PS4/Switch Valkyria Chronicles

ich liebe blu ray,wunderbares medium :)

hoffentlich erscheint das bei uns auch noch zu weihnachten,sonst importier ich wohl
ich habe bei schon vorbestellt :P

werde ich auch machen... aber erstmal bis mitte oktober abwarten, wie der europa-release fällt und wies mit der lokalisierung aussieht. wenn sich dahingehend nichts tut, dann wird es aus den usa geholt. ist eigentlich sowieso billiger und ein usk-siegel will ich auch nicht...

gibts eigentlich keine special edition in den staaten? ...
ja das usk siegel ist schrecklich,soul calibur 4 war definitiv das letzte spiel was ich mir als deutsche version gekauft hab,super gemacht deutschland

ich seh grad das game ist ja auf der games convention(spielbar?),wenn sie dort schon ne eingedeutschte demo haben kann man wohl sicher sein dass es auch noch dieses jahr in europa version dann fuer mich
ja das usk siegel ist schrecklich,soul calibur 4 war definitiv das letzte spiel was ich mir als deutsche version gekauft hab,super gemacht deutschland

ich seh grad das game ist ja auf der games convention(spielbar?),wenn sie dort schon ne eingedeutschte demo haben kann man wohl sicher sein dass es auch noch dieses jahr in europa version dann fuer mich

das schöne valkyria chronicles cover mit dem usk-logo :evil: da würd ich ausrasten, wenn ich das sehen würde


ja genau... g|c kommt für eine solche info gerade recht ^^
Hey Leute hab mal ne Frage, hab gehört das Charaktere aus Skies of Arcadia in dem Spiel vorkommen. Sind das dann nur Gastcharaktere oder sind die dann richtig mit der Story verbunden?
665N8borOTBeast schrieb:
Hey Leute hab mal ne Frage, hab gehört das Charaktere aus Skies of Arcadia in dem Spiel vorkommen. Sind das dann nur Gastcharaktere oder sind die dann richtig mit der Story verbunden?

fina,vyse & aika sind drin,aber natuerlich nur als gast charaktere,mit der hauptstory werden sie wohl nix zu tun haben


aber n paar zeilen zeilen text haben sie wohl schon spendiert bekommen

Thx McBain.

Schade eigentlich. SoA war mein letztes "großes" JRPG was ich komplett durchgespielt hab. Hab irgendwie gehofft das Sie eine größere Rolle spendiert bekommen. Aber zumindest beweist es das Sega die IP noch nicht ganz vergessen hat. Das läßt auf einen 2ten Teil noch hoffen, irgendwan....
wieso vergessen?skies of arcadia 2 ist seit ewigkeiten bestaetigt/angekuendigt,nur ueber die platform weiss man noch nix,entweder wohl wii oder ps3,es soll aber ende 08 enthuellt werden,ich tippe mal zur tgs
Wow great News! Da hab ich wohl was nicht mitbekommen :angst:

Naja ich hoff mal das es auf der PS3 rauskommt, mein Wii wird wohl demnächst seinen weg zur Bucht finden
neues Preview^^

While Sega’s presence at PAX was fairly subdued, the one game that they really chose to focus on was one of the games that I am the most interested in. Skies of Arcadia was, in my opinion, the best Dreamcast game and one of my favorite RPGs of the past ten years. A tactical RPG from some of the same developers with a watercolor-based art style right out of a Miyazaki film, saying that I would like to try it out would be a huge understatement.

I was invited to sit down with producer Christopher Kaminski, who told me all about Valkyria Chronicles while guiding me through a couple of levels. Read on to hear all about the title.



Valkyria Chronicles (not to be confused with Valkyrie Profile) is a new Tactical RPG from WOW Entertainment and Sega. The storyline focuses on a fictional continent, based on Europe of the 1930’s. Several ideologically-opposed countries have gone to war over Ragnite, a fuel source and potent explosive. Gallia, a neutral country described as a cross between Switzerland and Saudi Arabia, becomes a battleground because of its rich supply of Ragnite. The writers have put a focus on coming up with characters that you will fall in love with and adding little touches that will make you care about them by the end. Every character has a distinctive personality, and their interests and relationships will actually affect the gameplay. Some of the characters, having been long-time friends, will receive bonuses from working together or will be weaker if certain characters aren’t present. Some of the characters will prefer certain battlefield types. A character might be more comfortable in the country and will end up at a disadvantage if they have to fight in a city.

Valkyria Chronicles has gotten a lot of attention for its gorgeous art style, which has a rough hand-drawn quality to it. Early on, the development team decided against hyper-realism, they wanted the final product to look exactly like the concept art. The end results are stunning, especially when you see the game in motion. The art direction in Valkyria Chronicles is a little different, it isn’t quite cel-shading. Rather than looking like a cartoon, Chronicles looks like a comic book. It isn’t as clean, instead there is this sketchy quality to it. It really comes across in motion, when you see motion lines around characters or crosshatched shadows on a battlefield.


While most games in the genre have remained close to the standard set by the original X-Com, WOW set out with the goal of evolving Valkyria Chronicles beyond those conventions. The most obvious change is that they have taken away the familiar 2D grid. Characters can move in any direction and take any path. Movement is still limited, characters have a “gas gauge” that drains as they move. The number of actions that you can take per round is determined by how many AP’s you have (you can attack and move during the same AP period). You can use multiple AP’s on the same character during a round, but it results in diminishing returns. Your gas gauge will drain more quickly during each subsequent AP usage on the same character.

Chronicles wouldn’t be much of an tactical game if you didn’t have a variety of unit types. Some of the basics include the Scouts, who function as light infantry. Shock Troopers are extremely powerful, but can only attack at short range. Lancers literally have a giant lance, and Snipers function as you’d expect a sniper to function. You also have access to powerful tanks, which can blow apart the cover that enemies hide behind. Engineers serve as a support unit that, as the producer put it, “doesn’t suck.” These Engineers have unlimited ammo and restock the supplies of other units as you run past them. They can also repair tanks that have broken down.


When you are done moving the current character, pressing the R1 button will enter combat mode. You not only select which enemy to attack, but you can position the crosshairs on the part of the body that you want to attack. A table at the top tells you how many shots that you will take, how many hits are needed to kill the enemy, and the effectiveness of your weapon against certain units.

The developers have worked to make Valkyria Chronicles accessible and fun to people who have never picked up a tactical game before. That doesn’t mean that it has been dumbed down. All of the management that genre fans expect exists, but some of it is optional. If you want to manage every aspect of each character, you can dive into the deeper menus and pour over tables of numbers. Players who aren’t used to this or don’t want to deal with the minutia can just play the battles and let the game automatically deal with some of the underlying details. Chronicles is a pretty meaty game. The producers expect players to take 40-50 hours to complete the standard campaign, which has over twenty battlefields. There are also nine skirmish missions where you return to previous battlefields and complete challenges.

I got to play through the tutorial and a full battlefield, and I had a ton of fun with the game. The gameplay feels a little more action-based than the usual Tactical RPG, it’s a little more involving. The action focus doesn’t make the strategic side of the battle and less important. You will still be slaughtered if you don’t plan your maneuvers in advance. If you’re a fan of tactical games, Valkyria Chronicles should definitely be on your radar. This PS3 exclusive will hit stores in America on November 11th.


day 1 :P
Spiel sieht echt interessant aus!

Soll es noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen/bzw. wann soll es erscheinen?
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