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- 11 Aug 2006
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http://n4g.com/ps3/NewsCom-167324.aspx?CT=11UP Previews: Killzone 2 - 'Honestly, we were somewhat surprised that Killzone 2 felt so accessible and engaging'
1UP writes: "Odds are that you won't hear veterans of the original Killzone bemoaning the myriad changes being made to its PlayStation 3 sequel. Several aspects of the first game simply didn't work, and developer Guerrilla Games has no qualms about rethinking fundamental design choices. "Killzone was our first game, so of course you're going to find some mistakes and glitches," says Visual Designer Roland IJzermans. "We really had to figure out what people liked and didn't like about the first game and then fix what was broken." Their first order of business? Add a jump button. "I had no idea that everyone thought jumping was so precious!" IJzermans says. Another big design shift pares the number of playable characters down from four to only one, fresh-faced protagonist Sev. "We wanted to have one stronger main character as opposed to having four separate heroes," says Game Director Mathijs de Jonge. "We feel that having one hero will lead to a better experience."
That doesn't mean that Sev's blasting through the Helghast home planet by his lonesome, though -- in both of the levels we've seen, he always has at least one surprisingly effective A.I.-controlled squad member at his side. You don't even have to worry about issuing commands to your buddies (even though it worked so well in Killzone: Liberation, Guerrilla thought it would be too clumsy in a first-person game), but you can revive them when wounded, help them over obstacles, and assist them in other context-sensitive ways. Implementing a new cover system also makes Killzone 2 a far more user-friendly experience. Much like in Gears of War or Uncharted, a simple button press anchors you to your nearest available cover point. From there, you can either lean-and-peek to fire at your target or instantly pop up and zoom in for a quick headshot. This new defensive dynamic radically changes up the game's pacing -- it's now definitely less run-n-gun and more stop-and-pop."