Amy Hennig, the creative director at Uncharted 2 development studio Naughty Dog, followed Schafer. She used her time on Keighley's panel to talk about wrapping up her game as it nears its mid-October release. Hennig assured the audience that the game's single-player was not being compromised by the addition of multiplayer. She also described the game's graphical upgrade from its PlayStation 3 predecessor as the equivalent of a console generational leap.
The thunder of Hennig's portion of the evening was the gameplay clip she showed of a new Uncharted 2 level. She set the clip up, saying it occurred halfway through the game and realized a goal of her team's: Enabling gameplay on moving objects. Drake would start at the back of a train and try to get to someone he wants to rescue in the front. Yes, Hennig acknowledged, there have been plenty of train levels in games. But this one would not just put you on a static train that has a background zipping past you, she said. Uncharted 2's in level would feature a freight train that is fully-modeled, takes turns, has its separate cars and supports all of the climbing and shooting gameplay available to player.
What she showed in the recorded gameplay clip appeared to contain the dynamism and physical reality she promised. The level was set on a verdant mountainside with a lake resting beside train tracks. A freight train rumbled through. At the start of the clip, series hero Nathan Drake climbed onto the top of the back car and machine-gunned some enemies. He tried to advance but fell through the top of a boxcar. A helicopter, as they so often do in video games, swooped in for the assault. The following sequences had Drake jumping from car to car as helicopter rockets rocked the train. Enemy soldiers filed down the train and fired, as Drake cursed them. The train cars all seemed to behave as if they had their own weight, proving Hennig's claims true. They seemed to rock as the battle rumbled them. Cars were detached or blown up. One was sent hurtling off its rails in a fiery tumble toward Drake. Camera angles kept switching as the battle proceeded in phases, but throughout the scene it looked like a player could enough control to scramble, cover or shoot.