Tomorrow, 400,000 Wiis hit The Land of the Rising Sun.
Gizmodo Japan reports that compared to the PS3, there
have been more Wii pre-orders. And thus, more people
unable to get pre-orders. So it's a numbers game again, really.
For our Japan-based readers, here's the retailer run-down:
Bic Camera: Sales start first come, first served tomorrow
morning at 7:00am. As previously mentioned, those with
Suica cards can pre-reserve. Otherwise, head to the
Ikebukuro headquarters (ahem, Jean Snow!) or Yurakucho.
Yodobashi Camera: Sales also first come, first served
with stores opening at 7:00am at the Shinjuku,
Akihabara and Umeda branches. I'll be at the
Umeda branch. Wearing a Paul Smith scarf
(Yeah, I know. My excuse: It was a present.)
Shibuya TSUTAYA: Pre-reserves only. Orders
filled in two hours.
Sofmap (Den-Den Town): Likewise, pre-reserves.
They apparently went quick.
Sakuraya: Tickets will be passed out from 7:30 am
tomorrow morning with sales starting at 8:00 am.