PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

die 360 hat wieder 2 (crappige) exclusives verloren

warriors orochi 1+2 werden als 1 spiel auf ps3 portiert + erweitert

Teaser site opened.

- Contains full WO1 and 2 storyline.
- Benkei who worked under Yoshitsune Minamoto has been revealed as a new character. Plus another character mentioned, but not revealed.
- Dramatic Mode is now fully playable, meaning you can choose your own three characters rather being fixed to choice. Plus new stages are available in this mode.
- Many more storyline stages.
From KoeiWarriors forums.

March 12 in Japan, 7,560 yen.

ist son dynasty warriors spin off,für fans evtl interessant
Neues von Incoginto

Warhawk developer has a successful meeting with Sony Computer Entertainment.

Dylan Jobe of Incognito Entertainment, the folks who brought us Twisted Metal and most recently the online-only Warhawk, has been teasing his Twitter feed with talk of a new meeting with Sony;

"SONY Execs in town today -- Drinking my coffee & getting ready, reviewing notes and finishing up my presentation draft."

Sounds like its time to present a new game concept, or perhaps even the progress of their next PlayStation 3 game. According to Jobe the meetings went great, with the Incognito team and Sony grabbing lunch and beers together afterward. Chummy.

It looks like the team might also be stretching away from online-only (Warhawk's single-player was dropped late in development) and venturing back into a narrative driven single-player, that's if this meeting is anything to go by;

"Just finished an intense story/progression discussion with our game designer -- mentally drained but good results."

Hm, we wonder what the game is.


Riecht nach einem neuen Game. Vielleicht sieht man während der GDC o. der E3 etwas.

Auf der GDC erwarte ich übrigens das Sony MAG präsentieren wird (wie man diese Anzahl an User unterbringen wird etc.).
Gerüchte aus der OPM UK

In this months issue of Official PlayStation Magazine UK there are some very interesting rumors in the Insider Whispers section. Hit the Jump to see what they are:

* EA is holding an auction in which NFL players can bid to be on the front cover of Madden 2010
* Developers are already working on PSP2 games which is tentatively scheduled for released in 2010
* Tetsuya Mizuguchi is looking to make a sequel to REZ
* Square Enix will unveil a ‘Different from FF’ MMO at E3
* A PSP version of Motorstorm is in the works and may release this year
* Monolith is already working on F.E.A.R 3
* Lego Harry Potter is on the way

Leider nix Besonderes dabei. Wobei PSP2 halte ich für 2010 schon für wahrscheinlich.
Rumor report: Ratchet attending GDC?

Insomniac is an incredible developer. They have 2 teams constantly working on seperate projects, and so far have managed to produce 3 full retail games and 1 PSN game in just 2 years for the PS3. And because of their development cycle and their work attitude, we have known a new Ratchet title will hit during 2009.

But while it's been known for quite some time that a new Ratchet game would be coming in 2009, details are still scarce on the title. Rumors have surfaced recently though that Insomniac is hard at work on the new title, and it may even make it's debut at the Game Developers Conference next month. Looking at Insomniac's track record, Resistance 2 was first announced in February 2008, so this rumor may hold some truth.

With GDC set to take place February 18-22, we won't have long to wait. Sony's GDC plate is already packed with God of War III and Uncharted 2 both rumored to be shown as well, and a new Ratchet game would make another very welcomed addition.
ToV kommt für die PS3.

jo stand ja schon in der namco release liste,und wenn sie was unbedeutendes wie eternal sonata ("only on xbox") porten,dann nen main tales teil erst recht
Guten Morgen,

blöde Frage, habe dazu nix gefunden, was ist nun mit dem ICO-Spiel? Wann soll da mal was kommen oder habe ich was verpasst?
Sly Cooper 4 Revealed In Latest PSM Magazine (?)

According to PSXExtreme, the latest issue of PSM Magazine featured an interview with the guys at Sucker Punch, where they revealed that a new Sly Cooper title is on the way. Sucker Punch stated that the game will be shown at E3 for the PlayStation 3 as well as a PSP Sly Cooper.

"The graphics have been majorly overhauled and the gameplay will be more varied and focused this time around. We're aiming for a fully interactive 3-d world, with no loads and seamless interaction between settings and characters."

Thank you Sucker Punch, you've answered my prayers. Now we just need a Final Fantasy VII remake and a Kingdom Hearts III.
Man Sly 4 mit Ps3 Optik - man das wird so fett. Jetzt muss ND noch ein neues Jak bringen nach Uncharted 2 und alle sind glücklich :scan:

Sly4 wurde aber auf der CES von den Entwicklern eh mehr oder weniger bestätigt.
Sly Cooper 4 Revealed In Latest PSM Magazine (?)

Yey Baby, yes Baby, Yes!!!!

Der erste Teil war so erfirschend anders. Ich hatte damals nur die Demo gespielt (OPM Demo) und war so was von geflasht. Grafik einfach nur genial (eines der besten Cel Shading Games damals), dann das Gameplay so komisch anders (MGS meets JnR) und das der geniale Humor. Ich glaube ich sollte die Reihe noch mal spielen.

Auf der E3 wird man es dann sehen? FETTE Scheisse. Ich will mir gar net die Grafik vorstellen ey. Und wenns noch dieses Jahr kommen soll, dann ist es schon echt pervers von Sony.

Sony Weststudios 4tW :scan:
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