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Capcom - final version of Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop wasn’t at TGS, more zombies coming

“I’m not sure where ‘this is the final build’ stuff is coming from, because that is simply not true. The TGS “build” was mostly just a tech demo and is not the actual or final game, guys…I believe the situation is this: 1) the final game is almost done. 2) the final game is NOT the tech demo shown at Leipzig or TGS. The tech demo is a tech demo, and is not the final game. No press or media have yet seen the version of the game that Nikai was talking about when he said it was basically done. Someone at Capcom said there would be a new version of the game at TGS because that was the plan, but for reasons I dunno the details on, it didn’t happen. As for why we would show the same thing over again, it mostly boils down to different producers having different attitudes, and Nikai definitely has his own way of doing things. This is not a hair-splitting technicality, as I know a number of things have changed. I haven’t played the final build, so I dunno if it’s going to be 3000% different, but I have seen screenshots, and yes, there are more zombies on the screen and a few other notable changes. I can’t promise the moon without having actually played it, but I’m not trying to double-talk you here. The TGS build is not the final game, and there do appear to be some positive changes going forward.” - Seth Killian, Capcom Community Sr. Manager

Retro Studios looking for new staff

We have been waiting for awhile to hear what new project(s) Retro Studios is working on. We aren’t even sure they are doing anything, but least we now know that they are looking to bring new people on board. It would be kind of pointless to hire new people if they weren’t looking to staff up for a project.

Deutschland: Kräftige Umsatzsteigerungen bei Videospielen

20.10.08 - Videospiele gehören in Deutschland zu den beliebtesten Freizeitmedien. Im dritten Quartal 2008 stiegen die Umsätze mit Konsolensoftware auf 131 Millionen Euro. Das entspricht einem Zuwachs von 17,5 Prozent zum gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum, wie media control auf Basis des wöchentlichen Panelmarktes mitteilt.

Insgesamt 3,7 Millionen Spiele kauften Verbraucher zwischen Juli und September 2008 – ein Plus von 10,0 Prozent. 'Der Markt profitiert von der stetig wachsenden Fangemeinde der Videospiele', sagt Ulrike Altig, Geschäftsführerin von media control GfK.

Der Nintendo DS ist mit aktuell 36,4 Prozent Anteil an der Gesamtverkaufsmenge aller Videospiele eindeutiger Marktführer bei der Software. 1,4 Millionen Spiele (Q3 2007: 1,2 Millionen) gingen im abgelaufenen Quartal für den Handheld über die Ladentheken. Für Sonys PlayStation 2 (PS2) wurden knapp halb so viele Spiele verkauft. PS2-Software hielt sich mit 17,4 Prozent Mengenanteil auf Rang zwei.

Software für Wii erreichte 15,0 Prozent Anteil. Zusammen mit Nintendo DS erzielten die beiden Nintendo-Konsolen im dritten Quartal über 50 Prozent Marktanteil bei der Software.

Auch Softwareabsätze für PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 legten zu. Die Zahl der verkauften PS3-Spiele vervierfachte sich im dritten Quartal 2008 zum Vorjahr. Auf sie entfielen mit 10,8 Prozent Anteil an der Gesamtverkaufsmenge die viertgrößten Marktanteile. Platz fünf belegt Xbox-360-Software mit 7,0 Prozent.

Ulrike Altig zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen: 'Dank innovativer Konzepte erschließen die Hersteller und Publisher erfolgreich neue Zielgruppen.' So war Wii Fit der Topseller im dritten Quartal. Dahinter landeten Mario Kart Wii und Super Smash Bros. Brawl auf dem Treppchen. Dr. Kawashimas Gehirn-Jogging für Nintendo DS kam auf Rang vier ins Ziel.

Tetris Party & Gradius II Headline Wii's US VC/WiiWare Line-Up

Tetris Party (Tetris Online, Inc., 1-6 players, 1,200 Wii Points)
Tetris Party is a deceptively simple, totally addictive puzzle game that is sure to keep you and all of your friends and family entertained for hours on end. The WiiWare game features 10 never-before-seen single-player and multiplayer variations of Tetris, including Field Climber, Stage Racer, Shadow and Wii Balance Board-enabled modes (Wii Balance Board accessory sold with Wii Fit). Several of the modes give users the chance to take advantage of the unique point-and-shoot capabilities of the Wii Remote controller. The party doesn't stop there, though. Take the Tetris fun online via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, where you can play multiplayer Tetris against up to five friends at a time. You can also see how your Tetris Party skills stack up against the rest of the world using the global ranking system.

The Incredible Maze (Digital Leisure Inc., 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 500 Wii Points)
Get lost in The Incredible Maze! Simply tilt your Wii Remote controller to navigate a series of exciting and Twisted mazes. Entering the maze could not be easier, but finding your way out will require a keen eye and a steady hand. Obstacles and traps are around every corner, so move your ball around the maze without falling off the edge. But watch out, there are lots of surprises in store. You can hunt for gems in a timed challenge, or test your abilities in a race against the clock. The Incredible Maze is also compatible with the Wii Balance Board, so you can really put your weight into it. This is the way in, but you'll have to find your own way out.

As for the Virtual Console, here is what is on offer as of today:

Digital Champ Battle Boxing (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, Rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older ? Mild Violence, 700 Wii Points)
Set in the near future, Digital Champ Battle Boxing is a first-person-perspective boxing title that plunges players into the raw intensity of the ring! Determined to thwart Mother Computer's plot to conquer mankind, you infiltrate the enemy's domain, using your boxing skills to vanquish your foes. Each round is three minutes, with a total of 12 rounds to a match. Advance to the next contest through either a KO or by flattening an opponent three times in a round for a TKO. Utilize an arsenal of left and right jabs, hooks, power-charged crosses and three different kinds of ?Devastator? punches. Deftly block and slip your opponent's attacks, and look for your chance to lay them out. Master these techniques and take down the greatest opponent of them all, DIGITAL CHAMP!

GRADIUS II GOFER NO YABOU (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone ? Mild Fantasy Violence, 900 Wii Points)
This shooter is the sequel to the seminal masterpiece, GRADIUS. Two years after its last epic battle, the GRADIUS army recommissions the VIC VIPER super-dimensional warplane to combat the invasion of a new nemesis known as GOFER. Piloting the latest model of the VIC VIPER, players can select between multiple WEAPON MODULES and SHIELDS to tackle the varying stages and enemy attack patterns they come up against. With a total of nine stages, this perfect port of the original boasts one of the longest adventures in the series and features more of its trademark fast-paced background music to accompany the intense action.

42 All-Time Classics Developer Heading to WiiWare

It has been noticed that the developer behind both Slide Mag Kid and 42 All-Time Classics on DS is now set to release its first WiiWare game in Japan. November will see Agenda bring a puzzle game called Tataite! Mogupon to Nintendo's download service, and it appears to be one that features a 'whack-a-mole' form of gameplay that makes use of the Wii Remote's motion controls, complete with four-player support, all for just 500 Wii Points.

With barely any localisation necessary, it would not be entirely surprising to see Nintendo spring this one upon Western gamers in the very near future. The first screenshots can be seen in the media folder below...

TimeSplitters 4: Kommt jetzt nur eine Wii-Version?
Time Splitters 4 - Erscheint für Wii!

Vor langer Zeit hatte Entwickler Free Radical Design zu einer Umfrage aufgerufen, in der es um die Plattform für das kommende Projekt Time Splitters 4 ging. PS3? Xbox 360? Oder doch lieber für den PC?

Das Voting fiel anders aus als erwartet. Nur 5% stimmten für eine PC-Version, 22% hingegen für eine Xbox 360-Fassung. Doch wer hat gewonnen? Seht selbst:

Wii - 36 %
PS3 - 35 %
360 - 22 %
PC - 5 %
Make something different - 2 %

Mit einen winzigen Vorsprung von nur 1% gewann die Wii noch knapp vor der PS3! Demnach wird Time Splitters 4 für Nintendos Konsole erscheinen. Ob letztendlich nicht doch ein Multi-Plattform-Titel daraus wird, steht noch offen.

Etwas ausführlicher:

Die Entwickler von Free Radical starteten vor geraumer Zeit eine Umfrage auf ihrer Webseite, um herauszufinden, auf welcher Plattform die Spieler das kommende TimeSplitters 4 zocken wollen. Das Ergebnis aus der Community sollte Einfluss auf die Entscheidung der Produzenten haben. Ob Free Radical wirklich auf die Wünsche der Fans eingeht? Wenn ja, dann dürfte das Ergebnis recht deutlich zeigen, auf welchen Konsolen der neueste Teil der humorigen Action-Shooter-Reihe erscheinen könnte.

Das Umfrageergebnis sieht wie folgt aus:

1. Wii: 36%
2. Playstation 3: 35%
3. Xbox 360: 22%
4. PC: 5%
5. Macht was anderes: 2%

Erwartet uns vielleicht nur eine Version für die Wii? Bisher hat sich die Schmiede dazu nicht offiziell geäußert. Ohnehin ist noch nicht viel über Timesplitters 4 bekannt. Als sicher gilt, dass man erneut viele andere Spiele aufs Korn nehmen möchte und Humor eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Beispielsweise wurde kürzlich ein Videos veröffentlicht, das einen der Protagonisten, genauer gesagt den Space Chimp, als Darth Vader zeigte. Dem Rechteinhaber, in dem Fall wohl LucasArts, gefiel diese Art der Parodie nicht wirklich, kurze Zeit später verschwand der Spot wieder. Kurios hierbei: Gemeinsam mit LucasArts arbeitet Free Radical aktuell an einem weiteren Spieleprojekt.


Tolle Sache. :)
mal schauen wie TS4 wird.

P.S Man muss die Überschriften nicht RIESIG und ROT machen, es reicht auch wenn man sie etwas größer macht. Desshalb werden die News auch imposanter.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sonic schlägt Mario
Beliebtestes Maskottchen im UK

Woran hat es bloß gelegen?

War es der altmodische Schnauzbart? Die Nationalität? Die aufdringliche Omnipräsenz in allen Sportverwurstungen von Nintendo? Man weiß es nicht. In jedem Falle muss festgestellt werden, dass Nintendo ein (zugegebenermaßen eher fünftrangiges...) Duell gegen SEGA verloren hat - zumindest im Vereinigten Königreich. Dort hat sich der Blaue Firmenigel Sonic nämlich auf Platz 1 vor Nintendos Maskottchen und Hüpfheld Mario geschoben, als es um die beliebtesten Videospielcharaktere der Nation ging.

Mit 24% der Stimmen gewann Sonic vor Mario mit 21%. Es folgen Lara Croft (16%), Donkey Kong (11%), Pac-Man (10%), Link (aus Zelda) (5%), Max Payne (4%), Pikachu (3%), Niko Belic (Grand Theft Auto IV) (2%) und Blanka aus Street Fighter (1%).

(passt wenigstens halbwegs hier rein :O )
Analyst - Wii Fit could outsell GTA IV, if sales keep up

“Wii Fit is attaching at around a 30 percent rate, so I suppose if that continues, it will outsell GTA.” - Wedbush Morgan (super) analyst, Michael Pachter


7 Wii tricks Nintendo doesn't tell you

Smart trickery to get more from your console

The more complex consoles become, the more weirdy-beardy secret functions are squirreled away inside of them, and Nintendo's latest is no exception.

While most of the Wii's Easter Eggs are specific to certain games - there's a whole trove of 'em in Wii Sports alone - here's seven of the best for the console itself.

1. Email a chum's Wii

You'll need to have a record of those damnably unmemorable friend codes for anyone you want to mail, but once you do it's simple: just drop a message to w[friendcode]@wii.com. For instance, w1234567891011@wii.com.

2. Add a smooth, constant blue glow to your Wii

The blue lighting around the disc slot normally only glows when the Wii's got some sort of announcement for you, and disappears once you've read it. However, you can lend your lounge a sci-fi feel by making that tastefull glow permanent. Just email your own Wii - using the system in the tip above - but never read the message (which can take up to an hour to arrive, incidentally). As long as it stays unread, that cheeky light will keep on twinkling.

3. Mario attack

If you're downloading something from the Wii shop - be it a new channel or a virtual console title - have a gander at what the Mario animation in the progress bar is wearing. If he's dressed in red and white (as opposed to his traditional red and blue togs), you can make him chuck fireballs with the A button.

4. Puzzle puzzle

Unlock a hidden hardcore mode in the Photo Channel's jigsaw mini-game. Move the cursor over the number of pieces you want to split your photo into, but hold down the 1 button before you select the option. The resulting jigsaw will be split into 194 pieces, which makes for quite the pictorial challenge.

5. Restore MP3 playback

Speaking of the photo channel, you were probably narked to discover that last year's update to do it inexplicably removed MP3 soundtrack support, lumping us with AAC tracks only. Yeah thanks, Ninty. Fortunately, you can downgrade to the original version by heading to Wii Settings then Data Management, then selecting the Channels tab and choosing to delete the Photo Channel entirely. Don't worry, it won't disappear - instead, it'll revert to sweet old version 1.0, replete with MP3 support.

6. Fix stubborn Wiimotes

If you're having trouble getting a new or borrowed Wiimote to synch with your console, there's a way to make the Wii completely forget about all the remotes it's paired with so that you can start afresh. Turn the Wii off and unplug it from the wall. Wait 30 seconds, then plug it in and turn it on again. When the Health & Safety warning pops up, open the flap on the front of the Wii, then press and hold down the red SYNC button for 15 seconds. And that's it - all the synced controllers will be forgotten. Then pair all your Wiimotes with the console using the standard method.

7. Use your Wiimotes with your PC

Yep, the Wiimote uses standard Bluetooth wireless tech to talk to the console - which means it can also work with a PC. So your Wii controller can double up as a remote control for movie watching, or you can even play any game with it. You'll need either built-in Bluetooth support or a USB adaptor in your PC, plus free app GlovePIE to get it working. There's a little bit of faff involved, but the instructions at the GlovePIE site will talk you through it. You can also download pre-made profiles for specific games.

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