Das Spiel hat schon Gameplay, es schaut sich auch einiges von BotW ab oder baut auf der Grundidee auf, was erstmal gut ist, Gameplay ist schon da, vermutlich mehr als bei den meisten Sonyspielen zusammen, die Fans fanden das halt aber nicht aufregend, oder haben es übersehen, da zuwenig Kawumm und recht langsam und eher auf Bewegung im Terrain ausgelegt als auf schnelle Kämpfe.
Mal schaun ob Staminabars und natürliche Hindernisse (Regen etc.), kaputtgehende Items und Interaktivität zukünftig auch von den BotW Bashern gefeiert werden.
Ich meine einigen dürfte sowas missfallen, wenn sogar zerbrechende Waffen zu anstrengend waren, die überall rumliegen in BotW, das hier klingt wesentlich anstrengender
With the LR buttons, you have to keep your balance. Stamina does not regenerate on its own, but you can take energy drinks/items to replenish it on the move. You must take rest periods that are apparently related to real time(?) to replenish sam's stamina mostly. To truly replenish ALL your HP and stamina, you must enter a safe house.
You actually carry an extra set of shoes and other items. Ladder weighs 5kg, and he took two ropes. Every item you use has a weight, and that weight goes away when you use it............
As he is walking after delivering the object to the musician, he staggers.
Right here, his shoes break. Apparently there are severe consequences if you run out of shoes or keep walking with broken shoes. (red bar goes down) He enters rest mode and replaces his shoes. Rest mode is also an auto-save. If you sleep in rest mode, you recover stamina.
If you run out of stamina, sam goes to sleep on his own. Other players can also see the place you rested at, and vice versa.
Raiders are called "Mules".
They will not kill you, but they will steal your shit. They will occasionally ping the map to detect items. That is the yellow pulse. So, Kojima drops all his items (the boxes) so that when a ping is sent out, the raiders will not detect him. He also uses the floater as a silent and fast floating skateboard. (It is actually silent)
Worst case when they catch you, they can even steal the shoes you are wearing.
Und wtf: . "You will also have your blood siphoned a bit since sam's blood is special. Literally everything that comes off your body can be used as a BT weapon. All your waste products, possibly even your poop? (Lmao, throwing shit at BTs.) "