:shoot2: :evil: :mad3:
Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Wayne schrieb:/ajk schrieb:Ich auch und ich bin neidisch
Will ihn auch haben! grmbl.
Geht GBA SP Netzteil ohne Probleme? Pixelfehler? Graphik? Sound? Spielbarkeit? Touchscreen quali?
1. Das Ladekabel vom GBA SP geht ohne Probleme - perfekt.
2. Bei mir gibts keinen einzigen Pixelfehler
3. Grafik ist unglaublich ... auf so einem kleinen Ding!
4. Der Sound hat mich echt überzeugt, um Welten besser als der GBA
5. Lässt sich verdammt gut (!!!) spielen
6. Sehr genau und ohne Fehler - exorbitant gut
Wer fragen hat, stellt sie!
twix schrieb:Jetzt eine extrem wichtige Frage;
Hat der DS eine Öffnung wo man den Stylus verstauen kann?
twix schrieb:Jetzt eine extrem wichtige Frage;
Hat der DS eine Öffnung wo man den Stylus verstauen kann?
Also ich fand ja immer, dass der Original Game Boy am besten in der Hand gelegen ist. Warum muss immer alles kleiner sein? Einer der miesesten Trends die ich kenne. Da freut mich die Aussage sehr.Wayne schrieb:Hat schon ein beachtliches Gewicht, trägt aber zur guten Griffigkeit bei
ign-boards schrieb:I am writing as the sole vote for ds control. I have gotten 15 stars so far and unlocked 6 new mini-games. Though I am not anywhere near the end where control finesse is essential, I have spent plenty of time learning the ins and outs of the control scheme. the answer is: DO NOT USE THE D_PAD!! I cannot stress this enough, It was meant for analog control so use it. The touch screen does analog control flawlessly with the thumb strap, with 5-10 min of practice, as in any new system or game. anywhere on the screen where you touch becomes an analog control circle, anywhere. want to move it to a more convenient place? pick up your finger and move it. my fingers sometimes slipped off any analog stick ever used(n64, cube,ps,ps2, xbox), so it's not much different. sm64ds is phenomenal.
The D pad isn't bad but when I found out in the setting that you could play with teh touch screen it is better than the D pad. Sometimes like I'll forget to take my finger off the screen and the character keeps going and goes off teh stage. I've ot 13 stars. I've only played a little bit but so far I'm getting used ot teh controls very nicely
I whip through the game just like I do with the N64 controller using the touchscreen.
Am I a pro - nope just started using this scheme on the 21st..
Does every who complains suck - IMO, yes.
d-pad was fine for a while but using the touch screen is like 10,000 times better.
And I dont use that thumb tack thingy. I find it annoying having it attached to my thumb. I just use my bare thumb.
I'm using the stylus, and I think it controls very well.
I love this game...
i dont think the touchpad controls are perfect but they do get the job done, i only wish there was an option to keep the target still rather than sliding with your finger if you go outside the blue - the raymanDS control looks pretty good in my opinion but it would be difficult to get the map on the same screen unless the thing was transparent or there was a button to tap on to get the map up
I have 59. I've been playing a lot
This game kicks ass. I can't stop playing!
After 15 stars I've gotten the hang of it and can finally appreciate the fact that I am playing a killer update of Super Mario 64 on a handheld. I really fought it and was angry up until the last star or so, but now I'm totally over it and hooked.
10 or so before the thumb strap started making perfect sense. Now I've got 24 and it's second nature, no complaints from this gamer
I think it was 11 stars. Sneaking past the piranna plants forced me to learn the analog touch control then everything just clicked. (I just use my bare thumb).
9 or 10, it did take some getting used to, but im at 54 stars now, and i love it, its just as good, if not better that the analog on the 64.
I have 127 now... I don't know when I got used to the controls, but now they're just fine. I only wish the analog thing didn't move, because that gets annoying sometimes.
one day someone will make an 'analog' based game where the 'touch-analog-stick' doesn't follow your thumb, or reset when you pick up...
then you'll realize why they made it move with you.
It took me about 6 stars... 'bout as much time as it took origionaly to get used to the analog stick for the first game...
now I'm at 40 stars, and completely comfortable.
the 'touch' screen is new for this kinda gameplay, and new things take some getting used to.
Ich habe ebenfalls bei Lik-Sang bestellt.Kenneth schrieb:@Sonic: Wo hast du bestellt? Ich brauche in Zukunft eine Alternative zu Lik "Wir halten keine Versprechen" Sang
MTC001 schrieb:Vorraussichtliches Versanddatum: Am oder vor dem Dec 01, 2004
verplant schrieb:MTC001 schrieb:Vorraussichtliches Versanddatum: Am oder vor dem Dec 01, 2004
Ich vergesse es immer wieder... du hast doch auch bei Play-Asia bestellt?!? Wann? Ich am 2.11.,
/ajk schrieb:hab jetzt die alternativen angekreutzt für alle Fälle..