Wii - Diskussionsforum 1

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Hübsche Artworks,nur erkenne ichda noch nicht so viel drauf :3
E3 2006: Duck Hunt Cometh
Grab your Wii-mote because it's time to go hunting. New Wii version of classic shooter playable!
by Matt Casamassina

May 10, 2006 - IGN Wii has learned that Nintendo is planning to showcase a Wii sequel to its classic shooter series Duck Hunt at its E3 2006 booth on Wednesday. The title will be playable. No other details about the project have yet been revealed, but we will of course serve up a full hands-on impressions when the time is right.

Duck Hunt arms players with a virtual shotgun and lets them blast away at a series of flying ducks. Given the precision aiming needed in the classic title, which worked with a light gun, it is all but certain that the Wii-mote wil act as the weapon this time around.

Stay tuned for more from the show floor on Wednesday.

quelle ign

E3 2006: Project H.A.M.M.E.R. Details Nailed Down
Nintendo offers further details on the upcoming game for Wii.
by Kathleen Sanders

May 9, 2006 - This afternoon Nintendo was kind enough to offer up a few more tidbits about their upcoming Wii-mode enabled Wii game, Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

According to Nintendo, players get to be one of Project H.A.M.M.E.R.'s cyborgs. They will be charged with no less than saving the world from killer robots that are terrorizing America.

Swinging the Wii Remote will help stop the terrorobots, by using the Nunchuck controller in one hand to maneuver the other half of the remote will be used "just like a hammer." Lift it high and smash it down to send enemies flying, the buttons on the Wii-mode will offer different smashing attacks.

We'll be sure to offer our hands-on impressions of this rampaging robot killing title from the show floor of the Electronic Entertainment Expo soon.

selbe quelle
Mir ist jetzt erst klar geworden, wie geil der Wii Onlinemodus ist:

-immer online
-keine Friendscodes
-Opera Webbrowser
-eingebaute Software im Wii
-Steuerung für Browser, Wiimote sei dank, wie beim PC
Erfreuliche Infos Project Hammer könnte gut werden :)

Die Bilder von Trauma Center sind positiv überraschend hätts mir schlimmer vorgestellt ;)
Sieht geil aus Trauma Center gefällt mir ;)


Wan ist Capcom dran mit dem Live Tiker will RE für Wii sehen und wan ist überhaupt wer dran wo ist die Liste ? :(
Wisst ihr was keiner so genau gemerkt hat? Was mir grad selber aerst aufgefallen ist?

Monolith, die Jungs die F.E:A.R gemacht haben, entwickeln Disaster für Nintendo.
domidomek schrieb:
Mir ist jetzt erst klar geworden, wie geil der Wii Onlinemodus ist:

-immer online
-keine Friendscodes
-Opera Webbrowser
-eingebaute Software im Wii
-Steuerung für Browser, Wiimote sei dank, wie beim PC

Großer Contra punkt bzgl. Browser :
- Niedrige Auflösung beim TV
Georg Prime schrieb:
Wisst ihr was keiner so genau gemerkt hat? Was mir grad selber aerst aufgefallen ist?

Monolith, die Jungs die F.E:A.R gemacht haben, entwickeln Disaster für Nintendo.

und Condemned :o ... und beides sind keine schlechten Titel :)
Georg Prime schrieb:
Wisst ihr was keiner so genau gemerkt hat? Was mir grad selber aerst aufgefallen ist?

Monolith, die Jungs die F.E:A.R gemacht haben, entwickeln Disaster für Nintendo.

Ich glaube aber das es sich dabei eher um die Monolith leuts aus Japan handelt(Baten Kaitos, Star Ocean u.a.)....:)
das mit HAMMER hört sich doch mal vielversprechend an... kann die GameConvention kaum noch erwarten oO
Coyote schrieb:
Georg Prime schrieb:
Wisst ihr was keiner so genau gemerkt hat? Was mir grad selber aerst aufgefallen ist?

Monolith, die Jungs die F.E:A.R gemacht haben, entwickeln Disaster für Nintendo.

Ich glaube aber das es sich dabei eher um die Monolith leuts aus Japan handelt(Baten Kaitos, Star Ocean u.a.)....:)

Nope. Das ist Monolith Softwar. In den Presse Sachen von Nintendo steht eindeutig *Monolith* drin. Wenn du dir die Presse Sachen zu Baten Kaitos anguckst etc. steht ausführlich Monolith Software drin.

isaster FACT SHEET

Disaster: Day of Crisis™
Format: Wii™
Launch Date: TBA
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Game Type: Action
Accessories: TBA
Players: TBA
Developer: Monolith
Survive nature’s most devastating catastrophes in Disaster: Day of Crisis, a panic-inducing survival game for Wii. In a devastatingly short period of time, an unprecedented wave of natural disasters has pummeled the United States. On top of this inexplicable series of disasters, a rogue special forces unit has taken advantage of the chaos and seized a nuclear weapon. Only Ray, a former member of an elite rescue task force, has decided to take a stand.
• Cutting-edge physics and gripping visuals re-create the sheer terror of major catastrophes.
• Players race a car down a mountain to escape a roaring pyroclastic flow, dodge toppling buildings during a devastating earthquake and swim for their lives in a raging flood. No matter what happens, fight to survive.
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Baten Kaitos Origins FACT SHEET

Baten Kaitos Origins™
Format: Nintendo GameCube™
Launch Date: Sept. 25, 2006
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Game Type: Role-Playing Game
Accessories: Memory Card
Players: 1
Developer: NAMCO BANDAI Games/Monolith Software/tri-Crescendo
Baten Kaitos Origins is a prequel to Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, a Nintendo GameCube exclusive released in late 2004. The plot revolves around a group of characters who are struggling to discover the source of frightening changes (both natural and political) that are occurring in their world. During their journey, they will learn many details that help flesh out the first game, including how the despotic Empire government came to be.
• Players explore a massive world filled with memorable characters and bizarre creatures. From the high-tech high-rises of the empire to a rustic farming hamlets, the level and character design in Baten Kaitos Origins is wildly innovative.
• Players immerse themselves in the Baten Kaitos universe. With a twisting, turning storyline, dozens of side quests and thousands of lines of voice-acted dialogue, they will easily spend 80+ hours in this world.
• Players leap into the fray with the real-time combat system. With hundreds of weapons, armor pieces and items at their disposal, even fights against the smallest monsters will be a fun and frantic experience.
Game storyline: Baten Kaitos Origins takes place 20 years before the first Baten Kaitos game. It explains how the diabolical Emperor Geldoblame rose to power, and it also fills in many details about the heroes from the first title. In addition, players will learn about the origins of the world itself and why the Lost Ocean is returning.
Characters: The hero, a blue-haired young man named Sagi, was sent to assassinate the Emperor but found the job had been done for him. Blamed for the death, he’s now on the run with two friends – a robot named Guillo and a young woman named Milly. (Character names are not final.)
– more –
How to progress through the game: In the initial stages, the player’s party will progress in a linear fashion, moving from one area to the next along a set path. After playing the game for a few hours, players will acquire a ship that lets them visit areas in the order of their choosing, allowing them to either pursue optional side quests or blast through the main mission as they see fit.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Unlike traditional RPGs, where characters gain levels in categories such as strength and agility, the majority of leveling-up occurs by procuring better Magnus cards. There are more than 600 different Magnus cards in Baten Kaitos Origins, some of which have truly fantastical properties. Players can acquire cards in many different ways, including trading, buying, winning as spoils of war or by creating them themselves.
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