PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

Evotinction sieht interessant aus, aber davon müsste ich mehr sehen. F.I.S.T. war mein Favorit, richtig genialer Artstyle und das Gameplay sieht schön 'wuchtig' aus. Mal sehen, was AI-Limit und und Anno Mutationem so können. Lost Islands sah richtig mies vom Gameplay her aus.
Ich wollte an dieser Stelle mal loswerden wie geil ich das Sony Line Up finde.
Ich bin Multigamer und kaufe alles was fürn PC erscheint, dort als Hauptplatform. Trotzdem bietet Sony ein so großes LineUp an Exklusiven Games an, dass sich der Kauf der PS4 für mich gelohnt hat.

Diese Gen biser:
The Last of Us
God of War
Until Dawn
Dragons Crown

dazu noch:
Ghost of Tsushima
Death Stranding
Last of us 2
Days Gone
Ich wollte an dieser Stelle mal loswerden wie geil ich das Sony Line Up finde.
Ich bin Multigamer und kaufe alles was fürn PC erscheint, dort als Hauptplatform. Trotzdem bietet Sony ein so großes LineUp an Exklusiven Games an, dass sich der Kauf der PS4 für mich gelohnt hat.

Diese Gen biser:
The Last of Us
God of War
Until Dawn
Dragons Crown

dazu noch:
Ghost of Tsushima
Death Stranding
Last of us 2
Days Gone

Hast du inFamous: Second Son nicht gespielt oder fandest du es nicht gut?
Neuer Trailer zu

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

<Video Link entfernt>

Spiel soll im Herbst 2019 erscheinen

Und Vanillaware arbeitet an einem neuen Projekt

<Video Link entfernt>
Geilo. Auf 13 Sentinels freu ich mich, dass ein Termin hat.
Hoffentlich dann auch mit West-Release mit mindestens engl. Text.

Bei Vanillaware darf man auch gespannt sein.
Ob es wieder 2D ARPG wird? Auch wenn mir das anscheinende Setting "Mittelalter-like Fantasy" nicht unbedingt zusagt.
...wann bitte zeigt Atlus endlich Project Re Fantasy...das Spielt seit 3, 4 Jahren angekündigt und seitdem hat man 0 davon gesehen. Das Spiel sah wie ein wahrgewordener Traum aus und da kommt einfach nix...:(

Vanilleware Spiele haben mir leider noch nie so richtig zugesagt. Finde den Style von 13S nicht so der hammer. :S

Edit: BTW...soll in diesem Monat nicht nen Persona Stream laufen? Wir haben mitte März und es gibt bis heute keinen Termin

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DF Retro: Killzone 2

Unglaublich wie gut es damals aussah und selbst heute muss sich Killzone 2 nicht verstecken. GG hat damals nen neuen Banchmark gesetzt und das Video macht echt Lust auf nen Remake von besten direkt K2 und K3 in einem Spiel remaken...ich glaube das würde selbst heute kaum besser aussehen... Ich bin übelst gespannt drauf, was GG auf der PS5 liefern wird...wenn ich das sehe, dann bekomme ich doch richtig bock auf ein Killzone 5, aber bitte genau mit dieser krass erdrückenden Atmo.
Welch Zufall, hab erst vor Kurzem KZ2 durchgespielt (für meinen Channel) und war schon beeindruckt wieviel GG da aus der PS3 herausgeholt hat... Das Game gehört eindeutig zu den beeindruckensten Spielen der PS3 und hat damals zu unrecht massiv viel Kritik eingefahren zB. wegen der Farbe oder der "trägen" Steuerung...

"Bedeutend" ist erst einmal bedeutungsloses Geschwurbel.
Abwarten was da wirklich kommt.

Fände es ja nice, wenn Ready at Dawn endlich den "The Order" Nachfolger ankündigt.

Worldwide Gameplay Reveal for Motorbike Combat Racer Steel Rats Released at PAX East 2018

Today Tate Multimedia have revealed gameplay of their upcoming motorbike combat game Steel Rats for the first time ever. This reveal trailer shows off the explosive, diesel-soaked world of Steel Rats and the stunt based, motorbike combat that fuels it. Announced last Novemeber, Steel Rats is launching later this year on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC and is playable for the first time ever at PAX East this weekend in Boston.

Having just won Game Connection Development Award for ‘Best Gameplay’ during GDC week, Steel Rats is now ready to be revealed to the world in greater detail, showcasing the advanced bike physics, explosive motorbike combat and revolutionary 2.5D exploration that define the game. Wreck and ride as part of the larger than life punk biker gang, the ‘Steel Rats’, choosing unique characters to play as and unlocking new special abilities.

Steel Rats is a visceral and ground-breaking evolution of the 2.5D action arcade genre, fusing destructive, octane-fuelled motorbike combat and death-defying stunt gameplay, set in a visually stylised retro future world.

Steel Rats can be found at PAX East in Boston, USA from April 5th-8th in the main Expo Hall Booth # 21010.



Schon während der ersten Trailer Sekunden, musste ich an einer Art, Neuinterpretation des Konami´s Klassikers Biker Mice from Mars denken!? xD:quadrat:


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Castle Crashers Remastered Coming to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4

For those of you who are not familiar with Castle Crashers Remastered (CCR), here’s a quick rundown of what this version of the game has:

• A multiplayer mini-game called “Back Off Barbarian” that’s frantic and weird.

• Texture sizes of the game are five times the texture size of the original game

• CCR runs at 60 frames per second. The original ran at 30 frames per second which feels kind of like a slideshow if you go back to it after trying this new one.

• All previously released downloadable content like characters, weapons, and animal orbs are available in-game

• Various performance updates and improvements to gameplay and online multiplayer

CCR on the Nintendo Switch has HD Rumble, Switch Online, and 4 player local Joy-Con support. Bring those little knights with you in handheld mode or put them up on the big screen while docked! On your PS4, we’ve utilized the latest in lighting technology to lighten up your lightbars with your character affinity color!

Both of these fine versions have been made possible thanks to the team at PlayEveryWare. It’s like magic seeing the game run on these new systems. We’re all very excited to get them into your hands!

Now let’s get to two of the most common questions we’ve been asked.:

Why bring CCR to two more platforms now?

Well, aside from it being one of the most requested things we get asked there’s some less obvious reasons. With Alien Hominid not being ported often, we’ve seen it slowly become unavailable in most places. When we make games we want them to stick around. Taking advantage of the updated hardware of each generation is also very satisfying. Higher resolutions, higher framerates, chances to make tweaks, and better overall quality. Our debut title (Alien Hominid) was available on both Gameboy Advance and Nintendo Gamecube.

We’ve always eyeballed Nintendo’s platforms with a very warm heart. However, since the Gamecube, Nintendo’s cool features often demanded more development time than we were able to balance while guaranteeing quality. For instance, dual screens requiring UI and design reworks. The Nintendo Switch is perfect for us to make our return on and it brings with it the ability to have our games be portable. We always wanted to get onto the 3DS due to portability, so this is exciting for us!

Why not a sequel, you say?

Spooky tough question (but not really)! I often see people claim we would never make a sequel. That’s not accurate. We might make one someday, but it would have to hit all the right points at the right times. It has to be a product that would end up vastly improved, rather than “more of the same”, which is only something we can accomplish with gaining experience.

Another thing to consider is that there would be no Castle Crashers 2 if we started out by making sequels. You’d have Alien Hominid 2 instead of Castle Crashers 1. Or, alternatively, there’d be no BattleBlock Theater if we made Castle Crasher 2. It’s fun making different worlds and genres you love and want more of. We like the idea of more too. A constant internal battle with our minds! When we sat down to make the company we already had more games ideas than we could ever physically make in the first place and we want to bring them to life. Conflicting stuff!

Game 5 and beyond…

Finally, among the many other projects we have going on right now, we’re working on our fifth game, code-named “Game 5”. Because of this our design babies are gestating within that womb of the development world. We’ll have more information on this later in the year hopefully. One thing at a time, my sweet, sweet loves.

Next Thursday we’ll be attending PAX Boston, and will have the first playable versions of CCR on the Switch and PS4 for those of you in attendance. More PAX booth details to come later this week too. Anyway, I’ve been told that typing is something humans weren’t actually meant to be doing at all. Now I have to pretend I’m Tom Hanks in Cast Away in order to even it out.
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