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- 3 Apr 2012
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- 40.493
Besser als alle vorigen Teile sprich #1
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Definitiv ja, wohl irgendwann im 2. oder 3. Quartal
Btw der böse Spinner, Atram, hatte recht. 2. Quartal(Geschäftsjahr)
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| PS4 | 36.251 | 49.652 | 46.177 | 1.002.414 | 873.576 | 3.303.494 |
| 3DS # | 27.424 | 33.898 | 24.250 | 1.056.448 | 1.395.829 | 21.242.450 |
| PSV # | 9.357 | 9.817 | 15.998 | 609.387 | 705.366 | 5.202.785 |
| WIU | 2.111 | 2.731 | 12.843 | 246.777 | 465.838 | 3.267.440 |
| PS3 | 907 | 1.105 | 2.088 | 51.369 | 189.161 | 10.439.449 |
| XB1 | 121 | 124 | 203 | 4.454 | 12.925 | 68.345 |
| ALL | 76.171 | 97.327 | 101.559 | 2.970.849 | 3.642.695 | 43.523.963 |
| PSV | 9.357 | 9.817 | 15.237 | 609.387 | 679.803 | 5.017.332 |
| 2DS | 10.595 | 14.492 | | 43.841 | | 43.841 |
|n-3DSLL| 13.701 | 15.491 | 18.136 | 766.566 | 917.700 | 3.236.685 |
| n-3DS | 2.655 | 3.379 | 4.367 | 171.641 | 294.512 | 1.004.088 |
| 3DSLL | 67 | 74 | 587 | 12.144 | 87.749 | 6.955.409 |
| 3DS | 406 | 462 | 1.160 | 62.256 | 95.868 | 10.002.435 |
Bestes FIFA Debüt in Japan.
Wirklich? Gut, die Zahlen sind ganz anständig und Japan zunehmend Fussballbegeistert.
One explanation for PS4's soft performance in Japan is low ownership of HDTVs among young people. Is Switch the answer?
The answer to that lies in a market development which has been largely invisible to a lot of gamers and people in the industry, but which is very obvious in the Japanese market and may presage a trend overseas; the rapid rise in the number of young people who don't have a TV in their households.
It's hard not to notice this trend in Japan, where it's definitely far more advanced than in other developed countries. Large swathes of the under-30 cohort - students and young professionals - simply don't have TVs in their apartments. Their media consumption, which is still prodigious, is done primarily through smartphones and, to a lesser degree, laptops. In part this is down to economic factors; Japanese apartments are notoriously small and real wages, especially among young people, have been stagnant or falling for years, so a TV is a major investment of both space factor that requires far less handwaving over cultural difference; you can't sell home consoles to people who don't own or want a TV. Even among those who do own TVs, most young people seem to have small, outdated LCD models (20" to 24" is the most popular size for LCD displays sold in Japan, according to a Nihon Keizai Shimbun report earlier this year). That neutralises much of the value proposition of a console like the PS4, which is all about HD (or even 4K) graphical fidelity.
It's not that big TVs and 4K sets aren't being sold in Japan; it's just that they're being sold to an older audience...
Da der WAR-Thread nicht wirklich für ernsthafte Diskussionen gedacht oder bekannt ist, poste ich es lieber mal hier:
DievSchwesterseite von Eurogamer - - hat ein interessantes Feature über die veränderten Lebensverhältnisse in Japan und was das für Sonys Playstation 4 und Nintendos Switch bedeutet.
Nintendo Switch targets Japan's TV-less youth
Es ist ja gemeinhin bekannt dass der durchschnittliche Japaner in einer kleinen Wohnung lebt. Aber die Sache mit den bevorzugten 20- 24" Fernsehern höre ich so zum 1. Mal ?! WTF ! :o
Besonders wenn man bedenkt dass Japan bereits Ende der 80er (!) ein breites HDTV Programm hatte.
Die Chancen für die Switch sind vor allem in Nippon imo mehr als gut. Und bei 24 Zoll TVs ist die PS4 Slim in Japan für Sony sehr viel wichtiger als die PS4 Pro.
Da die japanische Bevölkerung ja angeblich schrumpft, müssten die doch eigentlich in Zukunft immer mehr Platz zur Verfügung haben? Entsprechend sollte da doch auch ein fetter 4k-TV in der Wohnung Platz finden. Wäre meiner Meinung nach ein wichtiger Schritt, um im Konsolenmarkt wieder an Relevanz zu gewinnen, dass möglichst viele Japaner sich fette Fernseher leisten und diese nutzen. Ikeikeike, Nihon!
Warum gibts hier seit Wochen keine Zahlen mehr??
Schade! :cry2:
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD |
| ALL | 509.000 | 593.000 | 573.000 | 22.146.000 | 27.490.000 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| PS4 | 32.041 | 30.375 | 33.442 | 1.153.124 | 1.007.971 | 3.454.204 |
| 3DS # | 31.182 | 25.660 | 30.383 | 1.195.033 | 1.517.339 | 21.381.035 |
| PSV # | 9.816 | 10.392 | 13.808 | 656.502 | 778.390 | 5.249.900 |
| WIU | 2.071 | 1.898 | 9.935 | 257.640 | 518.113 | 3.278.303 |
| PS3 | 735 | 610 | 1.716 | 55.111 | 198.751 | 10.443.191 |
| XB1 | 181 | 335 | 825 | 6.133 | 15.955 | 70.024 |
| ALL | 76.026 | 69.270 | 90.109 | 3.323.543 | 4.036.519 | 43.876.657 |
| PSV | 9.816 | 10.392 | 13.085 | 656.502 | 749.149 | 5.064.447 |
| 2DS | 7.122 | 7.103 | | 83.094 | | 83.094 |
|n-3DSLL| 19.798 | 15.151 | 18.496 | 848.060 | 1.004.901 | 3.318.179 |
| n-3DS | 3.807 | 3.090 | 10.448 | 187.305 | 320.594 | 1.019.752 |
| 3DSLL | 47 | 72 | 474 | 12.501 | 90.383 | 6.955.766 |
| 3DS | 408 | 244 | 965 | 64.073 | 101.461 | 10.004.252 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| PS4 | 32.484 | 32.169 | 32.593 | 1.221.745 | 942.406 | 3.352.478 |
| 3DS # | 28.902 | 25.763 | 27.522 | 1.169.304 | 1.493.768 | 21.206.260 |
| PSV # | 9.012 | 9.879 | 13.824 | 719.247 | 756.392 | 5.101.664 |
| WIU | 2.293 | 2.172 | 9.268 | 305.383 | 519.306 | 3.248.970 |
| PS3 | 524 | 426 | 1.427 | 46.814 | 174.788 | 10.253.555 |
| XB1 | 210 | 130 | 552 | 5.953 | 15.177 | 70.004 |
| ALL | 73.425 | 70.539 | 85.186 | 3.468.446 | 3.901.837 | 43.232.931 |
| 2DS | 8.601 | 8.150 | | 99.640 | | 99.640 |