VKZ Verkaufszahlen aus Amerika [Circana (NPD)]

Here we are again with the current US charts, this time from the shipping retailer Amazon. Final fantasy type 0, bloodborne and the ps4 console at the top of the bestseller.



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hmmmmmmm....nö :-P

Dazu ist das alles noch zu wackelig, gerade was EU angeht. Ende diesen Jahres wird man bessere Tendenzen ableiten können, bezüglich wie sich die beiden entwickeln.

Abwarten schon, denn MS kann ja auch weiter Preissenkungen, Bundles und Redesign bringen. Zur Zeit siehts nur in USA und UK einigermaßen gut aus, der Rest der Welt ist ein rotes Tuch. Kinect ist so gut wie begraben und wie will MS die Zahlen der Bone auf 360 Niveau halten im vergleichbaren Zeitraum als Kinect seine Hochphase hatte?

PS4 ist der stärkere Konkurrent diese Gen, also ist es ohne schwere Verluste für MS nicht möglich die Bone auf 360 Niveau zu heben weder US noch weltweit, imo.
NPD Sales Results for March 2015


1.) Battlefield: Hardline (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, 360, PS3, PC)
2.) Bloodborne (PS4)
3.) Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3)
4.) Mario Party 10 (Wii U)
5.) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)
6.) MLB 15: The Show (PS4, PS3)
7.) Minecraft (360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4)
8.) NBA 2K15 (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)
9.) Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PS4, Xbox One)
10.) Final Fantasy: Type 0 HD (PS4, Xbox One)

-Mario Party 9: 290,000 (Digital + Physical)
-Majora's Mask: 184,000 (D+P, 730K LTD)
-Smash 3DS: 110,000 (D+P, 2.4M LTD)
-Smash Wii U LTD: 1.6 million
-Mario Kart 8 LTD: 1.9 million
-PS4 was number one in software sales.


PS4: #1 platform
3DS: ~260-270K
Wii U: ~80-85K

-Wii U hardware is up approximately 20% year over year for the first three months of the year.
-3DS hardware is up approximately 80% year over year for the first three months of the year.

Nintendo PR:

The New Nintendo 3DS XL system continues to inject growth into Nintendo’s hand-held business, and the momentum created for Wii U in 2014 has carried over into 2015. Take these two elements, add in fun, exclusive titles starring some of the biggest names in gaming, and overall sales of Nintendo hardware systems so far in 2015 have increased by nearly 60 percent over sales during the same time frame in 2014.

Other Nintendo sales highlights include:

Nintendo 3DS

Total hardware sales in 2015 have increased by nearly 80 percent over sales during the first three months of 2014.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D added more than 184,000 total units in its second month, bringing lifetime sales to more than 730,000 total units.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS added more than 110,000 total units in its sixth month on the market, bringing its lifetime total to 2.4 million units.

Wii U

Total hardware sales in 2015 have increased by more than 20 percent over sales during the first three months of 2014.
Mario Party 10 launched on March 20 and sold nearly 290,000 total units in its first two weeks.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Mario Kart 8 continue to sell well in their respective fifth and 11th months on the market, bringing their lifetime totals to nearly 1.6 million total units and more than 1.9 million total units, respectively.
The momentum for Nintendo software and systems should continue over the next few months thanks to a strong lineup of software that includes the just-released Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (New Nintendo 3DS XL, April 10) and Splatoon (Wii U, May 29) games.

Microsoft Comment:

"In March, cumulative U.S. Xbox One sales continued to outpace Xbox 360 sales at the same point in its lifecycle," a spokesperson told GamesBeat.

Sony Comment:

“We are truly honored PlayStation 4 is the top-selling console and No. 1 in software sales again according to NPD sales data for March 2015,” a spokesperson for Sony Computer Entertainment told GamesBeat in a statement. “PS4 remains the cumulative sales leader both globally and in the United States and we want to thank gamers worldwide for their ongoing support.”

Freut mich persönlich sehr für Bloodborne und Final Fantasy: Type 0 HD. :goodwork:
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Microsoft Comment:

"In March, cumulative U.S. Xbox One sales continued to outpace Xbox 360 sales at the same point in its lifecycle," a spokesperson told GamesBeat.

kurz, knapp, verzweifelt

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Starke Zahlen für Smash.

Beide Versionen zusammen dürften weltweit mittlerweile auf die 10 Millionen zugehen und das obwohl sie gerade mal 4-6 Monate auf dem Markt sind.

PS4 weiterhin am dominieren, die XBone-Zahlen sind ebenfalls gut. Die WiiU kann man weiterhin nur als "ferner liefen" bezeichnen, wobei sie sich mittlerweile auf einem gewissen Niveau stabilisiert zu haben scheint. Zahlen für den 3DS und für Majoras Mask sind ebenfalls erfreulich.
Starke Zahlen für Smash.

Beide Versionen zusammen dürften weltweit mittlerweile auf die 10 Millionen zugehen und das obwohl sie gerade mal 4-6 Monate auf dem Markt sind.

Deiner ursprünglichen Prognose zufolge sollten beide Versionen das schon vor Jahresende geschafft haben. :-P

Aber gut, dafür war meine Prognose letztlich zu niedrig. ;-)
Deiner ursprünglichen Prognose zufolge sollten beide Versionen das schon vor Jahresende geschafft haben. :-P

Aber gut, dafür war meine Prognose letztlich zu niedrig. ;-)

haha joa stimmt, aber dennoch erfreulich, dass sich das Spiel so gut hält :)

Gibts eigentlich US-Ltd.-Zahlen zu den drei Konsolen?
Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder:

Xbox One im April die meist verkaufte Konsole. Die ganzen Angebote scheinen gezündet zu haben.
Die Software Top 10

1. Mortal Kombat X (PS4, Xbox One)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, Xbox One, PC, 360, PS3)
3. Battlefield: Hardline (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
4. MLB 15: The Show (PS4, PS3)
5. Minecraft (360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4)
6. NBA 2K15 (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
7. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
8, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. Super Smash Bros. (3DS, Wii U)
10.Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PS4, Xbox One)

-"PlayStation continues to lead software sales for April 2015"


Xbox One: Best selling console. (Up 63% year over year)

MS Pressemitteilung:

"As the best-selling console in the U.S. in April, fans set record April sales and engagement for Xbox One last month,” Xbox marketing boss Mike Nichols said. “Xbox One console sales in the U.S. increased 63 percent in April 2015 compared to April 2014 and Xbox Live comparisons showed the number of active global users [Xbox One and Xbox 360] grew 24 percent. We are grateful to our fans for their passion and support and are looking forward to sharing more on the best game lineup in Xbox history at E3.”

Sony PM

“We would like to thank fans around the world for their continued support of the PS4,” a Sony spokesperson said. “According to NPD, PlayStation continues to lead software sales for April 2015 and PS4 remains the cumulative sales leader in the US. We are looking forward to an amazing E3.”
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