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Neue Pic`s zum Action/Aventure 'Spray' von Tecmo

Sprayx erscheint im November in den USA




Capcom Keeping Schtum on New Resident Evils for Wii

Resident Evil, Wii, you know it were meant to? be, but Capcom is still keeping quiet on possible future installments.

Earlier this week we had we had Juntake Uchi, Producer of Resident Evil 5 saying just how much he and the team like Wii, and how they'd be keen on bringing new installments of the series to Nintendo's successful white beast.

Back in August Capcom quizzed fans on whether they wanted a Wii RE5, and even combined with the development team's willingness to continue the franchise on Nintendo, it still seems that Capcom themselves are keeping quiet on the matter. Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development has added his 2 cents on the matter, reluctant to give a definite answer:

You all know we've not announced any new REs for Wii (or any other platforms for that matter). Alas, I'm not going to be able to share our roadmap here. Sorry guys, his [Resident Evil 5 producer] comments are going to stand as they are and I'm not able to elaborate on them.

More Nintendo Wii Arc Rise Fantasia RPGs?

A recent chat with Japanese developer Image Epoch has revealed potential plans to expand on Arc Rise Fantasia for Wii, making it into a series. At last month's Tokyo Game Show Ryoei Mikage, President of Image Epoch, and Hideyuki Mizutani, Operating Officer at Marvelous Entertainment discussed how its lavish upcoming RPG for Wii, Arc Rise Fantasia, could very well end up turning into a fully-fledged series.

Siliconera: I played Arc Rise Fantasia using the Classic Controller. Do you plan to implement motion control too?

Hideyuki Mizutani, Operating Officer at Marvelous Entertainment: For the game you can use the Classic Controller, Gamecube controller, and Nunchuck/Wii remote. But, we don't really utilize the capability of swinging it since we were thinking of a traditional RPG where you sit down and enjoy it for a long period of time.

Siliconera: Can you tell us about the story?

Ryoei Mikage, President of Image Epoch: There are creatures called Fallen Dragons and they cause disasters within the world. There is also an energy called Ray, sort of like a magical energy and different countries, different places are fighting against each other over the Ray. The natural balance of the world is thrown off so all of these monsters are appearing. In the midst of that there is a boy and a girl. They both have an important part, sort of like the key of the world. Depending on the decisions they make they can change the balance of the world.

Siliconera: How long do you think it will take for someone to complete Arc Rise Fantasia?

Hideyuki Mizutani: Only the story part alone, probably 40 hours. Include the sub-quests and extra additional parts, 10-20 hours more.


It was then confirmed that there are no ties between Arc Rise Fantasia and Luminous Arc, and that Mikage-san would be 'satisfied' if Arc Rise Fantasia was able to even get close to the 250,000 sales the Wii version of Tales of Symphonia achieved earlier this year. He also confirmed that "We're thinking about expanding Arc Rise Fantasia into second and third sequels. As for the first one we're not thinking it's going to be that much of a big hit." He also said that if / when it happens the game "will have common elements, a bit of different characters and a bit of a different story."

As for whether a sequel is already being planned at the moment, Mikage stated:

"No comment. Right now we're working on a lot of different action games as well so we're learning and applying action skills. The basic concept of Imageepoch is fantasy games. That doesn't really mean RPG or action. Our games are within the fantasy genre."
Next Level Games working on Jungle Speed for Wii…what’s Jungle Speed?

Next Level Games sure has their hands full. Not only are they working on Punch-Out!! for Wii, they also have a project called Jungle Speed. With some searching, we can see that Jungle Speed is a card/board game. Click here to read more details. No confirmation on whether or not this Jungle Speed is related to the card/board game, but it does look like a good match.


The new head of Team Ninja, Hitoshi Hasegawa, suggests strong signs of possible projects for Wii.

Earlier this year Tomonobu Itagaki, the previous face and founder of the company had a little tiff with publisher Tecmo after difficulties working with his team and people above him. After initial repercussions it looks like Team Ninja is back on track and are working on three new projects. With a new man in place, it looks like there could be a new, expanded direction for the company.

Internally at the company, we have a lot of knowledge, and I think we've mastered most of the components to make a very compelling and entertaining product using the console.

We will continue to work in that path. We have a lot of Wii console fans within the company, so hopefully there's something that we can work on.
The Ninja Gaiden franchise slipped into the Nintendo world earlier this year for the DS, and by the looks of things Wii owners may possibly take on the franchise, the bountiful bosoms of Dead or Alive or maybe a new idea all together.
Iwata: Price-Drops for Consoles a Mistake


Price drops and bundles? Not a chance, says current generation leader Nintendo.

Nintendo have always been reluctant to drop the price of their hardware, unless the competition is giving them multiple kicks to the groin. With the Wii and DS currently sailing comfortably ahead and the company swimming in green, it seems unlikely that a price drop is in order.

In any case though, Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata feels that reductions over time are a mistake as consumers may feel ripped off when their recent purchase suddenly goes for a fraction of the price they've paid.

"This is my personal thinking, but when the model's price-tag drops over time, manufacturers are telling consumers it's better to wait, and I've always thought that was a mistake."

Obwohl Microsoft das Arcarde-Modell der Xbox 360 mittlerweile in einer Preisklasse weit unter Nintendos Wii platziert hat und auch das normale Modell der Xbox 360 inzwischen weniger kostet, sieht Iwata eine Preissenkung von Nintendos aktueller Heimkonsole weiterhin als nicht angebracht an.

So gab Nintendos Präsident in einem kürzlich geführten Interview bekannt, dass eine Preissenkung seiner Meinung nach eher dazu führt, dass die Verkäufe nach der Ankündigung eines neuen Preises eher rückläufig sind und erst wieder neuen Schwung bekommen wenn die Preissenkung tatsächlich vollzogen wurde. Dies läge laut Iwata in erster Linie an den Einzelhändlern, die den Kunden nach einer solchen Ankündigung dazu raten würden mit Kauf zu warten bis die Preise gesenkt wurden.

Quelle: GoNintendo
Nippon Ichi entwickelt für WiiWare

06.11.08 - Nippon Ichi gibt bekannt, dass man offizieller WiiWare-Lizenznehmer
geworden ist und Spiele für Nintendos Online-Dienst entwickeln wird.

Der Rollenspiel-Hersteller hat bislang u.a. GrimGrimoire (PS2), Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PS2),
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (PS3), La Pucelle: Tactics (PS2), uvm. entwickelt.
Welche Spiele Nippon Ichi für WiiWare vorbereitet, wurde nicht gesagt.

Quelle: www.gamefront.de

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