YES I know what all are going to think after reading this post, "BS" But a Few weeks before TGS My friend who Use to work at Factor5 in Austin Tx Rang me up and told me about lair and what it would look like, I told him "sounds cool" and brushed it off my shoulders because for one i thought he was just blabbing his gums, Then TGS came around and at that time no one Knew anything about what type of Game Lair was except that it had dragons and riders.Any who Long story Short He was dead on exactly right on what kind of game it was and everything, so where does this link into killzone? Well He called me a again today this time he was in Cali hanging out with some former "LostBoys" Developers, who merge with "Guerrilla games" back in 2000, well he was franticly trying to speak into the phone he kept on Laughing and saying "OMG OMG KILLZONE", any who another Long Story short, He apparently had got to see some of the game, and he told me that they plan to show the game sometime in OCT after Killzone Liberation has released on the psp, and he said to date he has not seen anything like this, "The game is 99.99% up to par with the 2005 e3 trailer, if not better, there is a volumetric atmosphere, and when something gets blown away, or a rocket is fired a trail of volumetric smoke follows it that you cannot believe,-" any who he seemed pretty pumped about the whole thing, also he mentioned game makes him really feel as though he watching a movie, as far as how the characters interact and plead for help when they get wounded or how they get mowed down by enemy fire, he says it's very eiry. okay well go ahead and disclaim everything i said, but note i don't post often and all of my post have been good ones, no lies, just wanted to shed some light, oh and the October 25 is just a guess, also my friend "Mr.Nash" is pretty trustworthy. so whatever.