L20: Enlightened
What Liam said on his podcast from what he’s heard
- The game is not like F-Zero
- He’s seen a more complete version of the logo
- The game is based on the arwing (which differentiates it from F-Zero)
- He was told the title “Star Fox Grand Prix” was a tentative title
- The game is a mixture between classic Star Fox and racing
- You shoot enemies to propel forward and get combos; you can shoot other players too
- Each Grand Prix is three tracks with a boss fight- where the boss comes onto the track
- It has a big hub area where you can interact with the Star Fox characters
- You pick up new missions at the hub and there’s story content to go through
- The game looks really really good in motion
- He also heard Retro was considering adding cameos like Donkey Kong
Retro is Dead!
Kennt ihr game fights von den Rocket beans ?
Da muss ja in den letzten Runden eine Idee für ein neues Spiel gepitched werden wie zB entwerfe ein Starfox Spiel was in einem neuen genre spielt.
Dann haben die Teilnehmer 2 min Zeit ihre teils absolut durchgeknallten Ideen vorzustellen.
So hört sich die Liste da oben an ...