Ultra Street Fighter IV

klingt fast so als ob adon wirklich zu den TopTier chars gehören könnte und ein sehr guter einsteiger char ist

naja, top tier heisst bei sf wohl wirklich nicht viel. gibt zb. genug gens, akumas etc.
die einen trotz niedrigem tier level zu hackfleisch verarbeiten.

ich fänds ja auch gut, wenn sie dan stärker machen würden. ich zock eigentlich
ziemlich gern mit ihm :) vor allem wird man online total unterschätzt, wenn man
ihn nimmt ;)
was haltet ihr von dem arcade stick?


es geht um den preis, der verkäufer könnte sich vertippt haben, aber wer interresse hat, zuschnappen

schon beendet.

aber auch egal, wenn, dann würd ich mir gleich nen vernünftigen stick holen.

wenn du dich richtig mit street fighter beschäftigst, als wirklich trainierst und täglich spielst, würd ich gleich zu nem sticl mit sanwa parts greifen.

später holst du dir sowieso welche.^^

naja, top tier heisst bei sf wohl wirklich nicht viel. gibt zb. genug gens, akumas etc.
die einen trotz niedrigem tier level zu hackfleisch verarbeiten.

ich fänds ja auch gut, wenn sie dan stärker machen würden. ich zock eigentlich
ziemlich gern mit ihm :) vor allem wird man online total unterschätzt, wenn man
ihn nimmt ;)

naja, top tier heißt ja nicht, dass die cpu dann für dich gewinnt.

mit sagat verlier ich auch.
Neue Stage Close ups aus S-Kills blog













Ich will endlich wissen wer die restlichen Charaktere sind... :sorry:
Ich tippe auf Ibuki (Kunai), Hakan (Entwurf) und Elena (Afrika-Stage)...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
die stages sind ja der hammer. das war mein größter kritikpunkt an sf4 und wie
es aussieht, hat sich capcom da mächtig ins zeug gelegt! :)
Neuer Nakky Blog über die neuen Stages

im text wurde alles übersetzt

Today's Super Street Fighter IV Nakky Blog update has details on the game's new stages, which were first announced to overseas media yesterday.
According to the blog, Super will have four new stages: India, Korea, Savanna, and Construction Grounds. Here's a bit of what Nakky has to say about them.
In the India stage, the animals and people in the background will get feisty when the fight becomes intense. Other animations include cows eating the grass and the elephant standing on its rear legs when you win. There are some ladies in the background in saris. They will apparently cheer only when you're playing as Dhalsim.

The Korea stage was made in consultation with the Capcom Korea staff. There's an old man and woman holding hands. Apparently, they'll kiss when if you win (Nakky says they'll "Love Love," which I believe means they'll kiss... although maybe it just means they'll hold hands).

Nakky says that she's most proud of of the Savanna stage, which is why there are so many more pics of it compared to the other stages. There's a brightly shining sun in the stage, but it will sometimes be covered by eclipses. The meercats in the stage will clap if you win.

You can see a bunch of additional pics of the stages in the blog post.
Aside from the
Aside from the stage info, the blog provides a few details on the PlayStation Home Christmas event that Sony announced yesterday.
For Super's part in the event, when you visit Home Square at key times, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G's Airu and Meraru will introduce Super SFIV to you. It also seems that there will be some sort of pairing of Ryu with Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition's Jill!
WTF ?? ich bin tierisch gespannt drauf :o
Die Safari stage sieht echt hammer
hiermal noch ne komplette übersetzung

Hello everyone!
The cold of winter is finally here, and Ono... Ono... was done in by a virus! It doesn't seem to be the flu though, so that's good at least. But, will he be OK in time for today's Midnight Live? [A talkshow hosted by Famitsuu and Xbox Live -Jig's note] Hang in there, Ono!
Last week finally saw the revival of the Q&A section here on the blog, and I want to thank everyone for leaving so many comments!! No matter how many times I read them, they always lift my spirits! Really, there's so many kind comments... I might even cry a little!
OK, that's enough! I'm too busy for this!
Everyone, did you vote for the SF4 National Tournament Dream Team yet? The deadline is December 21, at 9 PM! So there's only three days left. If you haven't voted yet, head to the SF4 Mobile Site immediately and cast your vote! [A "dream team" of players will be qualified for the Japanese nationals by fan vote. Voting is open only to SF4 players with an arcade IC card registered with the SF4 mobile website -Jig's note]

OK, so let's move on to SSF4.
A merry merry Christmas is almost upon us! So, PlayStation Home is hosting the "Christmas Illumination" event!
Of course, SSF4 will join the party.
12/19 0:00
12/20 18:00
12/25 23:00
12/25 22:00
Visit the PlayStation Home Square at the above times, and... W-w-what!? Felyne and Melynx from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite will introduce SSF4, and Jill from Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition will be there too! And Ryu! You can see amazing snow sculptures... and you will be able to receive exclusive, never-before-available items!! Wow, this is just something you can't miss! ...Ah, well, instead of coming at the exact times noted above, it might be a good idea to be a little early. I'm really looking forward to it too! [This all refers to an event held on the Japanese PlayStation Home, of course - Jig's note]

Very well!
Today, I'll give a proper introduction to something you've probably seen a glimpse of here and there recently, namely the new stages in SSF4!!
SSF4 will have four new stages.

India Stage

This is the India Stage. Look at Dhalsim go! OK, let's take a closer look at this stage.

The cow is enjoying a free meal courtesy of the falling fruit.

When the battle heats up, the elephants will fall over!

And it's not just the elephants. Cows, people, everyone is falling over!

This geezer kind of sticks out.

Even Dhalsim's wife is here to cheer on! Actually, you will only see Sally cheering on when Dhalsim is fighting.

A cow feeding on some grass.

Everyone gets really excited when you win!

Korea Stage

Next up! Here's a stage from Juri's home country, Korea. This stage was created with a lot of support from Capcom Korea. Take a good look!

A busy marketplace. Vendors and customers, everyone's excited to watch the fight!

Here's a guy looking into the camera. And there's a pretty detailed park way back in the distance! (I noticed it just now)

Some kind of sausage... looks delicious! I want some! I want some right now!

The left hand part of the stage looks like this. All kinds of people are stopping by to watch.

Looks like they're a couple, huh. Hey, boyfriend, get a hold of yourself!

A lady who sells socks and shoes. With matching eyeshadow and scarf, she's seems like a pretty fashionable woman.

When you win the match, this old couple gets all lovey dovey!

Savannah Stage

This is the stage I want to brag about the most, the savannah stage! I'm sure that T.Hawk would agree that this stage's standout feature is the lovingly detailed depiction of all the animals. So I'll show you a lot of pictures of just that!

Meerkats. Their heads pop up as if they're asking "Hey, what's going on here?".

They start to gather, and soon enough a whole band of meerkat spectators will be watching.

A peaceful savannah scene. The sun is shining brightly...

Or so you'd think! In this stage, you'll get to witness a solar eclipse!

Those hippos are huge! But actually, in real life hippos are about 3.5-4 meters long and weigh about 1.2-2.6 tons. Just like elephants, these are some enormous land creatures. Kinda scary.

A giraffe, two zebras and a cheetah, running across the savannah. Wait, what kind of game is this again?

The meerkats and hippos get really really into the fight for some reason.
... I'm a little worried about the meerkats. Wait - there's something in the hippo's mouth!

It's a white bird taking a break in the hippo's mouth! Instead of asking the staff, I looked it up myself and, this bird is an intermediate egret! I'm sure of it!



Free at last!

The hippo falls over dramatically in all the excitement, but the giraffe just calmly looks on.

The giraffe gracefully drinks water, but what about when the match gets going..?

Its legs are long, so falling over must really hurt!

When you win the match, the meerkats start clapping and cheering!!

Construction Site stage

And here's the fourth stage. The construction site stage, that got everybody talking about Andore!

Here you can see the whole stage. When you look at the stage, you get a slight feeling that Servbots might appear somewhere...

Even behind that net in the background, people are moving about!

This guy in the red hardhat looks like he's the foreman. Lunch time!

This is the right hand corner of the stage. That guy is just playing around on that loading cart...

There he is, the much talked about Andore!! And way back in the foggy distance, you can see... the Mayor! It's the Mayor! Wow, that's quite the statue...

Andore is horrified to see his colleague about to fall. That pose really gets his emotion across.

Do a move that travels high up like this one, and you can even see the upper floors of the construction site! I kind of feel bad for Fuerte though, you can tell he's not getting out of that one...

Those are the four new stages in SSF4!!
The stage development staff created these with even more passion and enthusiasm than normal, so when you get to see these stages in motion, I'm sure there are even more things to discover!
Alright, so that was my attempt at introducing the new stages.

And finally, I have a correction to make. Unfortunately, when announcing the locations for the Street Fighter IV National Tournament last time, I made a mistake.
Last week I announced that the custom titles awarded at the regional qualifiers would be the following:
1st place: "2010 VIP"
2nd place: "2010 Generalissimo"
3rd place: "Proof of Friendship"

But actually, the "Generalissimo" title is for finishing in 2nd place at the National Tournament, like RF, who holds the title of "2009 Generalissimo" since the tournament in January of this year.
So in other words, I mistakenly mixed up the custom title awarded for getting 2nd place in the qualifiers, and the one for getting 2nd place in the actual National Tournament. I'm so sorry, RF!!
So allow me to set things straight. The award for getting 2nd place in a regional qualifier is the custom title "Telepath".
That's all. Sorry again!

Next week, I will announce the results of the Dream Team election! It will be the final update of 2009, so I'm working hard on it!
Well, everyone, see you next week! *runs away*

Noch 4 Charactere fehlen bei beim Character Select :aargh:
Ich tippe mal auf Ibuki,Makoto,Dudley und Elena (wegen der Afrika Stage)

Noch 4 Charactere fehlen bei beim Character Select :aargh:
Ich tippe mal auf Ibuki,Makoto,Dudley und Elena (wegen der Afrika Stage)

oh bittebittebittebittebittebittebittebittebittebitte (die anderen will ich zwar auch haben, aber zumindest Ibuki und Elena sind mittlerweile ja mehr als nur wahrscheinlich :ugly: )
hi :)

habe mal die charaktere gegoogelt, da ich weder die alpha-serie noch die III-serie gespielt habe. dabei stieß ich noch auf andere charaktere aus den Games. Elena wäre der wahnsinn. nur vom aussehen wären einige interessant. elena, urien (der sieht ja aus wie elena als mann ;) ... oder seth als mensch... mmmmhhh... ), sean, dudley, alex (axel? nee, das war Guilty Gear, oder?) ... und Cody ist ja schon dabei! das freut mich sehr. ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass sich meine vorfreude auf dieses spiel so ins exponentielle steigert :D
hi :)

habe mal die charaktere gegoogelt, da ich weder die alpha-serie noch die III-serie gespielt habe. dabei stieß ich noch auf andere charaktere aus den Games. Elena wäre der wahnsinn. nur vom aussehen wären einige interessant. elena, urien (der sieht ja aus wie elena als mann ;) ... oder seth als mensch... mmmmhhh... ), sean, dudley, alex (axel? nee, das war Guilty Gear, oder?) ... und Cody ist ja schon dabei! das freut mich sehr. ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass sich meine vorfreude auf dieses spiel so ins exponentielle steigert :D

ich will dir ja nicht die hoffnung rauben aber die 4 unbekannten chars sind sogut wie bekannt:
Makoto, Dudley, Ibuki und Hakan
Wer macht Makoto und Dudley "so gut wie bekannt" für SSFIV?

Auf dem Bild im Hauptmenü sehen Ryu und Ken so aus als würden sie sich gleich küssen. :-D
das sind die, die von den meisten gewünscht wurden und darum rechnet man ganz stark mit ihnen.
ich brauch den quotentürken nicht unbedingt. ;) ^^

werd wohl mal guy ausprobieren. bleib aber sonst bei boxer.
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