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Tomb Raider Underworld

Wii- Review IGN

7.0 Presentation
The story is a bit silly but it's fun and pretty standard for a Tomb Raider game.

7.0 Graphics
The environments look great, but the insides of the temples are fairly ho hum. Lara tends to put her face through walls sometimes.

6.0 Sound
The music score is well done, but we wish it was playing more often. The sound effects are weak or nonexistent.

6.5 Gameplay
It's a Tomb Raider game, with all the climbing and puzzle solving that gamers have loved. It's just very light and features unnecessary waggle controls and some insulting mini puzzles.

6.5 Lasting Appeal
Pretty short for a Tomb raider game. Veterans of the series will blaze through it in no time.

Passable OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
De Blob Victorious At Australian Game Industry Awards

The Game Developers' Association of Australia announced this year's winners for its annual GDAA Industry Awards, with Blue Tongue Entertainment's De Blob for Wii held up as the Best Game of 2008 against Tantalus Media's MX vs. ATV: Untamed for the PlayStation Portable.

Blue Tongue, THQ's Melbourne-based studio, and De Blob took home awards for several other categories as well, including Best Console Title, Best Gameplay, Best Graphics, and Best Audio.

Torus Games won two awards, Best PC Title and Best Handheld Title, for Monster Jam and Zoo Hospital respectively. Firemint's Dung was recognized as the Best Mobile Title.

Out of eight finalists, Debug was the winner of this year's Independent Game Awards, developed by Qantm College Brisbane and Fighter Creative. Zompocalypse (Paul Greasley, Wes Clarke) and Battle Scarred (University of Ballarat and Finite Productions) were the Runners Up.

Eidos bietet Lösung für den Tomb Raider: Underworld-Glitch

Eidos, Entwickler von Tomb Raider: Underworld, bietet 2 Lösungen um den Hebel-Bug zu umgehen.

Seit einiger Zeit ist bekannt, dass die Wii-Version von Tomb Raider: Underworld einen fatalen Bug hat, der das Durchspielen des Spiels unmöglich macht (wir berichteten). Nun meldete sich Eidos zu Wort und lieferte 2 Lösungen ab, die den Bug beheben sollen:

1. Der Spieler soll einen älteren Speicherstand laden und es schnell erneut versuchen.

2. Wenn der Spieler eine SD-Card hat, kann er auch die folgende Methode verwenden und einen Speicherstand von Eidos verwenden um den Bug zu umgehen:
1. Die Datei “20081124 TRU Wii NTSC save.rar” entzippen
2. Den Inhalt der Datei auf eine SD Card kopieren.
3. Während die Wii ausgeschaltet ist, die SD Card einstecken.
4. Die Wii anschalten ohne das die Disc in der Konsole ist.
5. DIe Wii-Optionen aufrufen -> Select Save Data -> Select Wii -> Select SD Card.
6. DIe Tomb Raider: Underworld Datei auswählen und auf die Wii kopieren.
7. Nach dem kopieren die Wii ausschalten und die SD Card entfernen.
8. Wii wieder einschalten, Spiel starten und den Speicherstand laden.

Laut Eidos sollen aber alle Schätze die man gesammelt hat verloren gehen, wenn man diese Methode einsetzt.

Replacement Downloads for Wii Speak

Nintendo have confirmed that a replacement download number can be acquired for Wii Speak owners.

Earlier this month it looked like those who didn't purchase a new Wii Speak microphone wouldn't be able to access the channel via a unique download number. Nintendo UK has since confirmed that those who have misplaced their ticket can request a new one from Customer Support.

Nintendo can confirm that when consumers purchase the Wii Speak accessory, they are provided with a Wii Download Ticket with a unique number. The ticket, which can be redeemed via the Wii Shop Channel,will enable the user to download the Wii Speak Channel free of charge to a single Wii console.

Any consumer who may have misplaced their Wii Download Ticket number for the Wii Speak Channel or require a new number following a Wii exchange may contact their local Nintendo Customer Services department, where they can request a replacement Wii Download Ticket number.

Exclusive - Eidos officially comments on Tomb Raider: Underworld Wii bug

Eidos caught wind of our original post that filled you all in on the Tomb Raider: Undeworld Wii bug. I have been supplied a statement from Eidos, which was sent to me by Jeane Wong of ONE PR Studio.

“We are aware of a bug which is present in the Nintendo Wii version of Tomb Raider: Underworld. We would like to stress that this is an extremely infrequent bug, however on the rare occasion that it occurs; it affects the presence of a lever in the Thailand level of the game and prevents progress beyond this level. Eidos sincerely apologies to anyone who has experienced this frustrating problem. The quality of our games is paramount to us and the Nintendo Wii version of Tomb Raider: Underworld went through three separate QA testing departments prior to release. Regrettably anomalies such as this do occur occasionally in videogames despite the best efforts by publishers to avoid them. The good news is that it is not an unsolvable bug, so if you encounter it and it persists please visit www.eidosinteractive.co.uk/support/worldmap.html .” - Eidos statement

Über 7 Mio. Wii in Japan verkauft

Enterbrain gibt bekannt, dass Nintendo insgesamt 7.024.239 Wii seit Markteinführung der Konsole in Japan verkauft hat (Zeitraum: 02.12.06 - 23.11.08 ).

Aktuelle Wertungen der Famitsu

Hier sind neue Wertungen der japanischen Famitsu. Vier Redakteure vergeben je bis zu 10 Punkte.

428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de (Wii, Sega): 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / - (40/40) :eek5:

Cooking Mama 2: Taihen! Mama wa Ooisogashi!! (Wii, Taito): 8 / 8 / 7 / 6 - (29/40)

Wii-Speak-Kanal: Ersatzcodes für Gebrauchtkäufer

Vor einigen Wochen verkündete Nintendo, dass der Wii-Speak-Kanal nur mit einem dem Wii Speak Zubehör (erscheint bei uns am 5. Dezember 08) beiliegenden Code bezogen werden kann, welcher allerdings nur einmal gültig ist. In Zeiten wie diesen, wo Viele zu gebrauchten Zubehör und Spielen greifen, eine sehr unangenehme Tatsache. Doch Nintendo gibt nun Entwarnung: Wer seinen Code verlegt hat, die Konsole reparieren lassen musste oder eben Wii Speak gebraucht gekauft hat, kann sich mit dem Kundenservice in Verbindung setzen und bekommt wohl ohne größere Hindernisse einen neuen Code. In Spielen ist der Chat übrigens auch ohne dem Wii-Speak-Kanal möglich...

Quelle: http://www.consol.at/News.10+M5091d72fbef.0.html
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