Koji Kondo spricht über Zelda Soundtrack
Nach der diesjährigen E3 wurde Koji Kondo, seines Zeichens der Komponist bei diversen Nintendo Games (u.a. Zelda, Mario), zum Soundtrack des kommenden GameCube Highlight Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess befragt. Wie bereits im letzten Trailer zu hören, soll das Spiel zum größten Teil von einem Orchester vertont werden. Viele Kritiker und Fans halten dies schon jetzt für eine gelungene Entscheidung, denn die Atmosphäre des Spiels wird unglaublich gut mit der Musik unterstrichen.
Wie Kondo verlauten ließ, war es immer sein Traum ein Spiel wie Zelda mit einem orchestralen Soundtrack zu unterlegen. Der Klang eines Live Instruments steckt so voller Energie, dass der Zuhörer in die Welt, die sich vor seinen Augen aufbaut, hineingerissen wird. Besonders faszinierten, aber auch lehrreich empfindet Kondo die Erschließung der richtigen Melodien. Die Musik in Twilight Princess soll sich an osteuropäische Klänge richten und damit einen neuen Stil in der Zelda Reihe einzuführen. Der Soundtrack des neuen Zelda soll später zum Besten gehören, was bisher in einem Videospiel zu hören war.
Auch legt Kondo nahe, dass er auf die Reaktionen der Fans hören will. In verschiedenen Internet Foren hat er sich bereits erkundigt, ob die Musik des Trailers bei den Fans ankommt und dies scheint der Fall zu sein.
Die Entscheidung, dass Spiel mit einem Orchester zu vertonen darf als positiv gewertet werden. In der heutigen Zeit ist dies einfach dank der neuesten Soundtechniken möglich und andere Spiele haben auch schon gezeigt, dass sich Videospiele Musik nicht hinter der von großen Hollywood Blockbustern verstecken muss!
Koji Kondos Äußerungen zum Zelda TP Soundtrack:
"With the trailer music being so moving, it was no surprise that I was asked-during several media interviews with journalists at E3-if we plan to use an orchestra for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess music. Honestly, it hasn't been determined yet, but I would really like to push for it. In the process of recording the trailer music, I've gotten back in touch with how music from live instuments can be extremely powerful. Even when I've spent countless hours creating digital music with complex layers for Nintendo's games, artificial sounds just can't beat the real depth and expression of live instruments. Recording the trailer has really encouraged me to explore the challenges of orchestra music for the game. Since game development is still proceeding, we can't yet look into the details of how a full orchestra could be specifically used-we just can't discuss it until we reach a certain degree of the game's development. But, for the moment, I can dream big: I'd love to use a full 50-player orchestra to capture the big action scenes and an intimate string quartet for the more lyrical moments in gameplay."
"We're also exploring some music-oriented gameplay ideas for Twilight Princess. In the E3 demo, people saw and heard that Link plays a reed pulled from the grass to call a hawk; reed music was in the initial development concept for Ocarina, but we ultimately didn't use it. What instrument might Link play in Twilight Princess? For now it's going to remain a secret."
"The process of creating the E3 trailer was fascinating. Three people (including me) each composed a different approach to the trailer's music. Then we asked one of Japan's most extraordinarily gifted composers and music arrangers, Michiru Oshima, to work her magic on all three pieces, envisioning how an orchestra could wrap its many instruments around the general music. We then recorded each of the three orchestrations with famed conductor Yasuzo Takemoto on hand, who you might know as the conductor who stood command over the amazing 2002 Smash Bros. concert in Japan. I did have a chance to personally conduct when we recorded a chorus for one possible version of the trailer."
"You may have noticed that the music for each game in the Zelda series has a slightly different vibe. Majora's Mask had an exotic Chinese-opera sound; and Wind Waker had a sort of Irish influence on its music. As we started thinking about the music for Twilight Princess, I got some guidance from the developers that they'd like music reminiscent of eastern Europe, bringing in an ensemble of percussion instruments, and simultaneously I heard that they might like to hear more modern music employed for the game. At that time, I couldn't really envision what they were asking clearly-I assumed that they might like a Gypsy vibe. Creating Zelda music always involves learning for me, since I can't create all of the music for the wide variety of environments based simply on what's already inside my head. I always do extensive research and soak up as much music as I can to expand my vision. Then, after all of that, I always find it much easier to create music that I couldn't before."
"My group isn't only in charge of music, but also the creation of the countless sound effects that you hear in Nintendo's games. It's a really important job that we take really seriously-though sometimes we find ourselves in outlandish situations in the pursuit of just the right sounds. One day, I had to carry carry a big steel pipe to work, which wouldn't have been a big deal, if it weren't that I had to take the train to my office. Everyone on the train stared at me in the most curious way!"
"I like the show-tune soprano Sarah Brightman a lot, since she brings classical music, world music and modern music together so effortlessly. I had been dreaming about using one of her gorgeous songs for Twilight Princess-but then I found out that her music has already recently been used in another video game! But if we could find a similar musician for the next Zelda game, that would be really interesting. I wonder what fans would think of such music being used for a "Princess Zelda Theme" for an upcoming game."
"I've paid close attention to what Zelda fans have said about music in online forums, and I've listened to the many MIDI music files that people have posted. It's all very interesting. I feel like music transcends language barriers and crosses all nations' borders. That will be a very important consideration for what we do with the music for Twilight Princess."