs
- wird 500 Wii Points kosten, wobei Käufer der ersten Version nicht für den Browser zahlen müssen
- erscheint im Dezember

Ob der Dezember Termin auch für Europa gilt, ist nicht bekannt.


Another Code:R - Kioku no Tobira JAP Termin

Nintendo gibt bekannt, dass das Adventure Another Code:R - Kioku no Tobira am 22.01.09 in Japan in den Handel kommt.

Trace Memory Wii gets tentative release date

Come from Nintendo’s Japanese listings…

Of course, this date is subject to change. I really hope Trace Memory Wii comes out in the states sometime this Summer.


Capcom's Wii Sales Estimates

Capcom have released approximate figures on what one of their current retail Wii games has sold and their hopes for another title later this year.

From German gaming site Gamefront, the Japanese Gaming Giant wishes to push 500,000 copies of the port Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop onto customers, although less-than-stellar previews and a strong lack of the original game's key Element may hinder sales greatly.

Great news for fans of Clover Studio's Masterpiece Okami; The Wii port of the game has managed to sell very well, reaching the 300,000 mark across all territories, in particular 210,000 in the US and 90,000 in Europe (no Japan figures are known). Certainly not bad for an overlooked port with no new features that didn't sell well first time around. And who knows, if sales continue (Zavvi, 13 pounds), that sequel might not be too far away...


Capcom have released even more sales data.

Since the last sales data gathering, total units of Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition sold have jumped up by 100,000 to 1,400,000 worldwide. Also, spin-off Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles has increased by 50,000 to 1,150,000.

The Wii version of Resident Evil 4 has had the largest jump in sales relative to its LTD, and surpassed the sales numbers of REmake on GC, as well as matching Dead Rising on XBox 360 and Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X for PS2.
Combining the sales of Resident Evil 4 on all of its platforms, Gamecube, Playstation 2 and Wii, the number comes to 5,050,000, swiftly surpassing Resident Evil 2 on PSOne, and if the Wii Version sales continue, the forth game in the series could become the best-selling one in less than a year.

Mario Tennis GC JAP Termin

Nintendo gibt bekannt, dass das Sportspiel Mario Tennis GC (Wii de Asobu) am 15.01.09 in Japan veröffentlicht wird.

Square-Enix says FFCC: The Crystal Bearers not cancelled, official statement tomorrow

I have bumped this story to the front page, just to make sure you all caught this. This is the original EGM Rumors post, but with added comments. I think you’ll be pleased with the information. The new section has been marked with an UPDATE note.


- Silicon Knight’s unannounced long-in-development Sega title is looking for a new publisher.
- Brash Entertainment is gone due to horrible licensed content
- Square Enix quietly cancelling FF:CC Crystal Bearers for Wii. Look for FF:CC Echoes of Time for DS and Wii.

I am excited for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. With that said, I was equally excited for The Crystal Bearers. It’s almost as if titles shown at Nintendo’s pre Wii-launch E3 have some sort of curse attached to them! Thanks to Daniel for the heads up.

UPDATE - I have received an email from Square-Enix public relations that states that the game has not been cancelled and an official statement will be provided tomorrow.

Exclusive: Square-Enix comments on Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal
Bearers - ‘(We) have every intention of releasing it’

As promised, we’ve obtained a statement from Square-Enix concerning FFCC: The Crystal Bearers. Yesterday, we reported an EGM rumor that stated that FFCC: The Crystal Bearers was most likely cancelled. Today, Square-Enix steps in to comment on the situation. This statement is direct from Square-Enix, and was provided to GoNintendo by Sonia Im, Senior Public Relations Manager of Square Enix, Inc..

“While much of EGM’s ‘Rumor Mill’ contents end up being accurate, in this case the report is incorrect.

We have never announced that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers has been cancelled and have every intention of releasing it. There may be some concerns as a firm ship date has not been set but rest assured there will be an announcement once we finalize the date internally.

Although there are many Square Enix related rumors out there that we do not comment on, due to the feedback from the readers, we felt it was necessary to provide a statement to alleviate the worries of those who are looking forward to the game. The fan base that the Final Fantasy series has is appreciated by everyone at Square Enix (not only the developers) so we hope this statement will prevent any further spreading of the rumor.

We apologize for any unnecessary distress this rumor may have caused and hope the fans of the series can again look forward to the upcoming release of Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.” - Square-Enix statement

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