L14: Freak
- Seit
- 15 Feb 2006
- Beiträge
- 6.066
Zum Thema Gore da legt Resistance 2 gerade nach das muss ja dann auch ein böses stumpfsinniges Spiel sein. Das schlimmst daran das jemand hier anderen seine Shooter aufschwatzen will und selber keine mag geschweige denn sie wirklich zockt.
http://kotaku.com/5026101/resistance-2-bringing-44-magnum-bombs"We've really upped the gore," says Price. It's possible to blow off arms, legs and heads. What's more, new weapons include a 44 Magnum, which fires bullets that you can detonate by remote. So, you could fire a buncha bullets in the wall and then detonate them. It's even possible to detonate those bullets that you've shot into Chimera. Instead of a health bar, when players are shoot, the screen goes reddish like Call of Duty. Should make the game much more immersive.
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