Worldwide Gameplay Reveal for Motorbike Combat Racer Steel Rats Released at PAX East 2018
Today Tate Multimedia have revealed gameplay of their upcoming motorbike combat game
Steel Rats for the first time ever. This reveal trailer shows off the explosive, diesel-soaked world of Steel Rats and the stunt based, motorbike combat that fuels it. Announced last Novemeber, Steel Rats is launching later this year on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC and is playable for the first time ever at PAX East this weekend in Boston.
Having just won Game Connection Development Award for ‘Best Gameplay’ during GDC week, Steel Rats is now ready to be revealed to the world in greater detail, showcasing the advanced bike physics, explosive motorbike combat and revolutionary 2.5D exploration that define the game. Wreck and ride as part of the larger than life punk biker gang, the ‘Steel Rats’, choosing unique characters to play as and unlocking new special abilities.
Steel Rats is a visceral and ground-breaking evolution of the 2.5D action arcade genre, fusing destructive, octane-fuelled motorbike combat and death-defying stunt gameplay, set in a visually stylised retro future world.
Steel Rats can be found at PAX East in Boston, USA from April 5th-8th in the main Expo Hall Booth # 21010.
Schon während der ersten Trailer Sekunden, musste ich an einer Art, Neuinterpretation des Konami´s Klassikers Biker Mice from Mars denken!?