Es gab auch mal Zeiten, da war das anders...
Die Wolken am Horizont sind übrigens düster....
Passend dazu aus dem Neogaf:
Reggie: Miis > Gamertags/XboxLive and "hardcore" gamers are a second priority
This is from a very recent MSNBC interview with everyone's favorite 80's television star:
MSNBC: The Wiis online features arent as well-integrated as Xbox Live and what Sony has planned for Home. Im talking specifically of things like gamertags and friends' lists its a lot more difficult to share that type of information on the Wii. What are your plans to change that?
Reggie: Our view is that the online experience needs to be something that adds value to the consumer experience and enables them to have a more in-depth experience especially with the Wii remote. When you talk about gamertags, that really is a hardcore desire versus activity like creating Miis and other functionality that in our view, is much more what the mass market wants in their video-game console.
MSNBC: A lot of your long-term fans would also be characterized as hardcore gamers. Those same hardcore gamers have decried this move to the mainstream. Whats your answer to those fans?
Reggie: The answer to those fans is Super Mario Galaxy, which on every major gaming publication is receiving near-perfect scores. And Super Smash Bros. Brawl, when it launches on Feb. 10, its going to make every core gamer fall in love with Smash Bros. all over again.
We have games that satisfy the core, but in our view, that is but a small part of the total gaming market. There are more than twice as many consumers that used to game, but dont game today. We need to make sure that we include them in the mix as well.
And of course, the source:
Let the games begin!
Das hebt meine Leute mal wieder ungemein...